Auto-login Tutorial

This tutorial describes how to set up auto-login when using Proficy Authentication.


With Windows Integrated Authentication or Auto-login is enabled, users logged into any Windows machine in a domain are able to access Proficy applications such as Operations Hub without the need to retype the Windows credentials again. Based on the user's privileges, access is provided to the hosted applications.

The following tutorial walks you through how to set up Auto-login for Proficy Authentication. For more details, refer to the sections that follow.

Part 1: How to Configure the Security Policy (2:14)

Part 2: How to a Create User for Auto-Login (3:02)

Part 3: How to Create the Service Principal Name (SPN) (5:00)

Part 4: How to Generate the KeyTab File and Configure the Service (5:22)

Part 5: How to Configure the Browser and Log in (1:18)