Configuring Terminal Session Proxies

Instructions for configuring terminal session proxies.

About this task

Set the http_proxy, https_proxy and no_proxy environment variables for your terminal sessions so that http requests and ssh calls from the terminal can resolve correctly behind your company proxy. If you have already configured your proxy environment variables in your bash_profile, you can skip this step.
The following proxy values work robustly across sites and over VPN (which usually requires a different proxy).

Alternatively, consult your local IT administrator for information about the proxy addresses in your location.


  1. Open and append the appropriate values for your GE site into your ~/.bash_profile file by running the following command:
    echo '
    export http_proxy=""
    export https_proxy=""
    export no_proxy="localhost,,"
    ' >> ~/.bash_profile
  2. Once you have added these addresses to the ~/.bas_profile file, you need to either run the following command or open a new terminal session:
    source ~/.bash_profile