Adding Users to Windows Security Group

Before you begin

Add your users to the Windows system.


  1. Do a Windows search and open Computer Management.
    The Computer Management console appears.
  2. In the left-side pane, expand System Tools, and then expand Local Users and Groups.
  3. Select Groups in the system tree.
    The list of all the available groups appear.
  4. Select the group to which you want to add users.
  5. In the right-side pane, select the user > More Actions, and then select Properties.
    The user Properties window appears.
  6. Select Add.
  7. Select the users or groups to add from the listed users or enter the names of the users or groups you want to add in the bottom field.
  8. Select Add.
    Note: To validate the user or group names that you are adding, select Check Names.
  9. When you have added all users to the group, select OK.