Production Plans

About Production Plans

Each Production Unit can generate one or more products. For each product that it generates, a production profile will exist to identify information about that product, such as the maximum demonstrated rate of production and the amount of profit one of those products yields.

For each Production Unit, you will have one or more Production Plans in which you can define criteria, as outlined in the following table:

Plan DetailsDescriptionExample
WhatThe products that you plan to produce. Each plan can include one or more products. You plan to produce water bottles and labels.



How Much

When: The time period for which you want to track the production. In this case, you will provide the start and end dates, and the planned product quantity will be determined automatically based upon the production profile. This option is called a time-based plan.


How Much: The amount of each product that you plan to produce. In this case, you will provide the start time and the planned product quantity, and the end time will be determined automatically. This option is called a quantity-based plan.

When: You plan to produce bottles and labels from January 1, 2015 through April 30, 2015.


How Much: You plan to produce 50,000 bottles and 100,000 labels, starting January 1, 2015.

During Which HoursThe hours each day that you produce the specified products.

You have one shift running 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.


You have two shifts:

  • 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M.
  • 8:00 P.M. to 8:00 A.M.
How Often You Enter Data

The frequency by which you enter production data and production losses.

You can choose the Data Entry type to select the frequency by which you enter data.

You enter production data daily.


You enter production data once per shift.

Each production plan is represented by a Production Plan record.

About Usage of the Planned Production Values

After you create a Production Plan, the plan will contain a row for each period for which you plan to produce a given product (i.e., an entire day or a specific shift within a day). Each row will contain a planned production value, where the product associated with those values is specified in the column heading. The following image illustrates planned production values for Gasoline.

When you access the Production Data workspace for a production plan, for each product, you will see a similar row for each period in the plan. Each row represents a separate Production Data record. In each row, the value in the Short Range Plan column is a copy of the planned production value.

Note: Via the Production Data workspace, the short range value can be changed manually if needed.

About the Short Range Plan

When you create a Production Profile, you can specify the quantity of Product that can be consistently produced by a Production Unit without adversely affecting the piece of equipment, the location, or the quality of the product. This value is stored in the Planning Rate field of the Production Profile.

For the Production Plan of a Production Unit, the planned production quantity is based on the value in the Planning Rate field of the related Production Profile. Based on the planned production quantity and your knowledge of the planned events within the facility, for a Production Data record, you can specify the quantity of Product that the Production Unit can produce. This quantity is called the Short Range Plan.

The Short Range Plan of a Production Data record can be the same as the planned production quantity, or it can be different to account for the various factors that can affect the production rate, such as weather, loss of cooling capacity due to high ambient temperatures, fluctuations in product demand depending on seasons, and other factors.

Short Range Plan in the Production Data Workspace of a Production Plan

Suppose that for a Production Plan, the planned production quantity, which is specified in the Plan Details workspace, is 500 barrels for June 1, 2018. If a hurricane occurs, and the facility is shut down for several weeks for repairs, you might want to modify the planned production quantity. This adjusted planned production quantity is stored in the Short Range Plan field of the Production Data record.

Access a Production Plan


  1. Access the PLA Overview page.
  2. Select the Production Plans tab.
    A table of Production Plans appears, displaying the following columns:
    • Production Unit Name: Contains the name of the Production Unit associated with the Production Plan.
    • Plan ID: Contains the ID of the Production Plan.
    • State: Contains the state of the Production Plan (that is, New/Planning, Pending/Approval, Approved, or Complete).
      Note: This column is blank if State Management is disabled for the Production Plan family.
    • Status: Contains the status of the Production Plan (that is, Complete or Incomplete).
    • Timezone: Contains the time zone of the Production Unit associated with the Production Plan.

