Catalog Items
Calibration Management: Catalog Items
The Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Calibration Management contains the following items.
- GE Druck Folder
- Graphs Folder
- Queries Folder
- Reports Folder
GE Druck Folder
The Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Calibration Management\GE Druck\Queries contains the following items.
Item Name |
Behavior and Usage |
DPI 612 Receive Query |
Returns the list of fields to be displayed when receiving data from a GE Druck DPI612 device. |
DPI 620 Receive Query | Returns the list of fields to be displayed when receiving data from a GE Druck DPI620 device. |
DPI620SendQuery | Returns the list of fields to be displayed when sending data to a GE Druck DPI620 device for the specified Template ID(s). |
DPI620SendQuery Display | Returns the list of fields to be displayed when sending data to a GE Druck DPI620 device for the specified Template ID(s). |
DPIPCSendQuery | Returns the list of fields to be displayed when sending data to a GE Druck DPI61x device for the specified Template ID(s). |
DPIPCSendQuery Display | Returns the list of fields to be displayed when sending data to a GE Druck DPI61x device for the specified Template ID(s). |
Graphs Folder
The Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Calibration Management\Graphs contains the following items.
Graph Name | Behavior and Usage |
Analog Calibration Error Graph | This graph shows the EventKey prompt for the Entity Key of the Calibration, Analog record, and then displays, in a line graph, a summary of the As Found, As Left, negative, and positive error limit data for the specified record. |
Analog Calibration Measure Graph | This graph shows the EventKey prompt for the Entity Key of the Calibration, Analog record, and then displays, in a line graph, a summary of the output As Found, output As Left, and expected data for the specified record. |
Analyzer Multi-Component Calibration Error Graph | This graph shows the EventKey prompt for the Entity Key of the Calibration, Analyzer Multi-Component record, and then displays, in a bar graph, the positive error, negative error, As Found error, and As Left error limit values for the specified record. |
Analyzer SingleComponent Calibration Error Graph | This graph shows the EventKey prompt for the Entity Key of the Calibration, Analyzer Single Component record, and then displays, in a line graph, the positive error, negative error, As Found error, and As Left error limit values for the specified record. |
Analyzer SingleComponent Calibration Measure Graph | This graph shows the EventKey prompt for the Entity Key of the Calibration, Analyzer Single Component record, and then displays, in a line graph, the primary output As Found and primary output As Left values for the specified record. |
Calibration Error Trend Graph |
This graph shows the following prompts, and then displays, in a line graph, the overall As Found max error, overall As Found RMS error, overall As Left max error, and overall As Left RMS error values for the specified record.
Calibration Pass Fail Trend Graph |
This graph shows the following prompts, and then displays, in a line graph, the overall as found max error, overall As Found RMS error, overall As Left max error, and overall As Left RMS error values for the specified record.
WeightScale Calibration Error Graph | This graph shows the EventKey prompt for the Entity Key of the Calibration, Weight Scale record, and then displays, in a line graph, a summary of the As Found, As Left, negative, and positive error limit data for the specified record. |
WeightScale Calibration Measure Graph | This graph shows the EventKey prompt for the Entity Key of the Calibration, Weight Scale record, and then displays, in a line graph, a summary of the primary output As Found, primary output As Left, and expected data for the specified record. |
Queries Folder
The Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Calibration Management\Queries contains the following items.
