Release Notes
This topic provides a list of product changes released for Plant Applications.
Application-Wide Changes
Description | Tracking ID |
You can now access the help content at instead of The new portal offers:
| US385911 |
Plant Applications now supports multiple labor types for improved labor tracking. You can perform the following tasks:
Plant Applications now supports the import and production on non-serialized materials. To facilitate this enhancement:
You can configure the number of hours for collating and displaying the data for an application. You can also set the frequency with which the data on an idle page is refreshed in an application. This feature is available in the following applications:
Note: This configuration is not available for Analysis and My Machines applications. | US382326 |
The My Machines application, along with all other process applications, now supports the Spanish language. | US357612 |
Previously, the date and time format was not consistent across Plant Applications. Now, the date and time is displayed in the format mm/dd hh:mm or dd/mm hh:mm, based on the localization settings. When you hover over the date and time, the complete date and time appears on the tooltip, in the format mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss or dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss.
Note: The time is displayed in the 24-hour format. In the Downtime and Process Analyzer applications, and also in the Comments section of all the applications, the date and time format is dd/mm hh:mm:ss or mm/dd hh:mm:ss based on the localization settings. |
The discrete applications now support four new languages: Chinese, Vietnamese, Czech, and Arabic. | F34937 |
Description | Tracking ID |
You can perform barcode scanning only using the front camera. | US414068 |
Some strings, such as the labor types, are not translated to the supported languages. | DE126257 |
The following strings in the properties common component are not translated to the Arabic and Vietnamese languages:
| DE126313 |
If the translation for a dialect is not available, the basic dialect of the language is considered. If the basic dialect of the language is not available, English is used. For example, if French Canadian (fr-ca) is not available, French (fr) is used. If French is not available, English is used. Note: For Chinese, if a dialect is not available, simplified Chinese (Zh-CN) is used instead of Chinese (Zh). If simplified Chinese is not available, English is used. | DE135417 |
The RabbitMQ service stops when you run the Message Bridge installer. | DE135853 |
When Proficy Historian is integrated with Plant Applications, if the connection name matches the server name in Plant Application Administrator, not all the Historian tags appear in the Analysis application in Plant Applications Web Client. Workaround: Provide a connection name other than the server name. | DE136619 |
While accessing Plant Applications in an iPad, tapping on an application icon in the left navigation pane leaves an impression on the screen. | DE137456 |
While accessing Plant Applications in an iPad, the scroll bar is not visible in the left navigation pane. | DE137472 |
While accessing Plant Applications in an iPad, when we add comments to a serial/lot or a work order, the comments are not reflected. Workaround: Refresh the page or navigate to other tab to get the data displayed. | DE137491 |
Operations Hub Posting Utility fails to run when the UAA script could not run successfully. | DE137598 |
When you upload a large file of 25MB or more, an error message may appear though the file is uploaded. Check whether the file is uploaded, and retry if it is not uploaded. | DE137313 |
When installing Plant Applications, the installer cannot validate the Zookeeper client port and node. | DE137029 |
The following error message, which appears when no paths are configured on a production line, is not translated; it appears only in English: No execution paths configured. | DE136382 |
In the process applications, when you select a column from the bottom of the list using the column chooser, the control automatically scrolls back to top. | DE137913 |
An error message appears on installer after docker trusted registry (DTR) check, even when the DTR input is correct. | DE136899 |
The date and time format in the Analysis application is not consistent with other process applications. | DE135091 |
The following list of stored procedures are not decrypted even after the Plant Applications installation.