  3. In the row containing the Production Plan that you want to access, in the Plan ID column, select the link.
    The Plan Details page appears, displaying the Plan Details workspace, which contains the following information:
    • Start Time: The start time of the Production Plan. This value is dependent on the value in the Start Time column of the first row in the second table.
    • End Time: The end time of the Production Plan. This value is dependent on the value in the End Time column of the last row in the second table.
    • Plan Basis: The type of the Production Plan (that is, manual, quantity-based, or time-based).
    • Production Model: The order in which the Products should be produced (that is, concurrent or sequential).
    • Data Entry Type: The frequency with which production data and losses should be entered (that is, shift, day, week, month, quarter, year, or campaign).

    The Plan Details workspace contains two tables.

    In the first table, each row represents a Product that is produced during the plan. This table contains the following columns:
    • Product Name: The name of the Product.
    • Quantity: The amount of Product that should be produced during the plan. The value in this column depends on the planned production amount that appears for the respective Product in the second table. Therefore, if you modify the planned production amount for the Product in the second table, the value in this column is updated for the Product.

      For a quantity-based plan, the value in the column is the same as that you entered in the Quantity column in the Production Plan Builder window.

      For a time-based plan, the value is calculated based on the start and end dates and time that you specified in the Production Plan Builder window and the batch production values that are specified in the associated Production Profile.

    • Original Quantity: This column appears only for manual-based and quantity-based plans. Unlike the value in the Quantity column, the value in this column is independent of the planned production amount.
    • UOM: The unit of measurement for the Product.
    • Sequence: The sequence of the order in which the Product is produced during the plan. This column appears only for a sequential plan.
    • Start Time: The time when the Product should begin its production. If multiple Products exist, the start time for each Product is determined by the production model that you selected in the Production Plan Builder window. For example, if multiple Products are to be produced sequentially, the second Product should begin its production only after the first Product has ended its production.
    • End Time: The time when the Product will end its production.
    In the second table, each row represents a period in the plan, which is based on the data entry type. This table contains the following columns:
    • Start Time: The start time of the period.
    • End Time: The end time of the period.
    • <Product> (<UOM>): The planned production amount for the period. You can modify the value in this column. The value, however, must not exceed the maximum demonstrated capacity specified in the associated Production Profile.

Access the Production Summary


  1. Access the PLA Overview page.
  2. Select the Production Plans tab.

    The Production Plans section appears, displaying a list of Production Plans available in the database.

  3. Select the row containing the Production Plan whose summary you want to view.
  4. Select View Summary.

    The page for the selected plan appears, displaying summary information for the Production Plan in the Production Summary workspace.

    The Production Summary workspace contains the following items:
    • Total Production: The sum of all values in the Actual column on the corresponding Production Data workspace, appended with the value in the Product UOM field in the Production Profile that is associated with this Production Data. If the Production Plan includes more than one product, however, the total production value is appended with Units.
    • Total Losses: The sum of all values in the Losses column on the corresponding Production Data workspace, appended with the value in the Product UOM field in the Production Profile that is linked to the Production Plan that you selected when you accessed the Production Data workspace (e.g., Barrels). If the Production Plan includes more than one product with different units of measure, however, the total losses value is appended with Units.
    • Cost of Losses: The cost of all losses across all products that are included in the plan, where the value is calculated using the following equation:

      Cost of Losses = Σ Losses x Margin

      Note: The currency symbol that appears in the Production Summary workspace and the number of decimal places that appear in the Cost of Losses value are defined via the Production Loss Analysis Application Settings.
    • Product: The name of the product and its associated unit of measure.
    • MSC: The value in the Maximum Sustained Capacity Rate field in the Production Profile that is associated with this Production Plan.
    • Planned: The sum of all values in the Short Range Plan column in the corresponding Production Data workspace.
    • Actual: The sum of all values in the Actual column in the corresponding Production Data workspace.
    • Loss: The sum of all values in the Losses column in the corresponding Production Data workspace.
    • Cost: The sum of cost of all losses for all days in the plan, where the value is calculated using the following equation:

      Cost of Losses = Σ Losses x Margin

    • Production Data Summary Plots: Displays a graphical representation of the data that exists in the Production Data workspace.
    • OEE: The OEE percentage for the products that are selected in the production grid. OEE is calculated using the following equation:

