Common Message Format Configuration

Configuration Hub allows you to manage your iFIX alarm message format from the Alarms panel.

Overview of Alarm Message Format Configuration

To access Alarm Message Format Configuration:

  1. From the Navigation panel, select your node, iFIX project, and then Alarms.
  2. Click Configuration and scroll to the Common Message Format section. The Common Message Format settings appear as shown in the following figure.

Details of Alarm Message Format Configuration

The following table describes the settings for the common message format fields.

Field Description
Reset to Defaults button Select this button to reset the settings back to the defaults.
Date The default is 10.
Time The default is 10.
Node The default is 10.
Tagname The default is 30.
Alarm Type The default is 7.
Value The default is 13.
Unit The default is 4.
Message Length The Message Length field allows you to specify the maximum number of characters that the printer can support. Valid entries are from 1-132. The default is 132.
Current Length

The Current Length field displays the number of characters that the printer currently supports.