Troubleshooting Failed Logins
The following is a table of error messages, possible causes, and recommended corrective actions for failed logins sometimes experienced with Historian Administrator.
Error Message | Suggested Action |
User does not have authority to read messages. | The user is NOT a member of iH Readers nor a member of the iH Security Admins security groups. To access the Main Page, the user must have read access. |
[07/18/2001 03:00:46.071 PM] USER: DOMAIN1\administrator TOPIC: Security MSG: DOMAIN1\administrator(administrator) unsuccessfully connected at 07/18/2001 03:00:46.071 PM. Not able to establish session to the server from a remote Web-based Clients. Page cannot be displayed. | Error in Internet Explorer. Check network connection or IIS on the server. |
[07/17/2001 07:56:06.950 PM] USER: DataArchiver TOPIC: Security MSG: DataArchiver(DataArchiver) Exceeded number of licensed users at 07/17/2001 07:56:06.950 PM (NumUsers=0 MaxUsers=0) | Outdated or failed HASP key is attached. Obtain new key from technical support. |
[07/17/2001 07:58:18.980 PM] USER: \baduser TOPIC: Security MSG: \baduser(baduser) unsuccessfully connected at 07/17/2001 07:58:18.980 PM. | Bad password for user account. Enter correct password. |
[07/17/2001 07:58:48.712 PM] USER: \administrator TOPIC: Security MSG: \administrator(administrator) unsuccessfully connected at 07/17/2001 07:58:48.712 PM. | DataArchiver service is not running. Results in a Failed to connect to server error. Make sure data archiver service is running and that the user did not enter a bad password. |
[07/17/2001 07:23:44.397 PM] USER: DataArchiver TOPIC: Security MSG: DataArchiver(DataArchiver) Exceeded number of licensed tags at 07/17/2001 07:23:44.397 PM (NumTags=1021 MaxTags=0) Must Shutdown | Number of configured tags exceeds number of tags allowed by the key. Delete enough tags to meet the license limit or obtain a license for more tags from technical support. |
[07/17/2001 07:35:32.134 PM] USER: DataArchiver TOPIC: Security MSG: DataArchiver(DataArchiver) Licensed expired. Must shutdown 07/17/2001 07:35:32.134 PM. To troubleshoot, refer to the DataArchiver.log file. | License on key has expired (archiver will not start). Obtain a new license from technical support. |