Prerequisites for Installing Operations Hub with External Proficy Authentication

This topic describes how to install Operations Hub with external Proficy Authentication in a high available environment.

Before you begin

Set up a high available environment. See Configure High Availability for Proficy Authentication.

About this task

These steps apply for installing Operations Hub with external Proficy Authentication. The steps include mandatory changes prior to installing Operations Hub on any highly available server.


  1. Log in to the node server where you want to install Operations Hub.
  2. Open a browser and enter /securityadministrationapp/
  3. Select the lock icon next to the web address, and then select Connection is secure.
  4. Select Certificate is valid.
    The issued certificate appears.
  5. Select Certificate Path > View Certificate.
  6. Select Details > Copy to File.
    The Certificate Export Wizard appears.
  7. Select Next.
  8. Select Base-64 encoded X.509 (.CER), and select Next.
  9. Browse and specify the file location, and select Next.
  10. Select Finish.
  11. Rename Uaa_certificate.crt to Uaa_certificate.pem.
  12. Run Operations Hub installation setup, and provide these details for external Proficy Authentication fields:
    Proficy Authentication Base URL
    Admin Client ID admin
    Admin Client Secret Gei@321itc


Operations Hub is installed successfully.