Item Name | Behavior and Usage |
Analog Calibration Profile Linked Asset Query | Returns the list of assets that are linked to the Analog Calibration profile. |
Applied Profiles Count | Returns the count of applied profiles that are linked to the Calibration profile. |
Applied Template Asset Context | Returns the list of Profiles (by Profile ID) that contain linked assets. |
Asset ID Configuration List Query | Returns the list of Calibration Asset ID Configuration details. |
Beamex Receive Query | Returns the list of fields to be defined and transferred from the device when you receive data from a calibrator. |
Beamex Send Query | Returns the list of Calibration Templates that you can send to a Beamex device. |
Beamex Send Query Display | Returns the list of Calibration records from CMX. |
CalibMapFamList | Returns the list of family details for the specified Mapping ID. |
CalibMapFieldsList | Returns the list of field details for the specified Mapping ID. |
CalibMapStratList | Returns the list of strategy details for the specified Mapping ID. |
CalibProfTempList | Returns (by Template ID) the list of templates by input and output types. |
Calibration Applied Template | Returns (by Family ID) the list of applied templates to a family. |
Calibration Asset ID Query | Returns the list of asset IDs for the Equipment, Functional Location, and custom asset families from the Asset ID Configuration to display the values as an Asset ID in the applied template. |
Calibration_Device_Result | Returns the list of fields to be displayed in the Calibration Results record. |
Calibration Event Asset Context | Returns the list of Event details for a specified Asset. |
Calibration Event Overview | Returns the list of Event details. |
Calibration Library Template | Returns the list of Calibration Profile Template details. |
Calibration Pass AF AL Count 5 Years | Returns the Pass AF and AL count for a specified asset. |
Calibration Pass AF AL Trend 5 Years | Returns the Pass AF and AL trend for a specified asset. |
Calibration Profile Linked Asset Query | Returns the list of equipment, functional location, or custom asset linked to a calibration profile. |
Calibration Queue Overview | Returns (by Asset ID) the list of calibration queue records. |
Calibration Queue Overview Filtered Base Query | Returns (by Calibration Task Due Date From, Calibration Task Due Date To, and Asset ID) the list of calibration queue records. |
Calibration Queue Overview Filtered By Due Date | Returns (by Calibration Task Due Date From, Calibration Task Due Date To, and Asset ID) the list of calibration queue records. |
Calibration Recommendation States | Returns the list of states of the Calibration Recommendations for the specified Entity Key. |
Calibration Recommendations Query | Returns the list of states of the Calibration Recommendations. |
Calibration Test Equipment | Returns the list of all the test equipment. |
Calibration Tools Overview | Returns the list of all the test equipment and standard gas cylinders. |
Calibration Totals Query | Returns (by Asset ID) the number of calibrations that have taken place for that asset, based on the number of closed Calibration Events that are linked to that Asset. |
CalibrationDeviceDriverList | Returns the list of device drivers on the Calibration Admin Preferences page. |
CalibrationMappingList | Returns the list of mappings on the Calibration Admin Preferences page for the specified device driver key. |
CalibrationStrategyList | Returns the list of calibration strategies on the Calibration Admin Preferences page. |
CalibTemDfltsList | Returns the list of template defaults on the Calibration Admin Preferences page for the specified device type. |
Device Mapping Query | Returns the list of mappings between the Calibration fields defined in GE Digital APM and the calibrator fields. |
DeviceList | Returns the list of calibration devices. |
Fluke Receive Query | Returns the list of fields to be defined and transferred from the device when you receive data from a calibrator. |
Fluke Send Query | Returns the list of Calibration Templates that you can send to a Fluke device. |
Fluke Send Query Display | Returns the list of Calibration records for Fluke 74X. |
GetFamilyFields | Returns the list of family fields for the specified family key. |
GetLinkedCalibratorFields | Returns the list of calibrator fields that are mapped to a device for the specified mapping ID. |
GetLinkedFamilies | Returns the list of calibrator families that are mapped to a device for the specified mapping key. |
GetLinkedFields | Returns the list of calibrator fields that are mapped to a device for the specified family key and mapping key. |
GetLinkedStrategies | Returns the list of strategies that are mapped to a device for the specified mapping key. |
