Adding Applications to the Webspace Admin Console

About this task

For clients to run an application through Webspace, the application must be added to the Webspace Admin Console. Clients are then able to connect to the Webspace Server and to access the application. When adding applications to the Webspace Admin Console, you can specify startup parameters that control how the application opens and what processes are initiated when the application is started.


  1. In the tree, from the list of All Hosts, select the server name that you want to add the application.
  2. Click the Applications tab.
  3. Click the Add button. The Add Application dialog box appears.
  4. Enter the Executable Path. For example: C:\Program Files\Proficy\Proficy Webspace\Programs\ProficyWeb.exe.

    If you browsed for the application's .exe file in the preceding step, the file name will automatically be entered in the Display Name box. This name is displayed to users in the Program Window. You can keep the default display name, or you can type a new one. The application’s Display Name cannot consist entirely of spaces and it cannot contain a backslash (\). This field cannot be left blank.

    If you browsed for the application's executable file, the path name of the directory will automatically be displayed in the Start Directory box. Otherwise, you will need to type the full path name of the directory in which you want the application to start.

  5. In the Start Directory box, type the full path name of the directory in which you want the application to start. For example: C:\Program Files\Proficy\Proficy Webspace\Programs.
  6. In the Startup State section, select whether the application starts maximized, minimized, or in normal mode.
  7. In the Command-Line Options box, you can pass on launch parameters for the application. For example:
    Application Examples of Command-Line Options
    iFIX IFIX /s"C:\Program Files (x86)\Proficy\Proficy iFIX\LOCAL\WEB.SCU"
    CIMPLICITY CIMVIEW or CIMLAYOUT (depends on the CIMPLICITY application you want to configure) For example: CIMVIEW /keypad "C:\Program Files (x86)\Proficy\Proficy CIMPLICITY\projects\CIMPDEMO\screens\1airhouse.cim" where:    /keypad is an optional command line argument for cimview.exe.
  8. Click the Change Icon button if you would like to replace the application's default icon. Select a new icon from the Change Icon dialog box.
  9. Click OK when you are finished.
  10. Restart the Proficy Webspace Application Publishing Service. For steps, refer to the Restarting the Proficy Webspace Application Publishing Service section.