Data Model
Data Model
OT Source: Source of Tags and Tag Value from the Edge
The following table provides a list and description of the fields that exist in the OT Source family and are available on the baseline OT Source datasheet. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. If your implementation has been customized, these fields may behave differently, and fields in addition to those listed here may be available.
This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site and will then only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Site Filtering section of the documentation.
Field Caption/ID | Data Type | Description | Behavior and Usage |
MI_OTSRC_ID_C | Character | Unique Identifier | None |
MI_OTSRC_CONN_DEF_T | Text | Connection Configuration | Reserved for future use |
MI_OTSRC_TYPE_C | Type | Text |
This field is a selection from a predefined list. Options include OPC HDA and Simulation |
MI_OTSRC_NAME_C | Character | Name | None |
MI_OTSRC_LAST_UPDT_D | Date | Last Update Time | None |
MI_OTSRC_LAST_SYNC_D | Date | Last Sync Time | None |
MI_OTSRC_SYNC_RATE_N | Numeric | Minutes between Tag Synchronizations | None |
MI_OTSRC_CAPABILITY_N | Numeric | Capability | Bit Flags |
MI_OTSRC_SYNC_DEF_T | Text | Synchronization Configuration | JSON |
MI_OTSRC_SUB_RATE_N | Numeric | Default Subscription Rate | None |
Source Tag: Tag definition from Source on the Edge
The following table provides a list and description of the fields that exist in the Source Tag family and are available on the baseline Source Tag datasheet. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. If your implementation has been customized, these fields may behave differently, and fields in addition to those listed here may be available.
This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site and will then only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Site Filtering section of the documentation.
Field Caption/ID | Data Type | Description | Behavior and Usage |
MI_SRCTAG_ID_C | Character | Unique Identifier | None |
MI_SRCTAG_NAME_C | Character | Name | Unique name in Process Historian |
MI_SRCTAG_DESC_C | Character | Description | |
MI_SRCTAG_ITEM_C | Character | - | Reserved for future use |
MI_SRCTAG_COMMENTS_T | Text | Comments | |
MI_SRCTAG_UOM_C | Character | UoM | Reserved for future use |
MI_SRCTAG_RAW_UOM_C | Character | Raw UoM | UoM string reported by Process historian |
MI_SRCTAG_EXT_PROPS_T | Text | Extended Properties | |
MI_SRCTAG_DELETED_B | Boolean | This Tag was deleted from the OT Source | |
MI_SRCTAG_DATA_TYPE_C | Character | Data Type |
This field is a selection from a predefined list. Options include Boolean, Integer, Decimal, String, Timespan, DateTime |
MI_SRCTAG_HS_OTSRC_FK_N | Numeric | OT Source Entity Key | Foreign Key to OT Source Records family |
MI_SRCTAG_MIGR_FMLY_KEY_C | Character | Migrated Tag Family Key | Used for upgrade from MI_TAG based families (OPC Tag, GE Tag, AMS Tag) |
MI_SRCTAG_MIGR_ENTY_KEY_C | Character | Migrated Tag Entity Key | Used for upgrade from MI_TAG based families (OPC Tag, GE Tag, AMS Tag) |
Content Map: The relationships between content and sources
The following table provides a list and description of the fields that exist in the Content Map family and are available on the baseline Content Map datasheet. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. If your implementation has been customized, these fields may behave differently, and fields in addition to those listed here may be available.
Field Caption/ID | Data Type | Description | Behavior and Usage |
MI_CONTMAP_ID_C | Character | Unique Identifier | None |
MI_CONTMAP_TMPLT_NAME_C | Character | - | Reserved for future use |
MI_CONTMAP_UOM_C | Character | UoM | Reserved for future use |
MI_CONTMAP_LMT_DEFS_T | Text | Limit Definitions | JSON |
MI_CONTMAP_TRIGGER_B | Boolean | - | Reserved for future use |
MI_CONTMAP_REQ_CAP_N | Numeric | OT Source Capabilities Required by this Content | Bit flags |
MI_CONTMAP_EQUIP_FK_N | Numeric | Equipment Key | Foreign Key to Equipment Record |
MI_CONTMAP_FLOC_FK_N | Numeric | Functional Location Key | Foreign Key to Functional Location Record |
MI_CONTMAP_SRCTAG_FK_N | Numeric | Source Tag Key | Foreign key to Source Tag record |