Runtime Data

The validation process is also required to maintain some statistics about the performance. The following table gives the list of the elements of the statistics point.

Index Field Description
0 MODIFY_MASK Collection of bits giving information about the validation process just completed. Details of the bits are given in the following table.
1 TOTAL_VALIDATIONS Number of times the region validation is triggered.
2 INVALID_COUNT Current 'Region Invalid' count. Region is Invalid if this count is greater than 0.
3 TOTAL_INVALID Number of times the region has become invalid
4 TOTAL_DBL_TRIGGER Number of times the region is double triggered (Triggered multiple times, with the same read while the head is validated)
5 TOTAL_MISMATCH Number of times head of the region did not match the reader value
6 CONS_MISMATCH Consecutive mismatch count
7 TOTAL_NOREAD Number of times region validation is triggered with no new read.
8 CONS_NOREAD Consecutive no read count