Get Unrelated Families | Returns the list of families not related to a device mapping for a specified mapping ID. |
Instrument Data Query | Returns the Asset_Key prompt for the Entity Key of an Asset record, and then displays data stored in the specified record. This query is used to populate the fields related to an Asset when you apply a Calibration Template to an Asset. |
Manage Calibration Task Query | Returns the list of calibration tasks for the specified template key. |
Manage Calibration Task With Task Assigned Query | Returns the list of calibration records that contain tasks for the specified template key. |
Manage Calibration Task Without Task Assigned Query | Returns the list of calibration records that do not contain tasks for the specified template key. |
Query For AnalogCalibrationGraphs | Supports the Analog Calibration Error Graph and the Analog Calibration Measure Graph, which are stored in the Graphs folder. |
Query For AnalogCalibrationReport | Supports the Analog Calibration Report, which is stored in the Reports folder. |
Query For AnalogCalibrationTemplateReport | Supports the Analog Calibration Template Report, which is stored in the Reports folder. |
Query For AnalyzerMultiComponentCalibrationGraphs | Supports the Analyzer Multi-Component Calibration Error Graph, which is stored in the Graphs folder. |
Query For AnalyzerMultiComponentCalibrationReport | Supports the Analyzer MultiComponent Calibration Report, which is stored in the Reports folder. |
Query For AnalyzerMultiComponentCalibrationTemplateReport | Supports the Analyzer MultiComponent Calibration Template Report, which is stored in the Reports folder. |
Query For AnalyzerMultiComponentCalibrationTemplateSubReport | Supports the Analyzer MultiComponent Calibration Template Sub Report, which is stored in the Reports folder. |
Query For AnalyzerSingleComponentCalibrationGraphs | Supports the Analyzer SingleComponent Calibration Error Graph and the Analyzer SingleComponent Calibration Measure Graph, which are stored in the Graphs folder. |
Query For AnalyzerSingleComponentCalibrationReport | Supports the Analyzer SingleComponent Calibration Report, which is stored in the Reports folder. |
Query For AnalyzerSingleComponentCalibrationTemplateReport | Supports the Analyzer SingleComponent Calibration Template Report, which is stored in the Reports folder. |
Query For AnalyzerSingleComponentCalibrationTemplateSubReport | Supports the Analyzer SingleComponent Calibration Template Sub Report, which is stored in the Reports folder. |
Query For CalibrationErrorTrendGraphs | Supports the Calibration Error Trend Graph, which is stored in the Graphs folder. |
Query For CalibrationPassFailTrendGraphs | Supports the Calibration Pass Fail Trend Graph, which is stored in the Graphs folder. |
Query For CMXCalibrationReport | Returns the Calibration, CMX event record for the specified Event Key. |
Query For CMXCalibrationTemplateReport | Returns the Calibration Template, CMX record for the specified Template Key. |
Query For DiscreteCalibrationReport | Supports the Discrete Calibration Report, which is stored in the Reports folder. |
Query For DiscreteCalibrationTemplateReport | Supports the Calibration Template, Discrete Report, which is stored in the Reports folder. |
Query For FunctionalTestCalibrationFieldReport | Supports the Functional Test Calibration Field Report, which is stored in the Reports folder. |
Query For FunctionalTestCalibrationReport | Support the Functional Test Calibration Report, which is stored in the Reports folder. |
Query For WeightScaleCalibrationGraphs | Supports the WeightScale Calibration Error Graph and the WeightScale Calibration Measure Graph, which are stored in the Graphs folder. |
Query For WeightScaleCalibrationReport | Supports the WeightScale Calibration Report, which is stored in the Reports folder. |
Query For WeightScaleCalibrationTemplateReport | Supports the WeightScale Calibration Template Report, which is stored in the Reports folder. |
Query For WeightScaleCalibrationTemplateSubReport | Supports the WeightScale Calibration Template SubReport, which is stored in the Reports folder. |
RetrievFieldData | Returns the list of field data for a calibration mapping field for a specified Field ID and Family ID. |
Standard Gas Cylinder Overview | Returns the list of all the standard gas cylinders. |
Task Query | Displays the Asset_Key prompt for the Entity Key for the Asset record, and then returns the Calibration Tasks records for the specified record. |
Template Defaults | Returns the list of template defaults. |
Reports Folder
The Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Calibration Management\SSRS contains the following items.