      OEE = (Availability x Performance x Quality) x 100

    • Performance: The performance percentage for the products that are selected in the production grid. Performance is calculated using the following equation:

      Performance = [(Good Production + Quality Loss) / (Good Production + Performance Loss + Quality Loss)] x 100

    • Availability: The availability percentage for the products that are selected in the production grid. Availability is calculated using the following equation:

      Availability = [(Good Production + Performance Loss + Quality Loss) / (Good Production + Availability Loss + Performance Loss + Quality Loss)] x 100

    • Quality: The quality percentage for the products that are selected in the production grid. Quality is calculated using the following equation:

      Quality = [Good Production / (Good Production + Quality Loss)] x 100

    • Production Summary Chart: To improve usability, you can expand and collapse the Production Summary chart.
      Note: The grid will not be displayed in an expanded page view.

Create a Production Plan Using the Production Plan Builder

About This Task

This topic describes how to create a Production Plan using the Production Plan Builder. Alternatively, you can:


  1. Access the PLA Overview page.
  2. On the upper-right corner of the page, select New Plan, and then select Build a Plan.
    The Production Plan Builder window appears, displaying the Select Production Unit screen.
  3. In the Select Unit box, select the Production Unit for which you want to create a new Production Plan.
    The list of available products appears.
    Note: The Production Plan will be created in the time zone of the Production Unit.
  4. Next to each product that you want to add, select the check box.
    • If you want to create a sequential plan, you must select at least two products.
    • If the list of products that you can add is long and you are having trouble finding the product that you want to add, you can search for a specific product by entering a value in the search box.
  5. Select Next.
    The Select Plan Basis screen appears. You can use this screen to determine whether the plan will be time-based (i.e., you will define the time period for which you want to track production), or quantity-based (i.e., you will define the amount of each product that you plan to produce).
  6. If you want to generate a time-based plan, accept the default selection.
    Tip: If you want to generate a quantity-based plan, select Plan is quantity-based.
  7. In the Production Model list, select the option that describes how the unit produces the products that you selected on the Select Products screen. You can select either of the following options:
    • Concurrent: The unit produces the products at the same time.
    • Sequential: The unit produces the first product first, and then begins producing the second product after production of the first product is complete.
  8. Select Next.
    Depending on your selection, the Time-based Plan screen or Quantity-based Plan screen appears.
  9. If you are creating a time-based plan, on the Time-based Plan screen:
    1. In the Plan Start Time box, enter or select the date on which the plan begins.
    2. In the Plan End Time box, enter or select the date on which the plan ends.

    If you are creating a quantity-based plan, on the Quantity-based Plan screen:

    1. In the Plan Start Time box, enter or select the date on which the plan begins.
    2. In the Quantity column, in each row, enter the amount of product that you plan to produce.
      Tip: If the unit produces multiple products, you can also sort them using the Product column to change the order in which each product will be produced.
  10. Select Next.

    The Useful Production Time screen appears.

    You can use this screen to define the hours each day that you produce the specified products. By default, the builder assumes that, Monday through Friday, your production hours are the same (9:00:00 A.M. to 5:00:00 P.M.). It also assumes that you do not produce anything on Saturdays or Sundays.

  11. To refine the hours each day that you produce the specified products, by selecting the appropriate tabs, define your shifts as necessary.
    • If your shifts are the same Monday through Friday, you can leave the default I have the same useful production time from Monday through Friday check box selected, and then define the shift only for Monday. It will then be copied to Tuesday through Friday automatically.
    • If your shifts are the same every day of the week (including weekends), you can select the I have the same useful production time for the whole week check box. You can then define the shift only for Monday, and it will be copied to Tuesday through Sunday automatically.
    • If your shifts are on specific days, clear the I have the same useful production time from Monday through Friday and I have the same useful production time for the whole week check boxes, and then manually define the shifts for each day.

