Access Configuration Hub

Before you begin

Perform the tasks outlined in About Setting up Configuration Hub.


  1. When using Cloud Historian with Windows Configuration Hub (with web-based clients), or when using containerized Configuration Hub (deployed with Cloud Historian) access thru URL.
    The Configuration Hub login page appears.
  2. Depending on whether you want to use Proficy Authentication or custom authentication, select the appropriate tab. If custom authentication is not applicable, skip this step.
    Note: For instructions on setting up authentication, refer to
  3. Select the Configuration Hub node that you want to access, and then select Continue to Login.
    The Proficy Authentication login page appears.
    If you cannot access the login page, start the GE Operations Hub Httpd Reverse Proxy and the Data Archiver services.
  4. Log in with your credentials. The default user name for Configuration Hub is: ihCloudHistAdmin (user name is case sensitive); the password was defined during deployment.
    The Configuration Hub application appears, displaying the following sections:
    • The Navigation section: Contains a list of systems that you have added. In addition, it helps you navigate to the Collectors and Tags sections. You can also access Proficy Authentication to create users and groups.
    • The main section: Displays content based on your selection in the NAVIGATION section. For example,if you select a Historian system, you can access a list of servers in the system. You can also navigate to the system statistics as shown in the following image.
    • The Details section: Contains the details of the item selected in the main section. For example, If you select a system, you can view the description of the system, and add data stores using the Details section.

What to do next

Set up a stand-alone system.