Calibration Events

About Calibration Event

Calibration records (also called Calibration Events) store a snapshot of the current condition of the asset that is calibrated. They are used to store the readings you have taken while calibrating an asset and to verify whether the calibration has passed or failed.

You can perform calibration in one of the following ways:

  • Manual Calibration: When you perform a manual calibration, you will manually create Calibration records and enter the results into the record.
  • Automated Calibration: To perform automated calibration, you will use a calibrator. In this case, Calibration records are automatically created in GE Digital APM after receiving data from the calibrator.

About Functional Test

Calibration Template, Functional Test records are specific types of Calibration Templates that allow you to perform functional tests on the asset. A functional test consists of questions and possible responses to that question.

Like other Calibration Template records, Calibration Template, Functional Test records contain setup information for functional tests. They are linked to Calibration Template Detail, Functional Test records, which store the following information that you can use to define a custom functional test for an asset:

  • Instructions that describe the steps you should perform.
  • Responses that correspond with each instruction.
  • The sequence in which the instructions should be carried out.

Together, the combination of one Calibration Template, Functional Test record and one or more Calibration Template Detail, Functional Test records make up a single functional test.

Although Calibration Template, Functional Test records store different information than other Calibration Templates, they function the same way. You can also perform a manual functional test in the same way you perform a manual calibration, except that you should use a printed copy of the Functional Test Calibration Field Report to perform the specified functional test and write the results of the test on the printed report. The Functional Test Field Calibration Report displays the information that you defined in a Calibration Template, Functional Test record. You can print the report and use it to manually record the results of the functional test in the field, and then you can transfer the results from the report to a Calibration, Functional Test record in GE Digital APM.

Example: Functional Test

Suppose you want to record information about the physical condition of the wires that are attached to a boiler. In this case, you might create the following functional test:
What is the condition of the wires?
  • Rusted
  • Stripped
  • Loose
  • Dirty
  • Acceptable

Access a Calibration

About This Task

This topics describes how to access the following Calibration records:

  • Calibration, Analog
  • Calibration, Discrete
  • Calibration, Weight Scale
  • Calibration, Single Component Analyzer
  • Calibration, Multi-component Analyzer
  • Calibration, Functional Test
  • Calibration, CMX


  1. Access the Calibration Management Overview page.
  2. Select the Calibration Events tab.

    The Calibration Events section appears, displaying a list of Calibration records.

  3. In the Event ID column, select the link for the Calibration that you want to access.

    The details of the selected Calibration appear on a new page, displaying the Identification, Calibration, and Test Equipment sections. By default, the Identification section appears, displaying the datasheet for the selected Calibration.

    Note: As needed, you can modify the values in the available fields, and then select to save your changes.
  4. Select the Calibration tab.
    The Calibration section appears, displaying a list of Calibration Results and the summary of the Calibration Event.
    Note: The following image is specific to analog calibration. The image and fields differ based on the type of calibration. As needed, you can modify the values in the available fields, and then select to save your changes.

Access the Recommended Actions Pane


  1. Access the Calibration to which you want to access the Recommendation.
  2. On the upper-right corner of the page, select .

    The Recommended Actions pane appears, displaying a list of Recommendations linked to the Calibration.

    Tip: For information about additional options available when working with the Recommendation records, refer to the Action Management section of the documentation.

Access a Calibration Graph

Before You Begin

  • Create a Calibration.

About This Task

The following types of graphs are available in Calibration Management:

  • Error Graph
  • Measure Graph
  • Error Trend
  • Pass/Fail Trend

This topic describes how to access these graphs.


  1. Access the Calibration for which you want to access the graph.
  2. In the upper-right corner of the workspace, select , and then select the type of graph that you want to access.

    The graph appears.

Change the State of a Calibration

About This Task

This topic describes how to change the state of a Calibration, while assigning each state to a user.

Important: You can approve or reject a calibration only if you are member of the MI Calibration Administrator Security Group.


  1. Access the Calibration for which you want to change the state.

    The current state of the analysis appears on the upper-right corner of the datasheet.

  2. In the upper-right corner of the workspace, select the button that indicates the current state of the calibration. For example, if the current state of the calibration is In Progress, select the In Progress button.

    A drop-down menu appears, displaying a list of operations that you can perform on the analysis to change its state.

  3. Select Manage State Assignments.

    The State Assignments window appears.

  4. If not already done, assign the next state of the calibration to the appropriate user, and then select Done.
    The State Assignments window closes.
  5. In the upper-right corner of the workspace, select the button that indicates the current state of the calibration. For example, if the current state of the calibration is In Progress, select the In Progress button. Then, select the necessary operation that will change the state of the calibration, and then select Done. For example, if you want to change the state of the calibration from In Progress to Pending Approval, select Propose, and then select Done.

What To Do Next

Create a Recommendation


  1. Access the Recommended Actions pane.
  2. In the upper-left corner of the pane, select .

    A blank datasheet of the recommendation appears.

  3. As needed, enter values in the available fields, and then in the upper-right corner of the datasheet, select .

    The recommendation is created.

    Tip: For information about additional options available when working with the Recommendation records, refer to the Action Management section of the documentation.

Generate a Calibration Report


  1. Access the Calibration for which you want to generate a report.
  2. In the upper-right corner of the datasheet, select , and then select View Report.

    The Calibration report is generated. You can print, save, or export the report or attach the report to an email.

    Note: You can generate multiple reports at a time by following the bulk printing workflow in the Bulk Printing of Calibration Reports.

Delete a Calibration

About This Task

This topics describes how to delete the following Calibration records:

  • Calibration, Analog
  • Calibration, Discrete
  • Calibration, Weight Scale
  • Calibration, Single Component Analyzer
  • Calibration, Multi-component Analyzer
  • Calibration, Functional Test


  1. Access the Calibration Management Overview page.
  2. Select the Calibration Events tab.

    The Calibration Events section appears, displaying a list of Calibration records.

  3. Next to each Calibration that you want to delete, select the check box.
    Tip: You can also filter and search for the Calibration Task by selecting on the upper-right corner of the workspace. The search results appear as you enter values.
  4. In the section, select .

    The Delete Calibration Event(s) dialog box appears, asking you to confirm that you want to delete the selected Event(s) and all the links to other records.

  5. Select OK.

    The Calibration is deleted.