Command-line Options for the Windows Desktop Client

Use the following table to review the available command-line options for the Webspace startup in the Windows Desktop Client (Proficy.exe). Parameters are optional and case-sensitive. Parameters can be appended in any order with the exception of the -r option.  When the -r parameter is used, it must be the last parameter on the command-line, and it must be used with the -a parameter.

Optionally, you can use command-line settings to override the defaults of your Windows Desktop Client session on open. To add a command-line use, change the Properties on the shortcut you use on the Start menu to open the Windows Desktop Client, or create a new shortcut with the command-line options that you want to use.

Command-line options that are also configurable in the Administration tool, such as -hp and -ac, override the default settings in the Webspace Admin Console. Command-line options can only be appended to desktop shortcuts that call the "C:\Program Files\Proficy\Proficy Webspace\Client\Proficy.exe" file. In order to accommodate spaces in user names and passwords, quotation marks must be included when using command-line arguments.

Summary of Command-line Options for the Windows Desktop Client

Use the following table to review the available command-line options for Webspace Desktop Client startup.

Option Description
-u user_name The name of the user's account.
-p actual_password The user's password.
-hp port_number The port on which the Webspace Server accepts connections. By default, this port number is 491.
-h host_name The name or IP address of your Webspace Server machine.
-c or -nc -c enables compression. (Compression is enabled by default.)   -nc disables compression.
-f (0 | 1) This setting describes whether each session will be displayed in a bounding window. When you use -f followed by a 1, all applications running in the session will be displayed within a bounding window. When you follow the -f respectively with a 0, applications will be displayed within their own individual windows.
-geometry The width and height of the client window.

The command-line argument –geometry can be used to modify the size of the client window when the command-line argument –f is used. Without -geometry on the command-line, the client window will be maximized. When Webspace is run in loose window mode, -geometry has no effect. To resize the client window, append –geometry to the Webspace Client executable, followed by the desired width and height. For example, on Windows: “C:\Program Files\GraphOn\GO-Global\Client\gg-client.exe” -f –geometry=800x600

-a app_name The application you want to open:
  • iFIX
  • CimView
  • CimLayout
When using the -a option with CimView, the –r option must also be supplied.
- r app_name parameters The application you want to open, with the specified parameters. Examples with additional parameters include:
  • iFIX /puserscreen.grf    
  • CimView "c:\screens\userscreen.cim"
  • CimLayout “c:\CIMPLICITY_webfiles\layoutfile.cimlayout”
The -a option must be supplied before the -r option.  The -r option does not replace the -a option. The -r option simply allows you  to supply additional parameters for your application.
-autoreconnect i Determines how many times the client will automatically attempt to reconnect after a broken connection. When -autoreconnect is followed by i, the client will automatically attempt to reconnect i number of times. 5 by default.
-ac Determines how printers are initialized at startup. When printerconfig ="all" or -ac is followed by all, all printers are automatically configured. When printerconfig = "none" or -ac is followed by none, printers are not automatically configured. When printerconfig = "default" or -ac is followed by default, the default printer is configured automatically. This is the default setting.
-clientscale When followed by the percent scale factor, causes the Webspace app to scale the applications running in the session relative to applications running locally on the client computer. For example, adding -clientscale 200 to the command-line will cause applications running in the Webspace session to appear twice as large as applications running locally on the client computer.
-clientdpi -clientdpi 1 enables the the Webspace app's DPI scaling feature. -clientdpi 0 disables the feature. When this option is specified, it overrides the value of the ClientDPIScalingEnabled property in the HostProperties.xml file on the host.
If you set this value to zero by entering -clientdpi 0, then the -clientscale command line will not be applicable.