Configure Redundant Collectors and Groups
Before you begin
- Create the collector instances
that you want to use for collector redundancy. All these collectors must be of
the same type.Note: Collector redundancy is not available and supported for the following collectors:
- File Collector.
- Calculation Collector.
- Python Collector.
- Server-to-Server Collector.
- Server-to-Server Distributor.
- OSI PI Collector.
- OSI PI Distributor.
- Create tags in the primary collector.
- If you want to use the values of a watchdog tag as a failover trigger, create the watchdog tag in the primary collector.
About this task
This topic describes how to set up redundancy between two collectors - one primary and the other secondary. You can, however, set up multiple secondary collectors.
- Access Historian Administrator.
Select Collectors.A list of collectors appears.
Select the collector that you want to set as the first collector in your redundant group.
Select Redundancy.
- In the Redundant Collector field, select Enabled, and then select Update.
Select the collector that will be your second collector in your redundant group.
Select Redundancy, and then enter values as described in the following table.
Field Description Redundant Collector Select Enabled. Backup For Select the collector that this collector will back up (in this case, it is the first collector in your redundant group). -
Select Update.
A message appears, asking you to confirm that tags configured for the backup collector will no longer be collected.
Select Yes.
Redundancy is now configured for these two collectors. On the main page, the Redundancy Status of the first collector will be Active and the backup collector, Standby.
To add more collectors to the redundant group: Repeat steps 6 through 9. In the Backup For field, select the collector that backs up the last collector in the group. If you want to have collectors in the redundant group failover when the active collector’s status is unknown, select Enabled in the Collector Status field. Make sure you are browsing and defining the watchdog tag in the principal (or first) collector in your redundant group.