Installation and Configuration Steps for an Oracle Server Database

Install the Oracle Server Software

About This Task

Note: You need to complete this step only if you plan to use an Oracle Database Server to host the GE Digital APM schema.

The first step in setting up the database server for the GE Digital APM schema is to install the Oracle Server software on the database server machine. Instructions for installing the Oracle Server software exceed the scope of this documentation. For information on performing the installation, refer to the Oracle installation documentation that is specific to your database server platform. If you plan to create a database via the Oracle Universal installer, then, before proceeding, you should review the section in this documentation on Creating and configuring the Oracle database.

What To Do Next

Create and Configure the Oracle Database

Create the Oracle Database

Before you create the Oracle schema that will contain the GE Digital APM repository, you must install the Database Server software on the GE Digital APM Database Server machine. The creation of the Oracle database exceeds the scope of this documentation. For details on creating an Oracle database, consult the Oracle documentation that is specific to your database platform.

When the database is created, the database character set must be specified. If you are creating a Unicode database, use the character set AL32UTF8. This is the most recent and recommended Unicode database character set.

Configure the Oracle Database

After you have created the Oracle database, you will need to configure it. Details on configuring the Oracle database exceed the scope of this documentation. For details on configuring an Oracle database, consult the Oracle documentation that is specific to your database platform. Note, however, that the Oracle database must meet the following requirements:

The following database parameter values are recommended and must persist from one database startup to the next.

Database parameter value



The dml_locks parameters should be set to a large value to avoid the possibility of waiting for a lock.


It is not uncommon for one GE Digital APM user to have multiple cursors open simultaneously. For this reason, you should set this value accordingly.


The GE Digital APM schema is not configured for parallel query. Therefore, we recommend that you disable this feature. Enabling parallel query when the database and schema are not properly configured can severely degrade system performance.


The GE Digital APM schema is not configured for parallel query. Therefore, we recommend that you disable this feature. Enabling parallel query when the database and schema are not properly configured can severely degrade system performance.






Setting timed_statistics allows for minimum maintenance and enables reporting on internal wait events, which can be used to reconfigure your database.

Memory_target= 4G

Suggested minimum

Default values for database parameters that are not mentioned in the above list meet or exceed recommendations for a GE Digital APM database configuration. GE Digital APM recommends that you monitor the database so that changes can be made as necessary to accommodate the needs of your specific installations. For more information on these and other database parameters, consult the Oracle documentation.

What's Next?

Create the GE Digital APM Oracle Schema on the GE Digital APM Database Server

About This Task

The following instructions provide details on creating the GE Digital APM Oracle schema. After you have created the Oracle schema using these instructions, the schema will be referred to as the GE Digital APM database throughout this documentation.

To perform these steps, you will need Oracle DBA privileges on the GE Digital APM Database Server machine. These instructions assume that:

  • You are logged in to your GE Digital APM Database Server machine with DBA privileges and have a connection to Oracle.
  • You are familiar with running SQL scripts and the associated terminology.


  1. On the GE Digital APM Server machine, in the GE Digital APM distribution package, navigate to the Database folder.
  2. Open the file MI_DB_MASTER_<version>.zip, and then extract the contents of the file <version>.zip to a folder on the C: drive.
  3. Open the file <version>.zip, and then open the subfolder _Setup\NewInstall\Oracle.

    This folder contains the extracted files that will need to be run by the database administrator (via the remaining steps). The database administrator will need the following three files, as well as access to the remaining instructions in this topic:

    • MI_V4030070.DMP.ZIP
    1. Locate and run the script CRT_MI_CONNECT_ROLE.SQL.
      This script creates the GE Digital APM role (MI_CONNECT_ROLE), which contains several of the Oracle privileges that are necessary to run the GE Digital APM applications. This script does not require any parameters. You will need to run this script one time per database.
    2. Locate and run the script CRT_MI_USER.SQL.
      This script creates the Oracle user, and then grants to the user the role MI_CONNECT_ROLE that you created in the preceding step.

      The schema is created. For example, if you were to define the parameters through the command SQL> @CRT_MI_USER MERIDIUM_PROD MERIDIUM_PROD 1000M Meridium_DATA, it would automatically:

      • Create a user named MERIDIUM_PROD.
      • Set the password for the user to MERIDIUM_PROD.
      • Set the default tablespace for the user to MERIDIUM_DATA.
      • Grant 1GB of quota on the default tablespace.
      Note: This example assumes that the MERIDIUM_DATA tablespace already exists.
  4. Import the Oracle schema that you created in the preceding steps. To do so:
    1. On the GE Digital APM Database Server machine, locate the file MI_V4030070.DMP.ZIP, and then extract and import the contents.
    2. Update the schema statistics.
  5. Log in to SQL*Plus (or equivalent) as the schema owner, and then run the following command: SQL> EXEC MI_DDL.CRT_SIDX_SI_MI_GEOD_GD
    The spatial/geo index for the database is imported.

What To Do Next