Edge Agent on Ubuntu Release Notes 23.02

Host OS Compatibility

  • Ubuntu 18.04-LTS


This release contains the following enhancements.
Volume Mount Restrictions for Docker Compose Files
Volume mount restrictions for Docker compose files have been modified to allow greater flexibility for the container application.
  • Volume type should be volume or tempfs.
  • The source of the volume must be one of:
    • A named volume.
    • Relative to the current working directory and below the current working directory (for example, ./src/volume/path is valid; ./../../etc/passwd and /etc/passwd is not).
  • The destination of the volume must not be one of these reserved values:
    • /config
    • /data
    • /edge-agent
    • /edge-core
    • /shared
Image Name Requirements
Inside an Edge Application's docker-compose.yml file, images can now be pulled from a Docker Trusted Registry (DTR). It is recommended to reference such images by their hash. For example, it is preferred to use image: ubuntu@sha256:26c68657ccce2cb0a31b330cb0be2b5e108d467f641c62e13ab40cbec258c68d instead of image: ubuntu:22.04 because the exact image specified by the 22.04 tag (or any other tag) could change between deployments of your application. For more information see https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/pull/#pull-an-image-by-digest-immutable-identifier.
If you choose to host your images in a different docker registry, they can be referenced in the docker-compose.yml file as well. For example:
     image: myregistry.local:5000/testing/test-image
For more information see https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/pull/#pull-from-a-different-registry. If the registry requires authentication, execute a `docker login` command on your Edge devices before attempting to deploy the app. For more information see Usage.

Known Issues

This release contains the following known issues.
Debian Package Download
Installation from an apt repository is currently unavailable. Please download the Debian package from https://dig-grid-artifactory.apps.ge.com/ui/native/predix-edge-agent-deb/pool/ and follow the Install From Downloaded Package instructions.