Release a Route

Before you begin

  • The route that you want to release must contain at least one operation.
  • Each operation in the route must be associated with at least one piece of equipment.


  1. In the Route Editor page, select the route that you want to release.
    The Edit Route page appears.
  2. Select , and then select Release.
    A message appears, specifying that the action cannot be reversed, and asking you to confirm that you want to release the route.
  3. Select Release.


The route is released. This route is now available to be linked to a work order.

What to do next

Use the route in a work order.
Note: A work order is created in an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) application and imported into Plant Applications Web Client using the Plant Applications Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) scheduler and import services. For more information, refer to the Plant Applications ERP Integration Guide. The work order is then consumed in the Work Order Manager, Unit Operations, Work Queue, and other modules. For more information, refer to corresponding sections of the documentation.