Catalog Items
Catalog Items
The information in this section of the documentation is intended to serve as a quick reference to details that are provided elsewhere in the specific Rounds instructions.
The subfolders contain items that are intended to be used by GE Digital APM users, either before or after data has been transferred from a device to GE Digital APM.
Dashboards Folder
The following table lists the dashboards that are stored in the Catalog location \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Operator Rounds\Dashboards. The table lists the dashboards by name. The dashboard name and caption are the same.
Dashboard Name | Behavior and Usage |
OPR Dashboard | Displays information related to Rounds through various widgets |
Rounds Data Collection | Displays content used on the baseline RDC Overview page |
Rounds Designer | Displays content used on the baseline RD Overview page |
Graphs Subfolder | |
Compliance | Displays the checkpoint compliance (excluding conditional checks) |
Route Completion | Displays Readings Taken vs. Expected on Completed Routes. The x-axis displays the date on which the route was marked done. The y-axis displays the percentage of route completion. |
Graphs Folder
The following table lists the graphs that are stored in the Catalog location \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Operator Rounds\Graphs. The table lists the graphs by name. The graph name and caption are the same.
Item Name | Item Type | Behavior and Usage |
Checkpoint Schedule Compliance | Query | Returns the compliance data (that is, percent of compliant/non-compliant/skipped readings) for the last 31 days for a given piece of equipment, excluding conditional checks |
Checkpoint Schedule Compliance (excluding conditional checks) | Graph | Displays the results of the Checkpoint Schedule Compliance query in a stacked column chart |
Measurement Location Schedule Compliance | Query | Returns the compliance data (that is, percent of compliant/non-compliant/skipped readings) for the last 31 days for a given piece of equipment, excluding conditional checks |
Measurement Location Schedule Compliance (excluding conditional checks) | Graph | Displays the results of the Measurement Location Schedule Compliance query in a stacked column chart |
Trend of Readings Plot | Graph | Displays a plot of reading values |
Operator Rounds Queries Folder
The following table lists the queries that are stored in the Catalog location \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Operator Rounds\Queries. The queries are listed by name in the table. The query name and caption are the same unless otherwise noted.
Query | Behavior and Usage |
Aging Query - Oracle | Returns Measurement Locations that are overdue |
Aging Query - SQL Server | Returns Measurement Locations that are overdue |
All Lubricants | Returns the list of Lubricant records that is displayed in the Lubricants list on the RD Overview page |
Allowable Values | This query is used to view and allow updates for Operator Rounds Allowable Values |
AllTemplates | Returns all Measurement Location Template records. This query is used to populate the picklist for Template field on datasheets for the Measurement Location family. |
Asset Context Filter | This query is used to select a particular asset context from Asset Hierarchy |
Last 30 Days Dates | This subquery is used to return the dates of the last 30 days |
LRs From LRT | Returns the Lubrication Requirement records that were created from a given Lubrication Requirement Template record |
LRT For LRs | Returns the Lubrication Requirement Template details to update existing Lubrication Requirements |
Measurement Location Template | Returns details for a single Measurement Location Template record |
MLs From MLT | Returns the ML records that were created from a given Measurement Location Template record and provides content for the Update Existing MLs page |
MLT For MLs | Returns the ML template details to update existing Measurement Locations and provides content for the Update Existing MLs page |
Most Recent Reading | Returns a list the most recent readings. This query is used by the Measurement Locations in the Alert query |
Non-Compliant CPs |
Returns non-compliant readings. If you need to modify this query, you may append additional columns, but the existing columns must remain in their original order to ensure that Compliance Tracking functions as expected. |
Non-Compliant CPs With Duplicate Readings |
Returns the Entity Keys of checkpoints with duplicate non-compliant readings. This query supports the Non-Compliant CPs query. If you need to modify this query, you may append additional columns, but the existing columns must remain in their original order to ensure that Compliance Tracking functions as expected. |
Operator Rounds Recommendations - Conditional Alert | Returns all of the Operator Rounds Recommendation records that have been created since the previous day |
OPR Recommendation Geolocation | Returns readings for a Route on a map. This query is also a sub-query used by the Route Geolocation Data query. |
Readings Geolocation data | Returns readings for a Route on a map. This query is also a sub-query used by the Route Geolocation Data query. |
Route Geolocation Data | Returns the Route geolocation data that is saved for readings, recommendations, and photos. This query can be used to view Route geolocation data on a map. |
Route Management | Returns existing Routes |
Route Management Configuration | This query is used to configure the Route Management screen |
Template Management | Returns existing templates |
Template Uniqueness |
This query is used by the GE Digital APM system to determine if the value you entered in the Template ID field in the Measurement Location Template record is already used by a different Measurement Location Template record. |
Update Allowable Values |
Returns BDF with selected values. This query is used by the Allowable Values query. |
Update Measurement Locations from MLT | Returns the Measurement Location records that were created from a given Measurement Location Template record |
Dashboard Queries Subfolder | |
Active Recommendations | Returns all the active Recommendations (with state created) related to the Measurement Locations filtered by the related Route and Asset |
Completed Reading Count | Returns the count of the completed readings filtered by the Route, asset (Equipment/Functional Location), Start Date, and End Date |
Completed Reading Count AC | Returns the count of the completed readings filtered by the Asset Context |
Compliance | Returns the count of the completed and non-compliant readings filtered by the Route, Asset (Equipment/functional Location), Start Date, and End Date. This query uses two existing queries to find the counts and joins them. |
