Family Field Descriptions

Asset Strategy Records

The following table provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist in the Asset Strategy family. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.

This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.

FieldData TypeDescriptionBehavior and Usage
DescriptionTextA description of the strategy.The Text Editor window appears, on which you can enter a description.
Plan LengthNumericThe number of years for which you want to calculate costs. This value will be used to determine the number of datapoints (bars) on the Cost Projection graph.
Risk Analysis TypeListA value that indicates whether the strategy results (shown in the graphs) are based on an ASO Analysis or not.The field will contain one of the following values:
  • Simulation: The strategy results are based on an ASO Analysis.

  • Qualitative: The strategy results are not based on an ASO Analysis.

Note the following about the Risk Analysis Type field:

  • If the Asset Strategy has never been used to create an ASO Analysis and is not included in an ASO Analysis, the value will be set to Qualitative, and the field will be disabled. If you create an ASO Analysis from the Asset Strategy or include the Asset Strategy in an ASO Analysis by creating an analysis from a System Strategy that includes the Asset Strategy, the value will be changed automatically to Simulation.
  • If the Asset Strategy was used to create an ASO Analysis, the value will be set to Simulation, and the field will be enabled. If needed, you can change the value to Qualitative to update the strategy results so that they are no longer based on the ASO Analysis. If you change the value to Qualitative, the ASO Analysis will not be deleted or unlinked from the Asset Strategy.
  • If the Asset Strategy is included in an ASO Analysis but was not used to create the analysis, the value will be set to Simulation, and the field will be disabled. The value will be changed automatically to Qualitative only if the Risk Analysis Type in the System Strategy that includes the Asset Strategy is set to Qualitative.
Strategy IDCharacterThe ID of the strategy.Does not have to be unique.
Strategy NotesTextAny additional information you want to provide about the strategy.The Text Editor window appears, on which you can enter any notes.
Strategy Re-Evaluation DateDate/TimeThe date on which you want to reevaluate the strategy.Cannot be before the Activated By date.

Strategy Template Records

The following table provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist in the Strategy Template family. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.

This family is not enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be accessed by any user with the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.

FieldData TypeDescriptionBehavior and Usage
CriticalityCharacterThe degree to which an asset is functionally or economically important.This field is read-only and populated automatically.
DescriptionTextA description of the Asset Strategy Template.The Text Editor window appears, on which you can enter a description.
DutyCharacterThe duty cycle context under which the asset is operating (for example, continuous or standby).This field is read-only and the value is populated by the APT template data load.
Risk MatrixListA list that contains the Record IDs of the Risk Matrix records that exist in the database.This field is disabled after the Asset Strategy Template record is saved.
ServiceCharacterThe process and environmental conditions under which the asset is operating.This field is read-only and the value is populated by the APT template data load.
Template Evaluation DateDate/TimeThe date on which you want to reevaluate the Asset Strategy Template.Cannot be before the Activation date.
Template IDCharacterThe ID of the Asset Strategy Template.Template ID does not need to be unique.
Template NotesText Any additional information you want to provide about the Asset Strategy Template.The Text Editor window appears, on which you can enter any notes.

System Strategy Records

The following table provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist in the System Strategy family. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.

This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.

FieldData TypeDescriptionBehavior and Usage
DescriptionTextA description of the System Strategy.The Text Editor window appears, on which you can enter your description.
Risk Analysis TypeList

A value that indicates whether the strategy results (shown in the graphs) are based on an ASO Analysis or not.

The field will contain one of the following values:
  • Simulation: The strategy results are based on an ASO Analysis.

  • Qualitative: The strategy results are not based on an ASO Analysis.

Note the following about the Risk Analysis Type field:

  • If the System Strategy has never been used to create an ASO Analysis and is not included in an ASO Analysis, the value will be set to Qualitative, and the field will be disabled. If you create an ASO Analysis from the System Strategy, the value will be changed automatically to Simulation.
  • If the System Strategy was used to create an ASO Analysis, the value will be set to Simulation, and the field will be enabled. If needed, you can change the value to Qualitative to update the strategy results so that they are no longer based on the ASO Analysis. If you change the value to Qualitative, the ASO Analysis will not be deleted or unlinked from the System Strategy.
  • If the System Strategy is included in an ASO Analysis but was not used to create the analysis, the value will be set to Simulation, and the field will be disabled.
System IDCharacterThe ID of the System Strategy.Does not have to be unique. This field is required.

Action Records

The following table provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist in the Action family. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.

This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.

FieldData TypeDescriptionBehavior and Usage
Action BasisTextThe basis for the action being created.This is not a required field.
Action IDCharacterThe ID of the action.Populated automatically from the name of the associated strategy when the action is created.
Action TypeListThe type of action you are creating.Use the drop-down list to select the type of action.
Condition Monitoring TypeListThe type of condition monitoring for the action.This field becomes active after the associated strategy is moved to an Active state.
CostNumericCost to execute the action in US dollars.Every time the action is performed, this amount is factored into the Annual Cost and Cost Projection graphs.
Cost BasisTextDescription to justify cost of performing action.Enter basis for the cost of carrying out the action each time.
DescriptionTextA description for the action.This is not a required field.
Existing PlanBooleanIs this action part of an existing plan?Select the check box if the action is part of an existing plan.
IntervalNumericThe number of the interval unit corresponding to how often the action should be performed.This value corresponds with Interval Units to give the complete frequency with which the action should be performed.
Interval UnitsListThe unit of the interval corresponding to how often the action should be performed.This value corresponds with Interval to give the complete frequency with which the action should be performed.
MandatoryBooleanThe action is required.This check box is filled if the action is a required action.
NameTextA name for the action.This is a required field.
NonrecurringBooleanShould the action be on a recurring basis or only once.Select the check box if you only want the action performed once instead of on a recurring basis.
Performance IntervalNumericReference value for the interval of the performance of the action.The values in the Performance Interval field is not used in any calculations in ASM. You can use them as reference values, but no logic is executed based on the values. All calculations that require an interval are based on the values in the Interval field and the Interval Units field.
Performance Interval UnitsListReference value for the interval units of the performance of the action.The values in the Performance Interval Units field is not used in any calculations in ASM. You can use them as reference values, but no logic is executed based on the values. All calculations that require an interval are based on the values in the Interval field and the Interval Units field.
Recommended ResourceText/ListA custom entry for a resource to execute action.Use the drop-down list and enter text into the add caption box that corresponds to the custom resource.
Shutdown RequiredBooleanIs shutdown required after performing the action?Select the check box to flag for an equipment shutdown after the action is applied.
Target Completion DateDate/TimeTarget date for the action to be executed.Use the date/time selectors to select the date and time by which the action must be executed.

