Application Bar

Configuration Hub has a common toolbar always at the top of the IDE. From this toolbar you can close and open the common panels (Navigation and Details) as well as access the Help and the User actions like Logout.

When configuring an iFIX Node, a Save and Publish button also appear in this toolbar.

Item Description
Use this button to push any locally saved changes to the iFIX server. This button is not applicable to Historian, and does not display on the Historian toolbar.
Click to save your changes locally. These changes will not get pushed to the iFIX server until you click the Publish button. This button is not applicable to Historian, and does not display on the Historian toolbar.
Click to access the online help.
Use this button to open or close a Navigation or Details panel.

Click to select Logout. This will end the current user session and load the launch page to select another plug-in. From a single browser session, a user can log into only one plugin at a time. For example, a user can log in to an iFIX node or Historian one.