Configure Internet Protocol Security (IPSEC)

About this task

Historian supports encryption based on Internet Protocol Security to secure traffic between various Historian components and collectors without the need to use VPN or other security protocols.


  1. Run wf.msc.
    The Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security window appears.
  2. Create a security method:
    1. Select Actions > Properties.
      The Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security on Local Computer window appears.
    2. Select IPsec Settings > Customize.
      The IPsec Defaults window appears.
    3. Under Key exchange (Main Mode), select Advanced > Customize.
      The Customize Advanced Key Exchange Settings window appears.
    4. Select Add.
      The Add Security Method window appears.
    5. Select the algorithms that you want to use for each purpose. The following image shows an example.
      Important: You must provide the same values for all the machines for which you want to configure IP security.
      The security method that you have added appears in the list.
    6. Move the security method that you have added to the top of the list. We recommend that you remove the other methods.
    7. Select OK.
  3. Add integrity and encryption algorithms:
    1. In the Customize IPsec Defaults window, under Data protection (Quick Mode), select Advanced > Customize.
      The Customize Data Protection Settings window appears.
    2. Select the Require encryption for all connection and security rules that use these settings check box.
    3. Under Data integrity and encryption, select Add.
      The Add Integrity and Encryption Algorithms window appears.
    4. Under Protocol, ensure that ESP is selected.
    5. Select the algorithms that you want to use for each purpose, and then select OK.
      The algorithms that you have selected appear in the list.
    6. Move the algorithms to the top of the list. We recommend that you remove the remaining items in the list.
    7. Select OK.
  4. Create a first authentication method:
    1. In the Customize IPsec Defaults window, under Authentication Method, select Advanced > Customize.
      The Customize Advanced Authentication Methods window appears.
    2. Under First authentication methods, select Add.
      The Add First Authentication Method window appears.
    3. Provide the CA certificate that you want to use, and then select OK.
      The certificate that you have provided appears in the list.
    4. Move the certificate to the top of the list. We recommend that you remove the remaining items in the list.
    5. Select OK.
  5. Create a connection security rule:
    For Windows x86, run the following set of commands to create a rule:
    netsh  advfirewall
    add rule name=""<rule name>"" endpoint1=any endpoint2=any protocol=tcp port1=any port2=2010
    For other versions, perform the following steps:
    1. In the Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security window, select Connection Security Rules.
    2. Select Actions > New Rule.
      The New Connection Security Rule Wizard window appears.
    3. Select Custom, and then select Next.
    4. Both for Endpoint 1 and Endpoint 2, select Any IP Address, and then select Next.
    5. Select Require authentication for inbound and outbound connections, and then select Next.
    6. Select Default, and then select Next.
    7. Enter values as described in the following table, and then select Next.
      Field Description
      Protocol type Select TCP.
      Endpoint 1 port Select All Ports.
      Endpoint 2 port Select Specific Ports, and then enter 2010.
    8. Select when to apply the rule, and then select Next.
    9. Enter a name and description for the rule, and then select Finish.
      The rule appears in the Connection Security Rules window.
    10. Ensure that the rule is enabled.
  6. If using Microsoft Windows Server 2019, 2016, 2012 R2 and/or Windows 8, 8.1, open up port number 5000:
    1. In the Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security window, select Inbound Rules.
    2. Select Actions > New Rule.
      The New Inbound Rule Wizard window appears.
    3. Select Custom, and then select Next.
    4. Select All programs, and then select Next.
    5. Enter values as described in the following table, and then select Next.
      Field Description
      Protocol type Select UDP.
      Protocol number Leave the default value as is.
      Local port Select Specific Ports, and then enter 5000.
      Remote port Leave the default value as is.
    6. Both for the local and remote IP addresses, set the scope to Any IP address, and then select Next.
    7. Select Allow the connection, and then select Next.
    8. Select when to apply the rule, and then select Next.
    9. Enter a name and description for the rule, and then select Finish.
      The rule appears in the Inbound Rules window.
    10. Ensure that the rule is enabled.
    IPSEC is now configured on the machine.
  7. Repeat all the steps above on all the machines that host the Historian server and/or its components/clients.
  8. To verify that the IPSEC cryptography is used:
    1. Ensure that the Historian server is running.
    2. Ensure that the collectors are connected to the Historian server, and that the collectors are running.
    3. Specify the tags for data collection. You can do so using Configuration Hub or Historian Administrator.
    4. Verify that the collector is collected data.
    5. On each machine on which you configured IPSEC, run wf.msc.
      The Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security window appears.
    6. Select Monitoring > Security Associations > Main Mode.
      The Main Mode section displays the connection that you have created.