Known Issues and Limitations

The following limitations apply to using Configuration Hub:

  • Multiple users can log into the same server and make changes, but they must be different browser sessions.
  • Only the following browsers were tested for use with Configuration Hub and iFIX: Google® Chrome, Microsoft® Edge based on Chromium, Mozilla® Firefox, or Apple® Safari (MAC OS only).
    Note: Sometimes the MAC OS cannot resolve the system name. In this case, update the hosts file. Also, on the MAC OS, you will be required to manually install the Configuration Hub root certificate.
  • From a single browser session, a user can log into only one plugin at a time. For example, an iFIX node or Historian one.
  • For iFIX, you can only run Configuration Hub from a running SCADA node. View nodes/iClients will not be able to login to Configuration Hub.
  • For Historian, if only one machine remains in a mirror group, you cannot remove it.
  • If you install Configuration Hub and the Historian Web Admin console on the same machine, and use self-signed certificates for both of them, the login page for Configuration Hub does not appear. To prevent this issue, disable the domain security policies:
    1. Access the following URL: chrome://net-internals/#hsts
    2. In the Domain Security Policy section, in the Delete domain security policies field, enter the domain name for Configuration Hub, and then select Delete.
  • Configuration Hub cannot be installed on computers with machine names containing non-English characters.
  • Configuration Hub will display the number formats and strings as they appear on SCADA or Historian Server node. Changing the browser language will not have impact on the appearance of this data.
  • In the Connections Panel, group parameters do not support regional number formatting.
  • Only English alphanumeric characters values and the following symbols are supported in the client ID and client secret fields: "-><~!@#$%^&*?|"