Unsupported Features for Webspace
Important: It is strongly NOT recommended to run the Webspace Server on the same computer as your SCADA Server. The SCADA Server should reside on a different machine than the Webspace Server.
The Webspace product does not support use with:
- Not Listed Browsers: Other browsers such as Netscape and Opera.
- Microsoft Internet Explorer (64-bit) Browser: WebSpace does not support running the WebSpace client sessions on a 64-bit Internet Explorer browser; only 32-bit Internet Explorer browsers are supported.
- Change Management: Change Management from GE Vernova is not supported. For iFIX, be sure that the Logon on WorkSpace Startup option is cleared on the Change Management tab in the User Preferences dialog box in the WorkSpace.
- Configure Mode for the iFIX WorkSpace: Webspace sessions in configure mode are not supported. Only the WorkSpace run mode is supported. By default, when you log on to a Webspace session from a supported browser, you automatically enter run mode. Several configuration tools (such as Key Macro Editor, Visual Basic Editor, Startup Profile Manager, and others) will not open in the Webspace session.
- Dell Wyse T50 Thin Client: This client is not supported or tested on the current version of Webspace.
- Enhanced Failover: iFIX Enhanced Failover is not supported if the Webspace Server is running on either of the SCADA machines configured in a redundant pair. Enhanced Failover is supported, however, if the Webspace Server machine is separate to the SCADA pair.
- Environment Protection: iFIX WorkSpace environment protection settings from the web session are not supported.
- FIX32 Nodes: Be aware that connections to FIX32 nodes are not supported by Webspace. For instance, in this case, you should not have animations or datalinks that point to FIX32 SCADA nodes in your web session pictures. This includes WorkSpace .GRF and View .ODF picture files.
- iFIX Alarm ODBC: Alarm ODBC in the Webspace client is not supported.
- iFIX Screen Saver: The iFIX Screen Saver is not supported in Webspace sessions. The iFIX Screen Saver settings only apply to the iFIX applications running on the Webspace Server itself, and not to web sessions.
- Modem Connections: Connecting a client to the Webspace Server using a modem is not supported.
- Network Folder for Logs: Webspace Server logs stored directly in a network folder are not supported.
- Older Operating Systems. For example, the following operating systems are NOT supported with the Webspace Server: Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows Server 2003, the 32-bit versions of Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows 8.x (32-bit only). The following operating systems are not supported for clients: Microsoft Windows Pocket PC and Windows CE.
- Operations Hub: You cannot install Operations Hub by GE Vernova on the same computer as the Webspace Server.
- Plant Applications: Plant Applications is not supported in this version of Webspace. Customers requiring either a 32-bit application or Plant Applications support should not upgrade Webspace to version 5.0 or greater.
- Power Users: Logging into Webspace Server as a Power User is not supported. To open a session to the server, log in as a member of the standard Users group.
- Remote Desktop: The Microsoft Remote Desktop Client is not supported in Webspace sessions.
- Right-to-left Languages: Right-to-left languages are not supported.
- Running iFIX as a Service on the Webspace Server machine: You cannot run iFIX as a service on the Webspace Server.
- Running the Webspace Client and Server on the Same Computer: Running Webspace sessions (browser or desktop client) on the same machine where the Webspace Server is installed is not supported.
- Running the SCADA Server on the Same Machine as your Webspace Server: It is strongly NOT recommended to run the Webspace Server on the same computer as your SCADA Server. The SCADA Server should reside on a different machine than the Webspace Server. An exception to this guideline would be a small system (with less than 5 Webspace clients) that does not used advanced iFIX capabilities such as Enhanced Failover.
- Terminal Server: A Terminal Server running on the same machine as the Webspace Server is not supported.
- THISNODE feature: THISNODE, which applies to the View nodes communicating with a remote SCADA, is not supported from the web session.
- UNC Paths and Install: Installing the product from UNC paths is not supported or recommended.
- Undocumented Command Line Options: The following startup parameters are not currently supported from a browser shortcut: bInBrowser, compression, printerconfig, clientframe, multimonitor, width, height, embed, noscale, clientscale, and ClientDPIScalingEnabled.
- Undocumented Functionality: Some items mentioned in the previous user help, such as the logon.html, the support request wizard, licensing servers, smart card authentication, and the AllClients.html are not supported in the current Webspace product. If it is not documented, it is not supported.
- VMWare Advanced features: Advanced features of ESXi Server, such as VMotion and Clustering support, have not been tested with Webspace. VMware WorkStation and Player are not supported. USB to serial communications is not supported. Power meter functions and options, and suspending images to conserve power are not supported. Setting up additional device connections to the virtual machine through a HOST is not supported.
- Web HMI: You cannot install Web HMI on the same computer as the Webspace Server.