Installation Helper Script
The following script automates enrolment of Edge Agent on Debian. It should be run as root so that it has permission to run Edge Agent processes as the eauser and eagateway users.
Note: The script does not modify the system time; enrollment may fail if the clock is not set correctly.
set -e
if [ ! -f $ENROLL_OUTPUT ]; then
if [ ! -f $ENROLL_INPUT ] || jq -e 'any(.[]; . == "")' $ENROLL_INPUT; then
printf "First, make sure you have created your device on Edge Manager, "
printf "and note the 'Device ID' and 'Secret' you used.\n\n"
read -p "Enter the enrollment URL:" url
read -p "Enter the device ID:" ID
read -p "Enter the device secret:" secret
url="$url" ID="$ID" secret="$secret" jq -n \
'{deviceId: env.ID, sharedSecret: env.secret, enrollmentUrl: env.url}' \
echo "Attempting device enrollment..."
if ! su eauser -s /bin/bash -c "/opt/edge-agent/edge-agent-enrollment $ENROLL_INPUT"; then
echo "Enrollment failed"
exit 1
echo "Enrollment succeeded"
echo "Edge Agent is enrolled"