The first element of the statistics point contains information about the validation process just performed. This information is in the form of bits that are described below.

Bit Field Description
0 HEAD_ITEM_VALID The Head Item of the region was valid when the point was set.
1 TOTAL_VALIDATIONS_MOD Statistics array point's value at index 1 has been modified
2 INVALID_COUNT_MOD Statistics array point's value at index 2 has been modified
3 TOTAL_BECOMING_INVALID_MOD Statistics array point's value at index 3 has been modified
4 TOTAL_DOUBLE_TRIGGERS_MOD Statistics array point's value at index 4 has been modified
5 TOTAL_MISMATCH_MOD Statistics array point's value at index 5 has been modified
6 CONSECUTIVE_MISMATCH_MOD Statistics array point's value at index 6 has been modified
7 TOTAL_NOREAD_MOD Statistics array point's value at index 7 has been modified
8 CONSECUTIVE_NOREAD_MOD Statistics array point's value at index 8 has been modified
27 RESERVED_READ Read is ignored (reserved read starting with a $).
28 STATS_RESET Statistics point has been reset
29 NEW_ITEM Item not found in the current PRT Service, and a new item has been created
30 REORDER Region has been validated by reordering the region.
31 MOVE Region has been validated by moving an item from another region.