Implement Actions

About Implement Actions

In an asset strategy, actions define the work needed to mitigate the risks identified for an asset. That work is executed by implementing the actions, and the method by which you do this depends on the particular action and the GE Digital APM module that is most suitable to use to execute the action.

Consider the following examples:

  • If you have an action called Check Lubricant, you may want to implement it by creating a new Lubrication Requirement, which would then be managed in Rounds Designer.
  • If you have an action called General Inspection, you may want to implement it with an Inspection Task, whose execution would then be managed in Inspection Management.
  • If you have an action with the description Review flow rate, pressure, and vibration for Pump 1, you may want to implement that action with a Health Indicator, which would then be displayed in Asset Health Manager to continuously monitor those items.

In an asset strategy, you can implement an action using one of the following means:

  • Calibration Task
  • Inspection Task
  • Proof Test Task
  • Rounds Classic
  • Rounds Pro Step
  • Lubrication Requirement
  • Measurement Location
  • Health Indicator
  • Policy Instance

In addition, you can:

  • Send actions to ASI for SAP, so that they can be implemented and executed in an SAP system.
  • Create an EAM Work Request to create alerts that will help you build out a specific EAM structure. When you send the EAM Work Request, a General Recommendation is created in GE Digital APM, which then sends the work request to your EAM system when it is saved.
  • View execution history for actions.

Access the Implement Actions Workspace

About This Task

Important: The Implement Actions workspace is accessible only if the asset strategy is Active or Modified.


  1. Access the ASM Overview page.
  2. Select the Asset Strategies tab.
    The Asset Strategies section appears, displaying a list of available asset strategies.
  3. Select the strategy whose actions you want to implement.
    The Strategy Details workspace for the selected asset strategy appears.

  4. Select the Implement Actions tab.
    The Implement Actions workspace appears.

About Calibration Tasks

In the Implement Actions workspace, you can create corresponding calibration tasks for actions when you implement the actions. After you create the records, you can link to them from the Implement Actions workspace.

Create New Calibration Task

About This Task

In the Implement Actions workspace, you can create corresponding calibration tasks for actions when you implement the actions. After you create the records, you can link to them from the Implement Actions workspace.


  1. Access Implement Actions.
  2. In the Implement Actions workspace, select the check box in the row containing the action you want to implement via new calibration task.
    The action is highlighted.
  3. Select the Implement menu, and then select Calibration Task.
    The Implement Calibration Task window appears.

  4. Select the Create New option, and then select Implement to create the new task.
    A message appears, confirming that the action has been implemented successfully.


  • A new calibration task is created.
  • In the Implement Actions workspace, in the Implementation column of the action you implemented, a hyperlink to the calibration task appears.

About Inspection Tasks

In the Implement Actions workspace, you can create and link corresponding inspection tasks for actions when you implement the actions. After you create the records, you can link to them from the Implement Actions workspace.

Create New Inspection Task

About This Task

In the Implement Actions workspace, you can create corresponding inspection tasks for actions when you implement the actions. After you create the records, you can link to them from the Implement Actions workspace.


  1. Access Implement Actions.
  2. In the Implement Actions workspace, select the check box in the row containing the action you want to implement via new inspection task.
    The action is highlighted.
  3. Select the Implement menu, and then select Inspection Task.
    The Implement Inspection Task window appears.

  4. Select the Create New option, and then select Implement to create the new task.
    A message appears, confirming that the action has been implemented successfully.


  • A new inspection task is created.
  • In the Implement Actions workspace, in the Implementation column of the action you implemented, a hyperlink to the inspection task appears.

About Proof Test Tasks

In the Implement Actions workspace, you can create and link a proof test task for actions when you implement the actions. After you create the records, you can link them to the Inspection task from the Implement Actions workspace.

Create a Proof Test Task


  1. Access Implement Actions.
  2. In the Implement Actions workspace, select the check box in the row containing the action you want to implement via a new proof test task.
    The action is highlighted.
  3. Select the Implement menu, and then select Proof Test Task.
    The Implement As Proof Test window appears.

  4. Select Create New, and then select Implement.
    A message appears, stating that the action has been implemented.


  • A proof test task is created.
  • In the Implement Actions workspace, in the Implementation column of the action you implemented, a link to the proof test task appears.

Create New Measurement Location or Lubrication Requirement Records

About This Task

In the Implement Actions workspace, you can create corresponding measurement location and lubrication requirement records to implement an action. After you create the records, you can link to them from the Implement Actions workspace.


  1. Access Implement Actions.
  2. In the Implement Actions workspace, select the check box in the row containing the action you want to implement via a new Measurement Location or Lubrication Requirement record.
    The action is highlighted.
  3. Select the Implement drop-down menu from the upper-right corner, and then select Rounds Classic.
    The Implement Actions in the Rounds Classic window appears, depending on which type of implementation you selected, displaying a list of measurement location or lubrication requirement records from Rounds to which you could link the action.
  4. Select the Create New From Template option.
    A grid appears, displaying a list of available template types.
  5. Select the template type you want to use, and then select Implement.
    A message appears, confirming that the action has been implemented.


  • A new measurement location or lubrication requirement is created.
  • In the Implement Actions workspace, in the Implementation column of the action you implemented, a hyperlink to the measurement location or lubrication requirement appears.

Apply Updates to Implemented Actions

Before You Begin


  1. Approve the strategy whose related actions you modified.
    The strategy is changed back to the Active state.
  2. In the pane, select the Implement Actions tab.
    The Implement Actions workspace appears.

  3. In the Implement Actions workspace, select the actions that you modified and that you want to update with their implementations, and then select .
    The updates are applied to the implemented actions. If any updates were unsuccessful, the Errors window appears, which contains a list of the unsuccessful updates.

Send Approved Actions to an ASI Package


  1. Access the Implement Actions section.
  2. In the Implement Actions section, select the check box in the rows containing the implemented actions that you want to send to ASI, and then select .
    The Send to ASI Package window appears, displaying a list of existing implementation packages that match the CMMS system of the Asset. By default, the Link Existing option is selected.

    Note: The maximum amount of records that you can select for one implementation is 250.
    Note: The button will be enabled only if one of the following conditions are satisfied:
    • The Asset is an equipment or a functional location.
    • the Asset has a CMMS system.
  3. If you want to send the implemented actions to an existing ASI package, select the package to which you want to link them, and then select Send. Or, if you want to create a new ASI package and link the implemented actions to an existing ASI package, select Create New, then enter values in the available fields as needed, and then select Send.
    A message appears, confirming that your items have been sent to ASI.

View Execution History for Actions


  1. Access Implement Actions.
  2. In the Implement Actions workspace, select a link in the Action Name column for the row containing the action for which you want to view the execution history.
    The <Action Name> window appears, displaying the Action History section that contains a list of execution history for the action.

    Note: You can view the Active Work Order information for Actions, and the date when the work order was last completed.