Production Data

About Production Data

After you establish a Production Profile and create Production Plans for it, you are ready to start recording Production Data and accounting for any Production Losses. You can record:

  • Production Values.
  • Production Losses.
  • Associate any Production Losses with specific Production Events, Impact Codes, and OEE Codes.

As you enter the data, the information will be summarized automatically and displayed in the Production Summary workspace.

Each Production Data must be linked to a single predecessor Production Plan and can be linked to multiple successor Production Loss records. The following image shows these relationships, where the arrows represent relationship families, and boxes represent entity families. The Production Data family is outlined in red.

Example: Production Data

As you begin recording Production Data, the data is recorded in Production Data records. If you do not produce the planned amount in a given period, the Production Data for that day can be linked to multiple production loss reconciliations that indicate the amount of production lost, the Production Event that caused the loss, and the impact of the loss.

Suppose a Production Plan spans three months: January 2010 through March 2010. The planned production for each day is 3,000 bottles. On January 1 and January 2, you produce all 3,000 bottles, meeting the planned production. On January 3, however, you produce only 2,000 bottles. To account for the loss, you would create a Production Data and record the 1,000 bottles that were not produced. Now, suppose that on January 4, you again fail to meet the planned production. This time, you produce only 1,000 bottles due to an equipment failure and a scheduled maintenance activity. In this case, you would add two rows to the production loss, where one documents 1,000 bottles that were not produced due to a maintenance activity, and the other documents 1,000 bottles that were not produced due to an equipment failure.

Access a Production Data Record


  1. Access the PLA Overview page.
  2. Select the Production Data tab.

    A list of Production Plans appears.

  3. In the Plan ID column, select the link for the Production Plan whose Production Data record you want to access.

    The Production Data page for the Production Plan appears, displaying the Production Data workspace. Each Product that is associated with the Production Plan appears as an option in the Product drop-down list box.

    Tip: You can also access the Production Data record via a Production Plan. To do so, access a Production Plan, and then select the Production Data tab.
  4. In the Product drop-down list box, select the Product for which you want to access the Production Data record.

    A table of Production Data records appears for the Product. These records are automatically created based on the period of the Production Plan. Each row in the table represents a Production Data record for each period of the Production Plan until the current date.

    The table contains the following columns:
    • Period
    • Actual
    • Short Range Plan
    • Losses
    • Max Sustained Capacity
    • Unaccounted Loss
    • MSHR
    Note: If the OT Connect feature has been configured and an administrator has linked Production Profile records to Policy Instance records for PLA, the Production Data records will be automatically created as a result of the integration.

Access the Losses Associated with a Production Data Record

About This Task

You can access Production Losses associated with a Production Data record only if the actual production value has been provided for that record.


  1. Access the Production Data record for the Product for which you want to access the Production Losses.
  2. In the table, select the row for the Production Data record whose Production Losses you want to access.
  3. Select Reconcile Loss.

    In the Production Data workspace, a table of Production Losses that are associated with the selected Production Data record appears.

    The table displays the following columns:

    • Loss
    • Equivalent Downtime Hours
    • Margin ID
    • Impact Code
    • OEE Code
    • Production Event
    • Comment

Access the Losses Associated with a Production Plan


  1. Access the Production Plan for which you want to access Production Losses.
  2. Select the Production Losses tab.

    A table of Production Losses that are linked to the Production Data associated with each Product in the selected Production Plan appears.

    The table displays the following columns:
    • Period
    • Product
    • Loss Amount
    • Margin Value
    • Cost
    • Planned Production
      Note: This column displays either the Maximum Sustained Capacity or the Short Range Plan of the associated Production Data, depending on the Loss Calculation Setting in the Settings window.

Color Coding for Unaccounted Loss

In the Production Data workspace, the Unaccounted Loss value for each Production Data record is accompanied by a color-coded symbol whose meaning is provided in the following table:

Color-Coded SymbolColorMeaning


The sum of actual production and reconciled loss is less than the planned production.


