
About Exceptions

Exceptions are action items that must be completed by the team before delivering a change. In the Application Settings for MOC, you can create Exception records to identify the type of Exception that must be created for an Answer Option. When you respond to Questions in a Checklist in the Change Project, Exceptions are automatically created by copying the Exceptions that you created.

Default Exceptions in MoC

GE Digital APM provides a set of Exceptions, by default. These Exceptions are associated with Answer Options of Questions. The following table lists the default Exceptions, which you can modify as needed:

Exception IDException Type
Asset ChangeUpdate EAM/CMMS records
Asset RemovalUpdate EAM/CMMS records
Chemical ChangeUpdate facility chemical hazard storage documentation
Controls parametersList all pre and post change controls parameters
Electrical loadUpdate electrical safe work plans
Energy SourceUpdate LOTO documentation and safe work plans
Exit RouteRevise or replace emergency exit route placards
Flare additionUpdate flare usage documentation
HeightsUpdate safe work plans related to working above grade
Lock out Tag outUpdate safe work plans, and applicable LOTO plans
Machine guardingRevise existing or add new machine guarding as app
Material StorageUpdate facility chemical hazard storage documentation
MSDSUpdate material safety data sheet
ProceduralUpdate applicable Operating or Maintenance procedure
Process SewerUpdate sewer source and usage documentation
Solid WasteUpdate facility chemical hazard storage documentation
Storm DrainNotify local authorities, and update facility possible discharge documentation
Update and link all updated drawings and diagramsDrawings/Diagrams
Update applicable emergency evacuation routingIngress/Egress
Update the process safety informationProcess Safety Information

Access an Exception


  1. Access the MoC Admin page.
  2. In the left pane, select Exceptions.

    A list of available Exceptions appears.

  3. In the Exception ID column, select the link for the Exception that you want to access.

    The datasheet for the selected Exception appears.

    Note: As needed, you can modify the values in the available fields, and then select to save your changes. The changes made to Exceptions in the administrative settings for MOC will not affect the Change Projects that have used the Exceptions prior to modification.

Create an Exception


  1. Access the MoC Admin page.
  2. In the left pane, select Exceptions.

    A list of available Exceptions appears.

  3. In the upper-left corner of the workspace, select .

    A blank datasheet for an Exception appears in the workspace.

  4. As needed, enter values in the available fields.
  5. In the upper-right corner of the workspace, select .

    The Exception is created.

What To Do Next

Delete an Exception


  1. Access the MoC Admin page.
  2. In the left pane, select Exceptions.

    A list of available Exceptions appears.

  3. In the row for each Exception that you want to delete, select the check box.

    In the upper-right corner of the workspace, the button is enabled.

  4. Select .

    The Delete MOC Exception dialog box appears, asking you to confirm that you want to delete each selected Exception and its relationship with the associated Answer Options.

    Note: Deleting Exceptions in the administrative settings for MOC will not affect the Change Projects that have used the Exceptions prior to deletion.
  5. Select OK.

    The selected Exception is deleted and the updated list of Exceptions appears in the workspace.