Concurrency Management

One of the advantages to a browser-based tool is that more than one user can access the system at the same time. Configuration Hub supports this generally with some of the following considerations:


  • Working on one plugin has no overlap with working on a different plugin in terms of different users overwriting each others work.


  • An iFIX node can only ever have one active database, so changes resulting from the Publish operation to the running database will be reflected across every browser session.
  • The Unpublished changes on any given node are common to all browser sessions accessing that node. So a user on one browser adding tags, importing tags, modifying, and adding to the model and so on will affect what a user in a different browser session working on the same node will see. For example, if one user imports 1000 tags into the database, a second user looking at the same Database panel will see those tags appear in their panel even though they have not yet been published to the running iFIX SCADA system.
  • If a user is in the middle of changing anything in iFIX that requires a "Save" operation, they will be prompted to save and refresh if the database is changed from any other source.
  • Generally, you should avoid importing from more than one session at the same time. Though this is supported from the Data panel, it will slow down performance drastically to have multiple imports happening simultaneously.


  • Changes resulting from a Publish operation will be reflected across every browser session.
  • If an item is changed from any other source while a user is in the middle of making a change in Historian that requires a "Save" operation, the user will be prompted to save and refresh.