| DE133781 |
When you use an invalid or a self-signed SSL certificate and access Plant Applications using https, the loading time is high because the static assets files are not cached in the Chrome browser. You must have a valid certificate so that the browser can cache the files and the loading time is reduced. This is a Chrome browser issue. For more information, refer to and | DE128859 |
The Web Client installer displays a message, stating that the user and client creation failed even though the user and client are created successfully. Note: Sometimes this message is spurious, and you can ignore it. However, if you have seen this message, and after installation, when you try to log in into Web Client with the user credentials, you get an error message that user does not exist, perform the following steps. Workaround:
| DE137790 |
After upgrading Web Client from 8.0 or 8.0 SIM2, the following error message appears when you upload a document in Route Editor: 503 service unavailable. This issue occurs only if you are have installed Web Client using Docker. Workaround:
| DE137434 |
Description | Tracking ID |
You can now access the trend of variable data with the array data types. | US372417 |
You can now modify values of variables only if you have the required security privileges. | US366081 |
When you access variable data, you can now switch between the specification limit view and the quartile view. By default, the specification limit view is selected. If, however, you have switched to a different view, the same view appears when you later access the application. Note: If you have specified a variable alias, by default, the data appears in a two-column view, displaying the variable alias and the value. If you have not specified a variable alias, by default, the whisker chart appears. | US366078 |
If you are in the process of adding or modifying the values of the autolog variables, and the system goes offline, you can continue to add or modify the value of the variables. However, the autolog sheet is updated only when the connectivity is restored. Note: When the system is offline, you will not have access to the rest of the Web Client applications. | US326624 |
Description | Tracking ID |
When you edit an event from the previous day and change the end time to current time, the activity does not appear in the current day selection. Also, the Time Due, Due In values for that activity are not updated. | DE111007 |
When you add new columns using the column chooser, the columns appear anywhere on the grid without any consistency. | DE123186 |
If you are not an administrator, you cannot view a variable comment in the autolog history page if the time mentioned in the Edit Past Activity site parameter has lapsed. | DE126524 |
The following strings appear in English irrespective of the language you have chosen for Plant Applications Web Client in the language settings of your browser:
| DE137035 |
If you are accessing Plant Application Web Client in the Arabic language, the numerals in the date field appear in Arabic digits instead of Latin digits. However, the numerals in the duration field appear in Latin digits. | DE135222 |
When you select an activity, the current page of the activity is not retained. | DE135951 |
When you modify column settings (sorting, filtering, or adding/removing a column) and navigate to another page and then come back, the column settings may not be retained. | DE136409 |
You cannot edit or delete the general activity comments when your user name case is different in Plant Applications Administrator and Operations Hub. | DE137824 |
Spec colors are not being displayed for array type variable in Autolog History. | DE137931 |
Description | Tracking ID |
When you disable OEE aggregate in Plant Applications, plotting KPI parameters takes more than four minutes. | DE47779 |
Approval Cockpit
Description | Tracking ID |
A new application, Approval Cockpit, has been added in Plant Applications Web Client. Using this application, you can perform the following tasks:
| F49376 |
Description | Tracking ID |
The Path option in the Group By drop-down list box is disabled. | DE136341 |
My Machines
Description | Tracking ID |
When you do not have any preferred machines selected from the My Machines application, instead of displaying blank screens, the preferred machines display data that is driven by PA security as follows:
| DE135908 |
Process Orders
Description | Tracking ID |
When you create a process order and use the forward slash character (/) in the process order name, an error occurs. | DE131659 |
A new application, Process Orders, has been introduced. Using this application, an operator or supervisor can monitor the progress of process orders. Active process orders track actual production and quantities against process orders, and display remaining quantities, planned quantities, planned start times, and planned end times. | F47418 |
Description | Tracking ID |
When you import a process order from ERP, the control type of the process order is null, and you cannot change the status of the process order. The status changes only when it is automatically promoted. Work Around: To change the status of the process order, edit the process order and select a control type. | DE136200 |