Compliance AC | Returns the count of the completed and non-compliant readings filtered by the Asset |
Compliance Percentage | Returns the percentage of completed readings from the completed and non-compliant readings |
Compliance Percentage AC | Returns the percentage of completed readings from the Reading taken and non-compliant reading |
MLAHI | Returns the health indicator alert level for all of the Measurement Locations under the selected route. This query also filters results based on the asset chosen and displays the health indicator alert for the selected assets. When both the filters are selected, the health indicator alert is shown for the health indicators which are linked to Measurement Locations under the selected route and linked to the selected asset. |
Non-compliance Reading Count | Returns the count of the non-compliant readings filtered by the Route, Asset (Equipment/functional Location), Start Date, and End Date |
Non-compliance Reading Count AC | Returns the count of the non-compliant readings filtered by the Asset Context |
OPR Parameters Query | Returns the same values that the user enters. This query is used in the parameter widget on the OPR dashboard. |
Overdue Measurement Locations | Returns all Measurement Locations that are overdue (Next Date has passed) and filters them by related Route and Asset |
Route Completion | Returns the number of Routes completed each day, based on Route History, and the number of Routes expected to be completed |
Route Completion Percentage | Returns the percentage of Routes completed each day based on the number of Routes expected to be completed |
Graph Queries Subfolder | |
Trend of Readings | Displays a trend of reading values compared against the limit levels |
ML Administration Queries | |
Readings | Displays details about all of the readings linked to a specified Measurement Location |
Readings-Oracle | Displays details about all of the readings linked to a specified Measurement Location when using an Oracle database |
Recommendations | Displays details about all of the Operator Rounds recommendations linked to a specified Measurement Location |
Stored Ref Docs | Displays details about all of the reference documents linked to a specified Measurement Location |
Report Queries Subfolder | |
Measurement Location Data Capture |
Displays a prompt asking you to select a Route record, and then returns all Measurement Location records that are linked to the selected Route record, sorted by the sequence number from the Measurement Location records |
Measurement Location In Alert |
Displays Measurement Location records whose last reading value entered on the device triggered an alert. Each row represents a Measurement Location record. In each row, you can select the hyperlink to view the Route record to which the Measurement Location record is linked, the Measurement Location record, and the Trend of Readings Plot graph. Note: This query works on a SQL Server database only. To see the query results on an Oracle schema, use the query Measurement Locations in Alert - Oracle.
Measurement Location in Alert - Oracle | Displays the same results as the query Measurement Locations in Alert. This query, however, works on an Oracle schema only. |
Overdue Measurement Locations | Displays Overdue Measurement Locations |
Overdue Measurement Locations - Oracle | Displays Overdue Measurement Locations. This query, however, works on an Oracle schema only. |
Operator Rounds Reports Folder
The following tables lists the reports that are stored in the Catalog location \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Operator Rounds\Reports. The reports are listed by name in the table. The report name and caption are the same unless otherwise noted.
Report | Behavior and Usage |
Lubrication Requirement Data Capture | Displays a prompt asking for a Route record, and then displays a formatted version of the results from the Lubrication Requirement Data Capture query for the selected Route record. You can print this report and record reading values at the associated checkpoint. A link to this report appears on the Lubrication Management Reports page. |
Measurement Location Data Capture | Displays a prompt asking you to select a Route record, and then displays a formatted version of the results from the Measurement Location Data Capture query for the selected Route record |
Measurement Location In Alert |
Displays a formatted version of the results from the Measurement Location In Alert query. Note: This report works on a SQL Server database only. To see the report on an Oracle schema, use the query Measurement Locations in Alert - Oracle.
Measurement Location in Alert - Oracle | Displays the same results as the report Measurement Locations in Alert. This report, however, works on an Oracle schema only. |
Overdue Lubrication Requirements | Displays a prompt asking for a Route record, and then displays a formatted version of the results from the Overdue Lubrication Requirements query for the selected Route record. A link to this report appears on the Lubrication Management Reports page. |
Overdue Lubrication Requirements-Oracle | Displays the same results as the Overdue Measurement Locations report. This report, however, works on an Oracle schema only. |
Lubrication Requirement Queries Folder
The following table lists the queries that are stored in the Catalog location \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Lubrication Management\Queries. The queries are listed by name in the table. The query name and caption are the same unless otherwise noted.
Query |
Behavior and Usage |
Report Queries Subfolder | |
Lubrication Management Data Capture | This query is used to run a report of Lubrication Requirements for the selected Route. |
Overdue Lubrication Requirements | This query is used to run a report of Overdue Lubrication Requirements. |
Overdue Lubrication Requirements-Oracle | This query is used to run a report Overdue Lubrication Requirements-Oracle. |
Lubrication Requirements Reports Folder
The following tables lists the reports that are stored in the Catalog location \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Lubrication Management\Reports. The reports are listed by name in the table. The report name and caption are the same unless otherwise noted.
Report | Behavior and Usage |
Lubrication Management Data Capture | Displays a detailed report of Lubrication Requirements for the selected Route |
Overdue Lubrication Requirements | Displays a detailed report of Overdue Lubrication Requirements |
Overdue Lubrication Requirements-Oracle | Displays a detailed report of Overdue Lubrication Requirements - Oracle |