    When defining shifts:

    • If you run only one shift all day (24 hours a day), make the start time and end time the same, as shown in the following image:

    • If you run multiple shifts per day, back to back, match the start time of the second shift to the end time of the previous shift, as shown in the following image:

  12. In the Data Entry Frequency box, select the frequency with which you enter Production Data and Loss information.
    Tip: If you want to enter Production Data only once over the course of the entire plan period, select Campaign.
  13. Select Finish.
    If a Production Plan already exists for the same Production Unit and start date, a warning message appears, indicating that a duplicate Production Plan will be created.
    The types of Production Plans for which a warning message appears are described in the following table.
    Production PlanDescription
    Time-Based ConcurrentPlans created for the same start date, end date, Products, and Production Unit.
    Time-Based SequentialPlans created for the same start date, end date, and Products with the same sequence and Production Unit.
    Quantity-Based ConcurrentPlans created for the same start date and Products with the same quantity and Production Unit.
    Quantity-Based SequentialPlans created for the same start date and Products with the same quantity, sequence, and Production Unit.
  14. Select Continue.
    The Production Plan is created, and it appears in the Plan Details workspace.

What To Do Next

Create a Production Plan from a Plan Template


  1. Access the PLA Overview page.
  2. On the upper-right corner of the PLA Overview page, select New Plan, and then select Use Plan Template.
    The Use Plan Template window appears.

  3. Select the Unit that contains the Plan Template that you want to use.
    A list of Plan Templates for the selected Unit appears.

  4. Select a Plan Template.
    These steps assume that you want to review or modify the plan details prior to generating the plan. If this is not the case, clear the Review Plan Before Creating check box and proceed to Step 9.
  5. Select Finish.
    The Review Plan window appears, displaying the Production Period section.

  6. For a concurrent plan, select the Plan Start Time and Plan End Time, and, in the table, select the check boxes for any products that you want to include in your plan.
    For a sequential plan, select the Plan Start Time. The Plan End Time is set automatically to one year after the Plan Start Time. In the table, select the check boxes for any products that you want to include in your plan.
  7. Select Next.
    The Useful Production Time section appears.

  8. Specify the days and times when useful production will occur. To do so:
    1. Select the appropriate check box to indicate whether the production occurs during the whole week or only Monday through Friday.
    2. Use the schedule controls to enter the shift times for each day that production occurs.
    3. In the Data Entry Frequency box, select how often data is entered into GE Digital APM.
  9. Select Finish.
    If a Production Plan already exists for the same Production Unit and start date, a warning message appears, indicating that a duplicate Production Plan will be created.
    The types of Production Plans for which a warning message appears are described in the following table.
    Production PlanDescription
    Time-Based ConcurrentPlans created for the same start date, end date, Products, and Production Unit.
    Time-Based SequentialPlans created for the same start date, end date, and Products with the same sequence and Production Unit.
    Quantity-Based ConcurrentPlans created for the same start date and Products with the same quantity and Production Unit.
    Quantity-Based SequentialPlans created for the same start date and Products with the same quantity, sequence, and Production Unit.
  10. Select Continue.
    The Production Plan is created, and it appears in the Plan Details workspace.

What To Do Next

Create a Manual Production Plan

About This Task

After creating a manual Production Plan, you can add products to the plan, as well as modify the start and end time, via the Plan Details section.
Note: You cannot copy or regenerate a manual Production Plan.


  1. Access the PLA Overview page.
  2. Select New Plan, and then select Manual Plan.
    The Create Plan by Manual Entry window appears, displaying the Select Production Unit screen.
  3. In the Select Unit list, select the Production Unit for which you want to create a new Production Plan.
    The list of available products appears.
    Note: The Production Plan will be created in the timezone of the Production Unit.
  4. Next to each product that you want to add, select the check box.
    Tip: If the list of products is long and you are having trouble finding the product that you want to add, then you can search for a specific product by entering a value in the search box.
  5. Select Finish.