Risk Records

The following table provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist in the Risk family. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.

This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.

FieldData TypeDescriptionBehavior and Usage
DescriptionTextA description for the risk.This is not a required field.
Financial RiskNumericThe numeric value for the total unmitigated financial risk for the asset.This value is calculated from the risk assessment performed by the user on the risk matrix.
NameTextA name for the risk.This is a required field.
Risk BasisTextThe basis for the risk being created.This is not a required field.
Risk IDCharacterThe ID of the risk.Populated automatically from the name of the associated strategy when the risk is created.
Risk RankNumericThe numeric value for the total unmitigated risk across all categories for the asset.This value is calculated by APM. The calculation is done based on the user-provided values in the unmitigated risk assessments performed on the risk matrix.
ConditionTextThe condition of the associated asset.This is not a required field.
Failure CauseTextThe cause of the failure.This is not a required field.
Failure ModeTextThe failure mode linked to the risk.This field is automatically populated with the failure mode associated with the asset strategy.
Maintainable ItemCharacterAn item from an EAM system, failure codes, etc.This value is based on an indexing system outside of GE Digital APM, and therefore must be entered manually.
PF IntervalNumericThe interval value for potential to failure of the asset.Enter the number of the interval to be combined with the PF Interval Units.
PF Interval UnitsListUnit of measurement for the potential to failure of the asset.The field will contain one of the following values:
  • Minutes
  • Hours
  • Days
  • Weeks
  • Months
  • Years

EAM Plan Records

The following table provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist in the EAM Plan Records family. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.

This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.

FieldData TypeDescriptionBehavior and Usage
EAM System IDCharacterThe unique ID of the EAM System source.This field is disabled and populated automatically.
EquipmentCharacterThe ID of the associated Equipment.This field is disabled and populated automatically.
Functional LocationCharacterThe ID of the associated Functional Location.This field is disabled and populated automatically.
Item Change DateDateThe date on which the EAM Maintenance item was last modified.This field is disabled and populated automatically.
Item Created DateDateThe date on which the EAM Maintenance Item was created.This field is disabled and populated automatically.
Item DescriptionCharacterThe unique ID of the EAM Maintenance Item.This field is disabled and populated automatically.
Item IDCharacterThe unique ID of the EAM Maintenance Item.This field is disabled and populated automatically.
Item Long TextTextThe long description of the EAM Maintenance Item.This field is disabled and populated automatically.
Plan Call HorizonNumericA numeric description of the EAM Plan. This field is disabled and populated automatically.
Plan CategoryCharacterThe associated category of the EAM Plan.This field is disabled and populated automatically.
Plan Change DateDateThe date on which the EAM plan was last modified.This field is disabled and populated automatically.
Plan Created DateDateThe date on which the EAM Plan was created.This field is disabled and populated automatically.
Plan DescriptionCharacterThe short description of the EAM Plan.This field is disabled and populated automatically.
Plan IDCharacterThe unique ID of the EAM Plan.This field is disabled and populated automatically.
Plan IntervalNumericThe numeric interval for the plan.This field is disabled and populated automatically.
Plan Interval UnitsCharacterThe unit of measure for the associated interval of the plan.This field is disabled and populated automatically.
Plan Long TextTextThe long description of the EAM Plan.This field is disabled and populated automatically.
Plan Start DateDateThe date on which the EAM Plan will begin.This field is disabled and populated automatically.
Plan StrategyCharacterIndicates the strategy plan value for plans that are not based on a cycle.This field is disabled and populated automatically.
Task List Change DateDateThe last modified date for the EAM Task List.This field is disabled and populated automatically.
Task List Created DateDateThe date on which the EAM Task List was created.This field is disabled and populated automatically.
Task List DescriptionCharacterThe short description of the EAM Task List.This field is disabled and populated automatically.
Task List IDCharacterThe unique identifier of the EAM Task List.This field is disabled and populated automatically.

EAM Plan Details Records

The following table provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist in the EAM Plan Details Records family.

This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.

FieldData TypeDescriptionBehavior and Usage
EAM System IDCharacterThe unique ID of the EAM System source.This field is disabled and populated automatically.
Operation Change DateDateThe date on which the EAM Operation was last modified.This field is disabled and populated automatically.
Operation Control KeyDateThe control key of the EAM Operation.This field is disabled and populated automatically.
Operation Created DateDateThe creation date for the EAM Operation.This field is disabled and populated automatically.
Operation DescriptionCharacterThe short description of the EAM Operation.This field is disabled and populated automatically.
Operation IDCharacterThe unique ID of the EAM Plan.This field is disabled and populated automatically.
Operation Long TextTextThe long description of the EAM Operation.This field is disabled and populated automatically.
Task List IDCharacterThe unique ID of the EAM Task List.This field is disabled and populated automatically.