Install CIMPLICITY using Proficy Installer
The CIMPLICITY Proficy installer enables you to install various CIMPLICITY setups, from viewer to Historian configurations, along with other supported products. You only need to download the installer once and install all the products necessary to support your CIMPLICITY project. Additionally, you can register your CIMPLICITY node as a plug-in in Configuration Hub during the installation, saving you time by eliminating the need for additional registration tasks after installing CIMPLICITY. However, you still need to perform tasks such as creating a project in CIMPLICITY and more.
What is a CIMPLICITY Plug-in?
A CIMPLICITY plug-in with Configuration Hub represents a CIMPLICITY server node. Using the CIMPLICITY plug-in, you can browse your CIMPLICITY project's OPC UA devices, and MQTT devices in Configuration Hub, which operates as a web-based application.
How Can I register my CIMPLICITY Node as a Plug-in with Configuration Hub?
You can register a CIMPLICITY node as a plug-in either during the installation, also called as the Install Time Registration method, or post installation, also called as the Central Registration method. For more information on the CIMPLICITY plug-in, supported registration types, and the different registration methods, refer to About CIMPLICITY Plug-in with Configuration Hub.
Supported Setup for CIMPLICITY Plug-in Registration
Components | Version |
Configuration Hub | 2024 |
Proficy Authentication | 2024 |
All the three components can be on the same machine, or the components can be installed on three different machines. However, both CIMPLICITY and Configuration Hub must use the same Proficy Authentication.
Installing CIMPLICITY:
- Mount the downloaded CIMPLICITY ISO media.
- From the ISO folder, double-click Setup.bat.
The installer welcome screen appears, listing all the available packages that you can install as needed.
- To install the CIMPLICITY server, select the package as needed and click START.
- SCADA Standalone Server
- SCADA with Remote Historian
- SCADA with Tracker
The Review License Agreement screen appears.
- Read the license agreement and click ACCEPT.
The Install Location screen appears and validates for port conflicts.
- Leave the default location, or browse and select a location for installation, then
continue to the next screen.
If there are port conflicts, the installer resolves the conflict and provides you the link to view the newly used ports.
The Registration with Configuration Hub screen appears. -
On this screen you can register CIMPLICITY plug-in with Configuration Hub, provided, you have already installed Configuration Hub 2024 and Proficy Authentication 2024, either locally or remotely.
How do I decide if I can continue registering CIMPLICITY plug-in with Configuration Hub?
If you are new to the CIMPLICITY plug-in and Configuration Hub, or if you are interested to know more before you decide the registration method, it is recommended that you refer to CIMPLICITY plug-in registration use cases, or if you are already aware of CIMPLICITY plug-in and you need a quick guidance to decide the registration method, you can see the below image.
- If you decided to register CIMPLICITY plug-in with Configuration Hub, provide the
following Configuration Hub and Proficy Authentication details:
In the Configuration Hub section, enter the following details:
Field Description BASE URL Enter a valid base URL in the following format https://hostname:<port number>/configurationhub.
- hostname: The hostname of the Configuration Hub server to which you want to register.
- <port number>: The port number of the Configuration Hub server to which you want to register.
- Do not enter a slash at the end of the base URL.
- If the base URL indicates
Not trusted, it means there is no trust established with the host, or the root certificate of Configuration Hub server is incorrect. You must verify the base URL and enter a valid URL to establish the trust
with the host and with the correct root certificate details.
ADMIN CLIENT ID The admin client ID of the Configuration Hub server that you provided during the Configuration Hub installation. ADMIN CLIENT SECRET The admin client secret of the Configuration Hub server that you provided during the Configuration Hub installation. In the Proficy Authentication section, enter the following details:
Field Description Use Configuration Hub Authentication Credentials Select this check box if you used the same credentials for both Configuration Hub and Proficy Authentication during installation. BASE URL Enter a valid base URL in the following format https://hostname:<port number>/uaa.
- hostname: The hostname of the Proficy Authentication server to which you want to register. In the <Fully Qualified Domain Name> format.
- <port number>: The port number of the Proficy Authentication server to which you want to register.
- Do not enter a slash at the end of the base URL.
- If the base URL indicates
Not trusted, it means there is no trust established with the host, or the root certificate of Proficy Authentication server is incorrect. You must verify the base URL and enter a valid URL to establish the trust
with the host and with the correct root certificate details.
ADMIN CLIENT ID The admin client ID of the Proficy Authentication server. ADMIN CLIENT SECRET The admin client secret of the Proficy Authentication server. - Select Validate.
If the provided details are correct, the next screen appears based on the installation packages that you selected.
If you decided to register the CIMPLICITY plug-in later, select the Skip this step to continue with installation and register later with utility check box, and complete the installation. You can register the CIMPLICITY plug-in using the central registration method. - If you decided to register CIMPLICITY plug-in with Configuration Hub, provide the
following Configuration Hub and Proficy Authentication details:
- Based on the selected package, you will be prompted to enter details pertaining to the
products selected in that package. You can follow the installation screen to complete the
installation. However, you can refer the below table that briefly explains about all the
packages and their details.
Package Description Products Available Details that you must provide while Installation Common Components Common Components are shared centralized services for all Proficy products. The common components should be installed once for your system running Proficy products on the same network. - Configuration Hub
- Proficy Authentication
- Local License Server
- License Server Tool
In the Credentials screen, you will be prompted to enter the following details: - Configuration Hub
- CLIENT ID- Enter a client id, which you can use to login to the
Configuration Hub application.
For example,
- CLIENT SECRET- Enter a secret password for your Configuration Hub client id.