The sum of actual production and reconciled loss is more than the planned production.


The sum of actual production and reconciled loss is equal to the planned production.

The Total Unaccounted Loss value, which appears in the Production Data workspace, is accompanied by a single color-coded symbol based on the following priority:
  • Red
  • Amber
  • Green

Color Coding

Suppose that a Production Data record contains the following field values, where Short Range Plan is the basis for loss calculation:

  • Short Range Plan: 50
  • Actual: 40
The total loss incurred by this Production Data record is 10. The following table provides the color-coded symbol that will appear next to the Unaccounted Loss value for the specified reconciled and unaccounted losses:
Reconciled LossUnaccounted LossColor-Coded Symbol for Unaccounted Loss

Create a Production Loss

About This Task

For a Production Data record, if the Actual value is less than the planned production, the difference between the two (that is, the Unaccounted Loss) can be accounted for by creating a Production Loss. If multiple events lead to a loss, you can create multiple Production Losses, each of which will be linked to the same Production Data record. This topic describes how to create a Production Loss.


  1. Access the losses associated with the Production Data record to which you want to add a Production Loss.
  2. In the Production Data workspace, select .
    The Create New Loss window appears.

  3. Enter values in the available fields.
    If the value that you enter in the Loss Amount field is such that the remaining Unaccounted Loss would be less than the tolerance value of the planned production, the Loss Amount is adjusted to include that Unaccounted Loss. The adjusted value in the Loss Amount field is used to calculate the value in the Equivalent Downtime Hours field.
  4. Select .
    The Production Loss is created.
    Note: If multiple events lead to a loss, you can create multiple Production Losses, each of which will be linked to the same Production Data record.


In the Production Data workspace, each row for a Production Loss contains values that indicate the amount of loss, the event that caused the loss, and the impact of the loss. The Loss Amount of each Production Loss is subtracted from the Unaccounted Loss of the Production Data record.

Tolerance Limit of the Planned Production

When you create a Production Loss for a Production Data record, the Loss Amount that you enter may be adjusted to include the remaining Unaccounted Loss, depending on the tolerance limit of the planned production.

The tolerance limit defines the allowable amount of unreconciled losses that can be reduced to zero, based on the tolerance value of the planned production. The tolerance value of the planned production is calculated using the following formula:

Tolerance Value = (Tolerance Limit (%) * Planned Production) / 100


  • Tolerance Limit (%) is the value that appears in the Tolerance Limit (%) box in the Settings window.
  • Planned Production is the value that is stored in either the Maximum Sustained Capacity field or the Short Range Plan field, as applicable. It indicates the planned production for a Production Data record.

Suppose that the value in the Tolerance Limit (%) box is 0.1 and a Production Data record contains the following field values, where Short Range Plan is the basis for loss calculation:

  • Short Range Plan = 50
  • Actual = 40
  • Losses = 6
  • Unaccounted Loss = 4

The tolerance value of the planned production is calculated as follows:

  • (0.1 * 50) / 100 = 0.05

This value determines whether the Loss Amount of a Production Loss will be adjusted, as illustrated in the following table:

Loss Amount enteredLoss Amount adjusted toReason
3.964The difference between the entered Loss Amount (3.96) and the remaining Unaccounted Loss (4) is 0.04, which is less than the tolerance value of the planned production (0.05).
3.95N/AThe difference between the entered Loss Amount (3.95) and the remaining Unaccounted Loss (4) is 0.05, which is equal to the tolerance value of the planned production (0.05).
3.94N/AThe difference between the entered Loss Amount (3.94) and the remaining Unaccounted Loss (4) is 0.06, which is more than the tolerance value of the planned production (0.05).
Note: In the Production Data workspace, the calculated values are displayed based on the Quantity Precision settings, which are specified in the Settings window.

Modify a Production Data Record


  1. Access the Production Data workspace for the Production Data that you want to modify.
  2. In the table, select the row that contains the Production Data that you want to modify.
  3. As needed, modify the values in following fields:
    • Actual: Enter the amount of product that was produced during the period.