When a process order that has the start date earlier than the current date, is completed, it does not appear in the Closed section when View by is set to Last 8 hours. | DE137274 |
Description | Tracking ID |
A new application, Configuration, has been introduced. Using the application, you can perform the following tasks:
Description | Tracking ID |
When a downtime event is split, the information that appears in the Reason column of the Downtime application is based on the configuration set in the CopyPaste Type site parameter in Plant Applications Administrator. For example, if the CopyPaste Type site parameter in Plant Applications Administrator is set to Reason only, the fault does not appear in the Reason column of the Downtime application. |
Description | Tracking ID |
While accessing the Downtime application in an iPad, in the Add Downtime Event page, the END TIME field is enabled by default. | DE137358 |
While accessing the Downtime application in an iPad, in the Add Downtime Event or Add NPT page, the REASONS and ACTIONS fields are not aligned properly. Also, you may not be able to provide start and end times. | DE137455 |
Non Conformance
Description | Tracking ID |
In addition to the serial/lot, non-conformance, work order, and disposition plan, you can now search for defects for a material or material family. The search results are categorized as open and closed defects, and grouped by the non-conformance. In addition, the following columns have been added to the table, the General section, and the History section in the Non Conformance page:
| F45644 |
In addition to serialized products, you can now use Non Conformance to dispose non-serialized products. While disposing a non-serialized product, you can specify the quantity of each product that you want to dispose. To facilitate this enhancement, a new column, QTY, has been added to the Non Conformance page. For a non-serialized product, this column displays the available quantity of the lot on which the defect has been created. For a serialized product, the value in this column is always 1. | F41259 |
The list of defects in the Non Conformance page are no longer grouped by the non-conformance by default. If you want to group the defects by the non-conformance, you can drag the NC column to the workspace heading. | US388635 |
The ADDITONAL INFORMATION box in the Disposition window and the FULL DESCRIPTION box in the Select Serial/Lot window now contain a rich text editor, allowing you to apply formatting to the text that you enter. |
Previously, when you accessed a defect, the defect information and history appeared as options after you selected ![]() |
If a defect does not contain additional information, the VIEW column in the History section is blank (instead of displaying ![]() | US381125 |
A new status indicator, Planned (![]() ![]() ![]() | US380660 |
The ![]() | US374390 |
When you add or remove a serial/lot from a disposition plan, it is now captured in the defect history. |
When searching for a defect, if the value that you have entered does not match a serial/lot number, non-conformance number, work order number, plan number, material name, or material family name, an error message appears, indicating the same. |
The hierarchical list of reasons that appear in the DEFECT REASON box in the Edit Non Conformance window now appear based on the defect type instead of the non-conformance type. |
When you specify the Continue-to-Process (CTP) disposition method, if there are no future operations for the serial/lot, a message appears in the USE UNTIL/REWORK OPERATION box, indicating the same. | US371092 |
The following columns have been removed from the table and the History section in the Non Conformance page:
| US370941 |
In the Non Conformance page, if you select ![]() |
The following columns in the table in the Non Conformance page appear as links:
You can now specify Material Review Board (MRB) as one of the disposition methods, which you can use to defer the disposition to a later date, thus allowing the material review board in your organization to determine the correct disposition plan. To facilitate this enhancement, the SELECT DISPOSITON box in the Disposition window contains a new option, MRB. | US365048 |
In the Non Conformance page, when you filter the records or add or remove columns from the table, the changes persist after you refresh the page or log in to the application again. | US355276 |
You can now view the status of a defect for each serial/lot. To facilitate this enhancement, the STATUS column has been added to the table and the History section in the Non Conformance page. | US348217 |
Description | Tracking ID |
Previously, when you removed a defect from a disposition plan, you could not dispose the plan. This issue has been resolved. |
Property Definition
Description | Tracking ID |
Using the Property Definition application, you can now:
| F46452 |
Unit Operations
Description | Tracking ID |
When you clock on a serial/lot, you can now select a labor type from the ones configured for the associated operation in Route Editor. To facilitate this enhancement, when you access an operation, a drop-down list box appears, displaying the list of values selected in the LABOR TYPES column in the Overview section of the Edit Route page, and, by default, it contains the value selected in the DEFAULT LABOR column. | US371377 |