- CLIENT ID- Enter a client id, which you can use to login to the
Configuration Hub application.
- Proficy Authentication
- CLIENT ID- Enter a client id, which you can use to login to the Proficy Authentication application.
- CLIENT Secret- Enter a secret password for your Proficy Authentication client id.
Note: If you want your Client ID and Client Secret to be same as the Configuration Hub Client Id and Client Secret, you can select Use the same credentials for Configuration Hub and Proficy Authentication
SCADA Client Select this option when you are intending to run CIMPLICITY as a client and Proficy Webspace. - SCADA Viewer
- Historian Client Tools
- Proficy Webspace
- Operations Hub
If you are prompted to enter Operations Hub details, see the SCADA Standalone Server row below. SCADA Standalone Server Select this option when you are intending to run CIMPLICITY, Historian, Proficy Webspace, Operations Hub, and other components on one server. You can install Operations Hub and other products not included in this package separately post installing this package.
- Historian Client Tools
- Historian Server
- Historian Collectors
- Industrial Gateway Server (IGS)
- HMI for CNC
- Alarm Cast
- Proficy Webspace
- Operations Hub
In the Historian details screen, you will be prompted to enter the following details if you have Historian Installed: - HISTORIAN SERVER- IP address or hostname in a fully qualified domain name format.
- Windows username and password of the default historian server to which the Remote Collector manager will connect.
- Historian data path- Path to install Historian Server.Note: You will be prompted with the Historian details only if you selected Historian product.
In the Historian details screen, you will be prompted to enter the following details if you have not installed Historian server:
- Enable Historian services security- select this if you want to set up security
while installation.
- CERTIFICATE PASSPHRASE- Enter a passphrase for the certificate generation.
In the Operations Hub Details screen, you will be prompted with the following details:
- Username- Enter a user name, which you can use to login to the Operations
Hub application.
For example,
- Password- Enter a password for your Operations Hub user login.
Configuration Hub
- Register After Install- If you select this check box, then you can skip
registering Operations Hub with the Configuration Hub application for now. You
will then need to register after the current Operations Hub installation using
the application shortcut on the Desktop. Refer to Register Operations Hub with
Configuration Hub, in the Operations Hub online help..
If you choose to register along with the current Operations Hub installation, then leave this check box blank and proceed to provide more details.
- BASE URL- Enter the url address to access the Configuration Hub
For example,
- CLIENT ID- Enter the url address to access the Configuration Hub
For example,
- CLIENT SECRET- Enter the secret password created for your Configuration Hub client id.
Proficy Authentication
- Use Locally Installed Proficy Authentication- If you select this check box,
then the local instance of Proficy Authentication will be used. If you want to
use an external Proficy Authentication (UAA), then leave this check box blank
and proceed to provide more details.Note: Prior to Operations Hub installation, you must have a local or remote instance of Proficy Authentication installed. The Operations Hub installation will not be allowed to continue if you select Use Locally Installed Proficy Authentication and it is not detected.
- BASE URL- Enter the url address to access the Proficy Authentication
For example,
- ADMIN CLIENT ID- Enter the administrator client id to login to Proficy
For example,
- ADMIN CLIENT SECRET- Enter the secret password for the Proficy Authentication administrator client id.
SCADA with Remote Historian Select this option when you are intending to run CIMPLICITY with Historian on a remote server and Proficy Webspace. - SCADA
- Historian Client Tools
- Historian Collectors
- Industrial Gateway Server (IGS)
- HMI for CNC
- Alarm Cast
- Proficy Webspace
- Operations Hub
You will be prompted to enter Historian details and Operations Hub details. For more information, see the SCADA Standalone Server row above. SCADA with Tracker Select this option when you are intending to run CIMPLICITY with Tracker, Historian, Operations Hub on the server. - SCADA
- Tracker
- Historian Client Tools
- Historian Server
- Historian Collectors
- Proficy Webspace
- Operations Hub
You will be prompted to enter Historian details and Operations Hub details. For more information, see the SCADA Standalone Server row above. Historian Server Select this option when you are intending to run Historian on a different server than CIMPLICITY SCADA. Historian Server You will be prompted to enter Historian details. For more information, see the SCADA Standalone Server row above. Operations Hub Select this option when you are intending to run Operations Hub on the server. Operations Hub You will be prompted to enter Operations Hub details. For more information, see the SCADA Standalone Server row above. MQTT Client MQTT Client enables you to connect the SCADA/HMI clients with MQTT Brokers to communicate with the IoT devices in the plant. Note: Configuration of MQTT Client requires Configuration Hub to be installed in the SCADA network.MQTT Client For more information, see MQTT Client. - Select Next.
- In the Confirm Install screen, select START.Note: If you selected Operations Hub, in the Confirm Install screen, you will be displayed with the following options:
- Silent Install- Select this option if you want to run a silent installation of products without any further user interaction or input.
- Interactive Install- Select this option if you want to customize additional settings.
- After the installation is complete, select CLOSE.
A message appears asking whether you want to restart your computer, or install more products.
Select Reboot Now to restart your computer.
If you selected to register CIMPLICITY plug-in with Configuration Hub, when you reboot your machine and log into Configuration Hub, the CIMPLICITY plug-in will appear in the Navigation pane, as shown in the image below. You can use your CIMPLICITY plug-in. For more information, refer to Overview of the CIMPLICITY plug-in within Configuration HubNote: To access the plug-in, you must have the SCADA.COMPUTER@[NodeName].$CONFIGSECGRP scope published to Proficy Authentication. By default, all the needed scopes are added to the ch_admin user..