    • Short Range Plan: Enter the amount of product that was planned to be produced during the period.

      Note: After you enter a value, you will need to move your cursor to a different row to see the updated sum of the values below the table.

    The changes to the Production Data are saved.


The color-coded symbol that appears next to each value in the Unaccounted Loss cell indicates if the planned production has been met.

Modify a Production Loss


  1. Access the losses associated with the Production Data whose losses you want to modify.
  2. Select the row containing the Production Loss that you want to modify.

    The button is enabled.

  3. Select .

    The Edit Loss window appears.

  4. As needed, modify values in the available fields, and then select to save your changes.

    The changes are reflected in the Production Data and the Production Summary workspaces.

Reconcile Production Data and Losses in Bulk

You can access multiple production plans from a production unit and reconcile multiple production data and production losses for an extended period.

Before You Begin

Ensure that production plans exist for the selected production unit during the required time period.


  1. Access the PLA overview page.
  2. Select Bulk Data Entries.
    The Bulk Data Entry and Loss Reconciliation window appears.

  3. Select to select the date and time range.
    Note: You can also enter dates and times directly in the Start Date and End Date boxes.
  4. Select the production unit, and then select Search.
    A table of production plans for the selected criteria appears.

  5. Select the check boxes against the plans for which you want to reconcile production data, and then select Next.
    Important: For best performance of GE Digital APM, do not select more than five production plans for reconciliation.
    The Production Data section appears containing a table of production data for the selected plans.
  6. Select the check boxes against the rows containing the data that you want to reconcile, and then select Bulk Data Entry.
    Important: For best performance of GE Digital APM, do not select more than 750 production data records for reconciliation.
    The Bulk Data Entry window appears.

  7. For the fields that you want to modify, select the check boxes and enter values in the corresponding boxes, and then select Apply.
    The values in the selected rows are modified.
  8. Select Save.
    The production data is reconciled.
  9. To reconcile production losses, select Next.
    The Production Losses section appears containing a table of production loss records for the selected plans.
  10. Select the check boxes against the rows containing the production loss record that you want to reconcile, and then select Bulk Loss Entry.
    Important: For best performance of GE Digital APM, do not select more than 100 production loss records for reconciliation.
    The Production Loss window appears.

  11. For the fields that you want to modify, select the check boxes and enter or select values in the corresponding boxes, and then select Apply.
    The values in the selected rows are modified.
  12. Select Finish.
    The production loss records are reconciled.

Copy the Production Losses

About This Task

For a given Product, you can copy Production Losses from one Production Data record to another or within the same Production Data record.


  1. Access the losses associated with the Production Data record to which you want to copy the Production Losses.
  2. In the workspace, select .

    The Existing Losses window appears, displaying a table of all Production Losses associated with the Product.

  3. Select the check box in the row for each Production Loss that you want to copy.
    Tip: You can copy multiple Production Losses available in the current page at once.
  4. Select Done.

    The Production Losses selected in the current page are copied to the Production Data record.

    Note: If the date range of the Production Event associated with the Production Loss that you are copying does not include the date range of the Production Data record to which you want to copy the Production Loss, the Production Event field in the Production Loss is blank. You can, however, manually enter a value in this field.

Delete a Loss via the Production Data Workspace


  1. Access the losses associated with the Production Data record from which you want to delete the Production Loss.
  2. Select the row containing the Production Loss that you want to delete.

    The button is enabled.

  3. Select .

    The Delete Loss window appears, asking you to confirm that you want to delete the Production Loss.

  4. Select Yes.

    The Production Loss is deleted.

Delete the Losses via the Production Losses Workspace


  1. Access the Production Losses workspace.
  2. Select the check box in the row for each Production Loss that you want to delete.

    The button is enabled.

    Tip: You can delete multiple Production Losses available in the current page at once.
  3. Select .

    The Delete Loss window appears, asking you to confirm that you want to delete the selected Production Losses.

  4. Select Yes.

    The Production Losses selected in the current page are deleted.