Report Name | Behavior and Usage |
Analog Calibration Report |
Displays the EventKey prompt for the Entity Key of the Calibration, Analog record and then displays the generated Analog Calibration Report details for the specified Calibration Event. |
Analog Calibration Template Report | Displays the key prompt for the Entity Key of the Calibration Template, Analog record and then displays the generated Analog Calibration Template Report details for the specified Calibration Template. |
Analyzer MultiComponent Calibration Report | Displays the EventKey prompt for the Entity Key of the Calibration, Multi-Component Analyzer record and then displays the generated Analyzer MultiComponent Calibration Report details for the specified Calibration Event. |
Analyzer MultiComponent Calibration Template Report | Displays the key prompt for the Entity Key of the Calibration Template, Multi-Component Analyzer record and then displays the generated Analyzer MultiComponent Calibration Template Report details for the specified Calibration Template. |
Analyzer MultiComponent Calibration Template Sub Report | Displays the key prompt for the Entity Key of the Calibration Template, Multi-Component Analyzer record and then displays the generated Analyzer MultiComponent Calibration Template Sub Report details for the specified Calibration Template. |
Analyzer SingleComponent Calibration Report | Displays the EventKey prompt for the Entity Key of the Calibration, Single Component Analyzer record and then displays the generated Analyzer SingleComponent Calibration Report details for the specified Calibration Event. |
Analyzer SingleComponent Calibration Template Report | Displays the key prompt for the Entity Key of the Calibration Template, Single Component Analyzer record and then displays the generated Analyzer SingleComponent Calibration Template Report details for the specified Calibration Template. |
Analyzer SingleComponent Calibration Template Sub Report | Displays the key prompt for the Entity Key of the Calibration Template, Single Component Analyzer record and then displays the generatedAnalyzer SingleComponent Calibration Template Sub Report details for the specified Calibration Template. |
CMX Calibration Report | Displays the EventKey prompt for the Entity Key of the Calibration, CMX record and then displays the generated CMX Calibration Report details for the specified Calibration Event. |
CMX Calibration Template Report | Displays the key prompt for the Entity Key of the Calibration Template, CMX record and then displays the generated CMX Calibration Template Report details for the specified Calibration Template. |
Discrete Calibration Report | Displays the EventKey prompt for the Entity Key of the Calibration, Discrete record and then displays the generated Discrete Calibration Report details for the specified Calibration Event. |
Discrete Calibration Template Report | Displays the key prompt for the Entity Key of the Calibration Template, Discrete record and then displays the generated Discrete Calibration Template Report details for the specified Calibration Template. |
WeightScale Calibration Report |
Displays the EventKey prompt for the Entity Key of the Calibration Weight Scale Setup record and then displays the generated WeightScale Calibration Report details for the specified Calibration Event. |
WeightScale Calibration Template Report | Displays the key prompt for the Entity Key of the Calibration Template, Weight Scale record and then displays the generated WeightScale Calibration Template Report details for the specified Calibration Template. |
WeightScale Calibration Template SubReport | Displays the key prompt for the Entity Key of the Calibration Template, Weight Scale record and then displays the generated WeightScale Calibration Template SubReport details for the specified Calibration Template. |
The Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Calibration Management\Reports contains the following items.
Report Name | Behavior and Usage |
Functional Test Calibration Report | Displays the EventKey prompt for the Entity Key of the Calibration, Functional Test record and then displays the generated Functional Test Calibration Report details for the specified Calibration Event. |
Functional Test Calibration Template Report | Displays the key prompt for the Entity Key of the Calibration Template, Functional Test record and then displays the generated Functional Test Calibration Template Report details for the specified Calibration Template. |