Command-line Options for Web Browser Clients

Optionally, you can use command-line settings to override the defaults of your Webspace session on open. Use command-line settings to override the defaults of your Webspace session on open. You can do this by either:

  • Directly entering the commands following the web address when you type it into the browser, or from the hyperlink command you refer to on a custom web page. For example, the address plus command-options could read like this for iFIX: http://WebspaceServerName/ProficyWebspace/iFIX.html?user=user_name&password=actual_password. Or for CIMPLICITY, specify the command-line parameters in the .HTML file.  For details, refer to the CIMPLICITY HTML File Overview section.
  • Changing the default settings for every user, by editing the Logon call in the index.html and index.htm files on the Webspace Server in the directory where you publish the Webspace files to be hosted by your IIS or Apache server. For example, you would modify the window.location.href = "iFIX.html?embed=true"; line in the index.html and index.htm files with the settings you want to change. For instance, you might want to change that line to allow for loose mode, instead of embedded mode: window.location.href = "iFIX.html?embed=false&useApp=true".

Be aware of the following when working with command-line options:

  • Command-line passing of variables to CIMPLICITY is supported through the .HTML file.  For details, refer to the CIMPLICITY HTML File Overview section.
  • Parameters are optional and case-sensitive. They can be appended in any order.
  • Command-line options that are also configurable in the Administration tool, override the default settings in the Webspace Admin Console.
  • Before the first command-line option, and after the .html reference, add a ? symbol. For example: iFIX.html?user=user_name.
  • After the first command, each additional command that you add should be appended with the & symbol before the additional command. For example: user=user_name&password=actual_password.
  • Spaces within parameters must be replaced with the %20 symbol.

Summary of Command-line Options for Web Browsers

Use the following table to review the available command-line options for Webspace startup in browsers.

Option Description
user=user_name The name of the user's account.
password=actual_password The user's password.
port=port_number The port on which the Webspace Server accepts connections. By default, this port number is 491.
autoclose=true|false Not supported in Webspace 6.2.
useApp=true|false By default, Webspace runs the zero-install client. You can change it so that Webspace automatically downloads (if it is not already installed) and runs the full app instead. Appending ?useApp=true to the logon URL will download the full Webspace app and run the full app.

The installApp command works together with useApp.

When installApp=true, the user will be prompted to install the full Webspace app, if it is not already installed. If installApp=false, the user will not be prompted to install the full Webspace app and no link to install will be displayed.


  • When useApp=true&installApp=true the user will be prompted to install the single user app, and after installing, the session will open in the app (session will start in app but embedded in browser itself, as embed is true by default).
  • When useApp=true&installApp=false the user will not be prompted to install app, but if app is already installed the session will start in the app.
  • When useApp=true&embed=false the session opens in the app outside of browser.
embed=true|false This setting describes whether your web session runs in Loose mode or Embedded mode. When embed=true, Webspace sessions run within the browser window (in Embedded mode). When embed=false, applications run outside the browser window (in Loose mode). By default, embed=true.
With Webspace 6.2, embed=false (loose mode) works only when used with useApp=true.
bInBrowser=true|false Not supported in Webspace 6.2.
autoreconnect=i Determines how many times the client will automatically attempt to reconnect after a broken connection. When autoreconnect=i in a URL, the client will automatically attempt to reconnect i number of times. 5 by default.