    The plan is generated and appears in the Plan Details workspace.

    Tip: The start time is automatically generated as the date the plan is created, and the end time is exactly 24 hours later. The start time and end time can be modified by selecting the field and entering new values.
    Note: The initial quantity shown in the Plan Details section is based on the duration of the plan multiplied by the MSCR of the selected product, which can be modified along with the start time and end time.

What To Do Next

Modify a Manual Production Plan

About This Task

Manual Production Plans can be modified in the Plan Details section.


  1. Access a manual Production Plan.

    The Plan Details workspace for the selected manual Production Plan appears.

  2. As needed, modify the following details:
    • If you want to modify the Start Time and End Time, then complete the following steps:
      1. Select the row of data for which you want to modify the Start Time or End Time.
      2. In the Start Time cell, enter the new start time.
      3. In the End Time cell, enter the new end time.

        The values are saved automatically when you select outside the cell.

    • If you want to add a row at the bottom of the table, then complete the following steps:
      1. In the upper-left corner of the table, select , and then select Add Row.

        A new row is added to the bottom of the table. The start time, end time, and planned production value for the new row will be determined automatically. An equivalent row is added in Production Data section if the start time for the new row is before the current start time.

      2. As needed, modify the values in the cells in the following columns:
        1. Start Time : Enter the start time.
        2. End Time : Enter the end time.
        3. <Product (UOM)>: Enter the quantity of the product based on the Unit of Measure (UOM).

          The values are saved automatically when you select outside the cell.

        Note: If an overlap exists in the plan, then a warning message appears.
    • If you want to insert a row before or after a row, then complete the following steps:
      1. Select the row above or below which you want to insert a row.
      2. In the upper-right corner of the table, select , and then select Insert Row Above or Insert Row Below.

        A new row appears in the table based on your selection.

      3. As needed, modify the values in the cells in the following columns:
        1. Start Time : Enter the start time.
        2. End Time : Enter the end time.
        3. <Product (UOM)>: Enter the quantity in the column labeled with the selected UOM for the plan.

          The values are saved automatically when you select outside the row.

        Note: If an overlap exists in the plan, then a warning message appears.
    • If you want to add a product, then complete the following steps:
      1. In the upper-left corner of the table, select , and then select Add Product.

        The Product List window appears.

      2. Select a product from the list, and then select OK.

        The product appears in the table in the upper section.

What To Do Next

Add a Row in a Production Plan


  1. Access the Production Plan to which you want to add a row of data.
  2. In the Plan Details workspace, select , and then select Add Row.

    A new row of data is added to the second table. The values in the Start Time and End Time columns and the planned production value for the new row are determined automatically.

    The values in the Quantity and End Time columns in the first table and the Plan ID are updated.

Copy a Production Plan

About This Task

You can copy a Production Plan to create a Production Plan for the same Production Unit for which the source Production Plan was created. The records associated with the original Production Plan, including the actual production data and losses, are not copied. The copied Production Plan will be created in the time zone of the Production Unit. This topic describes how to copy a Production Plan.
  • You cannot copy a manual Production Plan.
  • You cannot copy a Production Plan that uses a deactivated Product.


  1. Access the Production Plan that you want to copy.
  2. In the Plan Details workspace, select , and then select Copy Plan.
    The Production Plan is copied. The copied Production Plan has the same name as the Production Plan from which it was copied.

Remove the Last Row in a Production Plan


  1. Access the Production Plan from which you want to remove the last row of data.
  2. In the Plan Details workspace, select Remove Last Row.

    The Confirm Remove window appears, indicating that this action will also delete the corresponding row of data in the Production Data workspace.

  3. Select Yes.

    The last row of data in the Plan Details workspace and the corresponding row of data in the Production Data workspace are deleted.

    The values in the Quantity and End Time columns in the first table and the Plan ID are updated.

