Common Tasks in Configuration Hub

Task Procedure
Show or hide the Navigation or the Details section.
  1. In the upper-right corner of the page, select .
  2. Select the check boxes for the sections that you want to show.
Show or hide columns in a table.
Note: You cannot hide some of the columns (for example, the COLLECTOR NAME column).
  1. In the upper-right corner of the table, select .

    The Table Settings window appears.

  2. Select the check boxes in the SHOW COLUMN column, and then select Apply.
Reorder columns in a table.
Note: You cannot reorder some of the columns.
  1. In the upper-right corner of the table, select .

    The Table Settings window appears.

  2. Use the arrow buttons in the RE-ORDER column, and then select Apply.
Refresh a page/table. In the upper-right corner of the main section or a table, select .
Select multiple tags or clear the selection.
  • To select multiple tags, select the check boxes corresponding to the tags as needed.

    Alternatively, to select all the available tags, select the check box in the upper-left corner of table header.

Navigate through grids in a page When there are more than 100 rows in a grid, page numbers are enabled at the bottom-right corner. You can use these page numbers to navigate through the grid and access other available rows.

In addition to this, you can also see a grid's count (both total and selected).