Configure Collector Redundancy
Before you begin
- Create the collector instances
that you want to use for collector redundancy. All these collectors must be of
the same type.Note: Collector redundancy is not available and supported for the following collectors:
- File Collector.
- Calculation Collector.
- Python Collector.
- Server-to-Server Collector.
- Server-to-Server Distributor.
- OSI PI Collector.
- OSI PI Distributor.
- Create tags in the primary collector.
- If you want to use the values of a watchdog tag as a failover trigger, create the watchdog tag in the primary collector.
About this task
This topic describes how to set up redundancy between two collectors - one primary and the other secondary. You can, however, set up multiple secondary collectors.
- Access Configuration Hub.
In the NAVIGATION section, under the Configuration Hub plugin for Historian, select Collectors.
A list of collectors appears.
For the primary collector, in the DETAILS section, under REDUNDANCY, switch the Redundant Collector toggle. And then, in the upper-left corner of the page, select Save.
Redundancy is enabled for the primary collector.
Repeat the previous step for the secondary collector.
Redundancy is enabled for the secondary collector.
For the secondary collector, in the DETAILS section, under REDUNDANCY, in the Backup For field, select the primary collector, and then select Save.
The secondary collector is configured as a backup for the primary collector.Note: If you want to add another collector in the redundancy group, in the Backup For field, select the secondary collector.
If you want to manually trigger a failover, perform the following steps. Or, if you want to configure automatic triggers, skip to the next step.
- Select the collector that you want to make active.
- In the DETAILS section, under REDUNDANCY, in the Make Active Collector field, select Active Collector.
For the secondary collector, in the DETAILS section, under REDUNDANCY FAILOVER TRIGGERS, enter values as described in the following table, and then select Save.
Field Description Collector Status Switch the toggle if you want to trigger failover when the primary collector stops collecting data. Watchdog Tag Select , and then select the tag whose values you want to use as a trigger.
Note: The watchdog tag must be in the primary collector.Failover on Bad Quality Switch the toggle if you want to trigger failover when bad data is collected for the watchdog tag. Failover on value Specify whether you want to trigger a failover if the value of the watchdog tag is non-zero. You can use this option only if you have not used the No Value change interval field. No Value change interval Enter the duration in seconds after which you want to trigger a failover if the values of the watchdog tag do not change for the specified duration. You can use this option only if you have not used the Failover on value field. The failover triggers are configured. As soon as any of these conditions are satisfied, the secondary collector becomes active and collects data.