Regenerate a Production Plan

About This Task

You can modify only the planned production values of a Production Plan that is quantity-based or time-based. If you want to modify the start time or the end time of the shift of the Production Plan, you can regenerate the Production Plan. This will replace the current Production Plan. This topic describes how to regenerate a Production Plan.

Note: You cannot regenerate a manual Production Plan.


  1. Access the Production Plan that you want to regenerate.
  2. In the Plan Details workspace, select , and then select Regenerate Plan.
    The Regenerate Plan window appears, asking you to confirm that you want to regenerate the Production Plan.
    Important: Regenerating a Production Plan will delete all the records associated with the Production Plan, including the actual production data and losses.
  3. Select Yes.

    The Production Plan Builder window appears.

  4. Follow Steps 4-13 provided in Create a Production Plan via the Production Plan Builder.
    Note: You cannot use a deactivated Product to regenerate a Production Plan.
    The Production Plan is regenerated.

Delete a Production Plan


  1. Access the PLA Overview page.
  2. Select the Production Plans tab.

    The Production Plans section appears, displaying a list of Production Plans available in the database.

  3. Select the row containing the Production Plan whose summary you want to delete.
  4. In the upper-right corner of the workspace, select .

    The Delete Plan dialog box appears, asking if you really want to delete the selected Production Plan.

  5. Select Yes.

    The selected Production Plan is deleted. The list of Production Plans is updated.

Submit or Resubmit a Production Plan for Review

Before You Begin

  • Ensure that the State Management functionality has been enabled for the Production Plan family.
  • Ensure that you belong to at least one of the following Security Roles:
    • Production Loss Accounting User
    • Production Loss Accounting Service
    • Production Loss Accounting Administrator

About This Task

A Production Plan that is in the New/Planning state can be submitted or resubmitted for review. The New/Planning state of a Production Plan indicates one of the following:
  • It has never been submitted for review.
  • It has been rejected.
  • It has been opened after approval.

This topic describes how to submit or resubmit a Production Plan for review.


  1. Access the Production Plan that you want to submit or resubmit for review.
    Tip: For the Production Plan that can be submitted or resubmitted for review, in the PLA Overview page, in the Production Plans section, the value in the State column is New/Planning.
    Note: To know which scenario caused the Production Plan to move to the New/Planning state, you can access the History section in the State Assignments window. To access this window, select the New/Planning drop-down list box in the Production Plan, and then select the Manage State Assignments option.
  2. Select the New/Planning drop-down list box, and then select the Propose option, followed by the Done button.
    The Production Plan is submitted or resubmitted for review, and its state is changed to Pending/Approval. You can no longer modify the Production Plan.

What To Do Next

Approve or Reject a Production Plan

Before You Begin


  1. Access the Production Plan that you want to approve or reject.
    Tip: For the Production Plan that is ready for review, in the PLA Overview page, in the Production Plans section, the value in the State column is Pending/Approval.
  2. Select the Pending/Approval drop-down list box, and then select the Approve or Reject option as needed, followed by the Done button.
    • If you selected the Approve option: The Production Plan is approved, and its status is changed to Approved. You can no longer modify the Production Plan.
    • If you selected the Reject option: The Production Plan is rejected, and its status is changed to New/Planning. You can now modify the Production Plan.

What To Do Next

Open an Approved Production Plan

Before You Begin


  1. Access the Production Plan that you want to open.
    Tip: For the Production Plan that can be opened, in the PLA Overview page, in the Production Plans section, the value in the State column is Approved.
  2. Select the Approved drop-down list box, and then select the Edit option, followed by the Done button.
    The Production Plan is opened, and its status is changed to New/Planning. You can now modify the Production Plan.

What To Do Next

Close a Production Plan

Before You Begin


  1. Access the Production Plan that you want to close.
    Tip: For the Production Plan that can be closed, in the PLA Overview page, in the Production Plans section, the value in the State column is Approved.
  2. Select the Approved drop-down list box, and then select the Close option, followed by the Done button.
    The Production Plan is closed, and its status is changed to Complete. You can no longer modify the Production Plan.