Install Common Components

This topic describes how to install Configuration Hub and Proficy Authentication from an integrated installer.

Before you begin

You must be an Administrator to perform these steps.

About this task

You can install the common components, Configuration Hub and Proficy Authentication, from any of these install packages:
  • Dedicated installer for Operations Hub
  • iFIX integrated installer
  • CIMPLICITY integrated installer

In the following steps, we run the iFIX integrated installer to install the common components. You can refer to these steps while installing from any other install package.


  1. Select Common Components > START.
  2. Accept the license agreement to continue with the install.
    The Install Location screen appears and validates for port conflicts.
  3. Continue to the next screen with the default install location.

    If port conflicts are detected, you must fix them before proceeding to the next screen.

    If there are no conflicts, the Credentials screen for Configuration Hub and Proficy Authentication appears.
  4. Complete the following and proceed to the next screen.
    Note: Remember the information you enter here, as you shall need it later for logging in to the applications. If you lose the credentials, you will have to reinstall common components to set them up again.
    1. Create these login credentials for Configuration Hub:
      CLIENT ID Enter a client id, which you can use to login to the Configuration Hub application.

      For example, admin

      CLIENT SECRET Enter a secret password for your Configuration Hub client id.
      CONFIRM CLIENT SECRET Enter the secret password again to confirm.
    2. Create these login credentials for Proficy Authentication:
      Use the same credentials for Configuration Hub and Proficy Authentication If you select this check box, then you do not have to enter any additional credentials for Proficy Authentication. The login credentials you entered for Configuration Hub is automatically applied to Proficy Authentication.

      This is a useful feature if you do not want to remember two sets of login credentials.

      However, if you want to set unique login credentials for Proficy Authentication, then clear the check box and proceed to enter additional details.

      Note: It is recommended to install common components (Configuration Hub, Proficy Authentication) with the same client id/secret.
      CLIENT ID Enter a client id, which you can use to login to the Proficy Authentication application.
      CLIENT SECRET Enter a secret password for your Proficy Authentication client id.
      CONFIRM CLIENT SECRET Enter the secret password again to confirm.
    The Start Install screen appears.
  5. Select START to start installing the products.
  6. After the installation is complete, select CLOSE.
    A message appears asking whether you want to restart your computer, or install more products.
    Select from these options:
    Install More Products You are redirected to the installation welcome screen, from where you can choose to install more applications.
    Reboot Later Closes the installation setup screen without restarting your computer.
    Reboot Now Restarts your computer.
    Note: You must reboot for applications to function properly. You may choose to do this after installing all the applications, or at a later time.