Bundle the Project Data
Create the bundle containing the project data to copy to the target.
- Open a Windows Command Prompt window with administrator privileges.
- Navigate to <Web HMI Install Location>\ProficyWebServer\Tools.
- Enter project-deployment-tool.bat --bundle --file=<bundleName>.zip --webserver --server=https://<Computer Name> --username=<Web HMI Username> --password=<Web HMI password>
For iFIX, you can specify additional options in the above command. In the following example, the option --iFix=“/s /BackupSec” includes iFIX security files for the bundle:project-deployment-tool.bat --bundle -–file=”<bundleName>.zip” --webserver --scada --server=https://<Computer Name> --username=<Web HMI Username> --password=<Web HMI password> --iFix=“/s /BackupSec”The <bundleName>.zip and serverAlias.txt files are created in the <Web HMI Install Location>\ProficyWebServer\Tools folder in the source node.