Tag Properties for Proficy Historian

This topic provides a list of tag properties that you can define for each tag that you want to extract from Proficy Historian.
Column Name Data Type Description
Name String Enter the name of the tag. A value is required and must be unique.
LocalName String Enter the local name of the tag. A value is required.
RemoteName String Enter the remote name of the tag. This will be used to name the tag after it is imported into Historian. A value is required.
Compression Boolean
  • Enter 1 if you want to enable collector compression.
  • Enter 0 if you do not want to enable collector compression.
DeadbandRange Numeric Enter the collector deadband range (only absolute values, not in percentage).
DeadbandTimeout Numeric Enter the collector compression timeout for the tag.
RequireRescale Boolean
  • Enter 1 if you want to enable scaling, which converts an input data point to an engineering units value.
  • Enter 0 if you do not want to enable scaling.
HiEng Numeric Enter the upper limit in engineering units for the tag.
LowEng Numeric Enter the lower limit in engineering units for the tag.
HiScale Numeric Enter the upper limit for the tag value if scaling is enabled.
LowScale Numeric Enter the lower limit for the tag value if scaling is enabled.