When you access an operation, the total number of mandatory quality variables for the serial/lot that you have clocked on for the operation and that require a value now appears on the Quality tab. | F46529 |
You can now add comments on a work order or a serial/lot. You can also access, modify, and delete comments. | F46247 |
Operations that do not require clocking on are now supported. To facilitate this enhancement, the buttons in the OFF/ON column are disabled for the operations that do not require clocking on. | F45349 |
In addition to serialized products, you can now use Unit Operations to work on non-serialized products. To facilitate this enhancement, the following changes have been made:
| F45281 |
In addition to serialized products, you can now work on non-serialized products using Unit Operations. You can clock on, clock off, and create a non-conformance for a non-serialized product as well. When you create a non-conformance for a non-serialized product, if only some quantity of the lot is defective, you can split the lot into sublots, and create non-conformance only on the defective quantity. This will allow you to continue working on the non-defective quantity, while the defective quantity is disposed using Non Conformance. | F37756 |
You can now view the description of an operation. To facilitate this enhancement, a new column, OPERATION DESC, has been added to the Operations page. | US387655 |
You can now search for a list of operations completed within a specified duration. To facilitate this enhancement, in the Completed section, a drop-down list box, View by, has been added. By default, the value in this box is Last 7 days. Note: If the number of operations completed within the specified duration is greater than the maximum number of operations that can be displayed in the table, only the latest operations are displayed. And, a message appears, asking you to reduce the duration. | US387557 |
You can now view the material description of the material of a serial/lot. To facilitate this enhancement, a new column, MATERIAL DESC, has been added to the Unit Operations page. In addition, to maintain consistency, when you access an operation, Part Desc has been renamed Material Desc. |
You can now group columns in the Operations page based on any column in the table. | US375085 |
You can now access the history of an operation. To facilitate this enhancement, a new section, History, has been added to the Operations page when you access an operation. Each time the status of serial/lot changes during the operation, or the status of the operation or work order changes, the event appears in the History section. | US372937 |
If an operation is associated with only one piece of equipment (that is, machine), when you clock on the operation, the equipment is automatically selected. | US372840 |
The most recently accessed machine names that appear as buttons in the workspace heading now contain the corresponding production line names as well. | US359662 |
Values in the Machines drop-down list box in the Operations page now include the machine hierarchy in addition to the machine name. | US313971 |
Description | Tracking ID |
BOM auto-allocation and quality variable allocation take more than one minute time. | DE137194 |
In the iPad view mode, when you create a custom tab, if there are too many browser tabs, the new tab is overlapped by the maximize button. | DE137426 |
Work Order Manager
Description | Tracking ID |
You can now add comments on a work order or a serial/lot. You can also access, modify, and delete comments. | F46247 |
You can now perform the following tasks on a work order that is ready or in progress:
| F41258 |
You can now view the name of the unit where a serial/lot is being produced in the summary of serials/lots and operations associated with a work order. To facilitate this enhancement, the UNIT column has been added to the table in the Summary section of the work order page. The column, however, do not appear by default in the Summary section. You can add the column by selecting ![]() | US381742 |
When a serial/lot in a work order is canceled, the CURRENT OP column of the table in the Current Status section of the work order page now displays the name of the operation in which the serial/lot is cancelled. | US381740 |
You can now view the quantity of serials/lots completed or produced out of the total quantity of serials/lots planned in a serial/lot of a work order as part of its current status and summary. To facilitate this enhancement, the COMP QTY column has been added to the tables in the following sections of the work order page:
In the History section of a work order, the following actions are recorded as well:
In the Work Order Manager page, operations in the On Hold status now appear both in the On hold and Released workspaces when you access the By Work Order or the By Operations section. | US381688 |
In the Work Order Manager page, in the Released, On hold, and Completed workspaces, the following enhancements have been made:
In addition to filtering work orders based on the production line, you can now filter work orders based on the material family. To facilitate this enhancement, in the Work Order Manager page, the Line box has been replaced with the Property box, which contains the following options:
| US372999 |
In addition to a list of work orders, you can now access a list of operations. To facilitate this enhancement, in the Released, On hold, and Completed sections, the following subsections have been added:
| US370838 |
In addition to Route Editor, you can now create a work order using Work Order Manager. | US365730 |
In the History section of a work order, you can now view the old and new values of a modified field. To facilitate this enhancement, two new columns, OLD VAL and NEW VAL have been added. These columns, however, do not appear by default in the History section. You can add them by selecting ![]() Note: You cannot view the old and new values for planned start and end dates. | US363681 |
You can now view the Labor Type associated with a clocked on and clocked off operation for a serial/lot. To facilitate this enhancement, a new column, Labor Type, has been added to the Clocked On section of a work order page. | US363677 |
When a serial/lot is scrapped, the status of all the future operations of the serial/lot is now changed to Cancelled, and therefore, do not appear in Work Order Manager. | US363674 |
You can now access the properties assigned to a route, operation, or material associated with a work order. To facilitate this enhancement, a new section named Property has been added to the work order page. |
You can now view the following details of bill of material (BOM) items for each serial/lot in a work order:
To facilitate this enhancement, a new section, BOM, has been added to the work order page. | US344127 |
You can now view the duration for which an operation is clocked on. To facilitate this enhancement, a new column, DURATION, has been added to the Summary and Clocked On sections of a work order page. | US344116 |
You can now view the sequence number and description of an operation. To facilitate this enhancement, the following changes have been made to the Summary section of a work order page:
| US344112 |
You can now export the data in the Current Status, Summary, History and Clocked on pages to a .csv file. To facilitate this enhancement, the Export button | US344106 |
You can now view the time spent to complete an operation for a serial/lot. To facilitate this enhancement, a new column, DURATION, has been added to the Summary section of a work order page. The value in this column is calculated as the difference between values in the STARTED TIME and COMPLETED TIME columns. | US344096 |
Description | Tracking ID |
You can delete an operation even if it is on hold because of a Continue-to-Process (CTP) disposition. You cannot, however, save the changes. Workaround: Cancel your changes, and redo them. | DE127816 |
Outside Processing (OSP) genealogy creation fails in a newly created work order in which only OSP operations are available. | DE132790 |
Route Editor
Description | Tracking ID |
In addition to assigning properties created in Property Definition to individual routes or operations, you can now create global property groups directly in the Plant Applications database. These groups are automatically assigned to all routes or operations, and they appear in Route Editor. To facilitate this enhancement, the following tables have been created, which you can use to insert the property groups for routes and operations, respectively:
| F47066 |
When you assign property groups to a route, the Assign property Group(s) window now displays only the property groups that contain definitions. | US389155 |
When you add operations to a route, the default value in the SEQ column is automatically incremented by 10. This enables you to add new operations between existing operations without having to change the sequence numbers of existing operations. | US388472 |
You can now specify whether clocking on is required for an operation. To facilitate this enhancement, a new column, BEHAVIOR, has been added to the Overview section of the Edit Route page. In this column, you can select one of the following values for an operation:
| US379842 |
You can now specify any of the following labor types for each operation in a route:
When an operator clocks on a serial/lot using the Work Queue or Operations application, by default, the labor type for the operation is set to the value in the DEFAULT LABOR column. The operator can, however, choose a different value from the labor types that you selected in the LABOR TYPES column. | US375262 |
Description | Tracking ID |
Using the Security application, as an administrator, you can now provide access to perform various tasks within the applications. You can also provide department-level, line-level and unit-level access privileges to users. For example, an operator role can have permissions to clock on and clock off operations on a specific production line. To facilitate this enhancement, you can perform the following tasks:
Time Booking
Description | Tracking ID |
A new application, Time Booking, has been introduced. Using this application, you can access labor records by time and date range, and correct any discrepancy in the applied labor time by performing the following tasks:
US390066 |
Description | Tracking ID |
