Installing Edge on Mac

If you access the Internet through a corporate proxy server, please review the tutorial Define network proxy settings.
Note: It is recommended that non-production images are deployed only in a contained development environment.


  1. Download and extract the files.
  2. If you do not already have VMware Fusion 10 (or later), you can download a trial version from
  3. Right-click the extracted predix_edge_OS.ova file and select Open With > VMware Fusion.
  4. In the Choose an Existing Virtual Machine dialog, ensure the Edge OS image is selected, and click Continue.
  5. In Save As, enter a name for the Edge OS image, and click Save.
    The image is imported.
  6. Click Customize Settings and customize the following settings:
    1. For Processors, Memory and Hard Disk, use the following guideline values:
      Table 1. Minimum and Recommended Virtual Machine Settings
      Setting Minimum Recommended
      Processors/CPUs 1 2
      RAM 1 GB 4 GB
      Hard disk/disk space 8 GB 20 GB*
      * Certain applications will require more than the recommended 20GB, particularly Historian for Linux on Edge. If you are using this application, please consult the Historian requirements for the disk space recommendation for your tag volume.
    2. Network Adapter – Ensure Connect Network Adapter is selected. Select Share with my Mac to connect to your Mac using Network Address Translation (NAT).
    Note: Avoid changing the hardware compatibility level.
    The default IP addresses for the VM's first interface are as follows:
    • VM running Edge OS 2.7.0:
    • VM running Edge OS 2.6.0 and earlier: DHCP
  7. Close the settings and click the Play button to launch Edge.
    If your version of VMware Fusion is relatively recent, you may see a popup dialog asking if you want to upgrade. Select Don't Upgrade.
    Edge OS starts.
  8. For the developer (testing) version of Edge, enter the following credentials:
    • user: root
    • password: root (not required for version 2.10.0 or later)