Binding an Application to the Enterprise Connect Instance

About this task

You must bind your application to your Enterprise Connect instance to provision its connection details in the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable. Cloud Foundry runtime uses VCAP_SERVICES environment variable to communicate with a deployed application about its environment.

You can retrieve the following Enterprise Connect instance details from the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable:

  • An enterprise_connect_instance_uri for your instance.

  • HTTP header information to access your Enterprise Connect instance. It includes:

    • http-header-name as Predix-Zone-Id
    • http-header-value
  • An oauth-scope for your instance. The scope is required in the end-user token to access a specific Enterprise Connect instance.

Note: The following steps are performed using the Cloud Foundry CLI. To complete the steps in a web browser, follow the instructions on the service page in the Predix Catalog.


  1. Bind your application to the new Enterprise Connect instance.
    cf bind-service <your_app_name> <enterprise_connect_instance_name>
    The <enterprise_connect_instance_name> instance is bound to your application, and the following message is returned:
    Binding service <enterprise_connect_instance_name> to app <your_app_name> in org predix-platform / space predix as [email protected]...
    TIP: Use 'cf restage' to ensure your env variable changes take effect
  2. Verify the binding:
    cf env <your_app_name>
    Messages that are similar to the following messages are returned:
      "enterprise-connect": [
        "credentials": {
         "admin-token": "
         "ec-info":  {
          "ids":  {
          "trustedIssuerIds": [       
         "service-uri":  "https://<Predix-Zone-Id>"     
         "usage-doc": "",     
         "zone": {      
         "http-header-name": "Predix-Zone-Id",      
         "http-header-value": "<Predix-Zone-Id>",      
         "oauth-scope": "enterprise-connect.zones.<Predix-Zone-Id>.user"
        "label": "enterprise-connect",    
        "name": "hello-world-app-1",    
        "plan": "<plan>",    
        "provider": null,    
        "syslog_drain_url": null,    
        "tags": [],    
        "volume_mounts": []   