Historian Errors and Message Codes

When you review errors and messages, for example, in an Historian archiver log file, full descriptions are usually included. If a number appears instead of a description, use the following table to determine the meaning of the error or message.
Table 1. Historian Error Codes and Messages
Number Description
-32 Operation not permitted
-31 The requested data store was not found
-30 The requested Enumerated Set was not found
-29 A supplied argument is outside the valid range
-28 A supplied argument is NULL
-27 A supplied argument is invalid
-26 Alarms and Events subsystem unreachable
-25 Attempted data delete outside allowed modification interval
-24 Data Retrieval Count Exceeded
-23 Invalid Server Version
-22 Backup Exceeded Space
-21 Calculation Circular Reference
-20 Not Licensed
-19 Duplicate Interface
-18 No Value
-17 License: Invalid License DLL
-16 License: Too Many Users
-15 License: Too Many Tags
-14 Invalid Tagname
-13 Write No Archive Available
-12 Write Outside Active
-11 Archive Read Only
-10 Write Archive Offline
-9 Write in Future
-8 Access Denied
-7 Not Valid User
-6 Duplicate Data
-5 Not Supported
-4 Interface Not Found
-3 Not Connected
-2 API Timeout
0 OK
0 Undefined
1 Connection Successful
2 Connection Unsuccessful
3 Audited Write
4 Audited Write Update
5 Audited Write Out Of Order
6 Audited Write Update Out Of Order
7 Message On Update
8 Message On Update Out Of Order
9 License Library Function Missing
10 License Library Missing
11 Failed Write
12 Tag Added
13 Tag Modified
14 Tag Deleted
15 Interface Added
16 Interface Modified
17 Interface Deleted
18 Archive Added
19 Archive Add Failure Time Overlap
20 Archive Deleted
21 Archive Overwritten
22 Archive Backup Began
23 Archive Backup Failed
24 Archive Backup Completed
25 Archive Five Days Till Closing
26 Archive Three Days Till Closing
27 Archive One Day Till Closing
28 License Key Removed
29 License Max Tags Exceeded
30 License Max Users Exceeded
31 License Max Tags Exceeded Shutdown
32 License Max Users Exceeded Shutdown
33 License Library Invalid
34 Buffer Normal
35 Buffer On Disk
36 Buffer Out Of Space
37 Incomplete Shutdown
38Archive Modified
39 License Expired
40 Buffer Could Not Create
41 Archiver Startup
42 Archiver Shutdown
43 Audit Status Changed
44 Option Modified
45 Write Processing Stopped
46 Write Processing Resumed
47 Interface Status Unknown
48 Archive Closed
49 Interface Stopped
50 Interface Started