Modify a Collector Instance

This topic describes how to modify a collector instance using Configuration Hub. You can also modify a collector instance using the RemoteCollectorConfigurator utility, which does not require you to install Web-based Clients.
  • If the status of a collector instance in unknown, you cannot modify it.
  • You cannot modify the instance of an offline collector.
  1. Access Historian in Configuration Hub.
  2. In the NAVIGATION section, select Collectors.
    A list of collectors appears.
    Tip: You can filter the collectors by the system name.
  3. Select the collector instance that you want to modify.
    The details of the collector appear in the DETAILS section.
    Tip: If the DETAILS section does not appear, in the upper-right corner of the page, select , and then select Details.
  4. As needed, modify values in the available fields.
    Note: You cannot modify the destination of a collector.
  5. In the upper-left corner of the page, select Save.
    The changes to the collector instance are saved.
    Note: For collectors earlier than version 9.0:
    • You cannot modify the details in the INSTANCE CONFIGURATION section.
    • Some of the details, such as the collector type, do not appear.
  6. If a icon appears next to the collector name in the main section, right-click the collector (or select ), and then select Restart.
    The changes to the collector instance are saved.