When you add a new unsubmitted record and navigate to the next page, the following issues occur:
| DE125232 |
When you create adhoc work orders without specifying the route details, the in-progress or completed operations are not listed in the Operations drop-down list box in Time Booking. | DE130358 |
Work Queue
Description | Tracking ID |
When you access an operation, the total number of mandatory quality variables for all the serials/lots that you have clocked on for the operation and that require a value now appears on the Quality tab. | F46529 |
You can now add comments on a work order or a serial/lot. You can also access, modify, and delete comments. | F46247 |
Operations that do not require clocking on are now supported. To facilitate this enhancement, the buttons in the OFF/ON column are disabled for the operations that do not require clocking on. | F45349 |
In addition to serialized products, you can now use Work Queue to work on non-serialized products. To facilitate this enhancement, the following changes have been made:
| F45281 |
In addition to serialized products, you can now work on non-serialized products using Work Queue. You can clock on, clock off, and create a non-conformance for a non-serialized product as well. When you create a non-conformance for a non-serialized product, if only some quantity of the lot is defective, you can split the lot into sublots, and create non-conformance only on the defective quantity. This will allow you to continue working on the non-defective quantity, while the defective quantity is disposed using NCR Management. | F37756 |
When a serial/lot is scrapped, the count of the scrapped serials/lots is updated for future operations as well. | US388975 |
You can now view the number of serials/lots created in the work order that is associated with an operation. To facilitate this enhancement, the SERIAL/LOT column has been added to the table in the Queue page. | US384775 |
You can now view the total number of mandatory BOM items to be consumed for all the serials/lots that you have clocked on for an operation, which appears on the BOM tab when you access an operation. |
You can now view the unique ID of each serial/lot in a work order. To facilitate this enhancement, a new column, SERIAL/LOT, has been added to the Work Queue page.
Note: The value in this column does not include the number of serials/lots that are in the Cancelled status. | US375459 |
You can now view the material description of the material of a serial/lot. To facilitate this enhancement, a new column, MATERIAL DESC, has been added to the Work Queue page. | US375171 |
You can now access the history of an operation. To facilitate this enhancement, a new section, History, has been added to the Work Queue page when you access an operation. Each time the status of serial/lot changes during the operation, or the status of the operation or work order changes, the event appears in the History section. | US372936 |
If an operation is associated with only one piece of equipment (that is, machine), when you clock on the operation, the equipment is automatically selected. | US372840 |
When you clock on a serial number, you can now select a labor type from the ones configured for the associated operation in Route Management. To facilitate this enhancement, in the Select Serial number(s) to clock on window, the LABOR TYPE drop-down list box has been added. It contains a list of values selected in the LABOR TYPES column in the Overview section of the Edit Route page, and, by default, it contains the value selected in the DEFAULT LABOR column. | US375262, US371379 |
You can now change the labor type of a clocked on operation. | US371377 |
Description | Tracking ID |
BOM auto-allocation and quality variable allocation take more than one minute time. | DE137194 |
The serial/lot list scroll bar becomes unresponsive when you refresh the page or when you perform any action on the page. | DE137848 |
Description | Tracking ID |
A new application, Waste, has been introduced. Using this application, an operator or supervisor can create records for a waste event and associate it with a time-based or production-based event. | F45930 |
Description | Tracking ID |
When you select either Last <number> Hours or Custom time range, select a waste record that is not on the first page, and then select back, you are redirected to the first page instead of the page that contains the waste record. | DE137970 |
The Waste application becomes unresponsive when accessing the EVENT drop-down that has the large number of production events in the Add Production Based Waste Event page. Also, the EVENT drop-down displays the old entries of production events at the top of the list instead of the latest entries. | DE140362 |
Unicode Utility
Description | Tracking ID |
A new Unicode utility has been introduced. You can use this utility to apply schema changes in the Plant Applications database to accept unicode characters. | US413609 |
Operations Hub Posting Utility
Description | Tracking ID |
A new Operations Hub Posting Utility has been introduced. You can use this utility to import the applications in Plant Applications to Operations Hub. |
UAA User Migration Utility
Description | Tracking ID |
A new UAA User Migration Utility has been introduced. As an administrator, you can use this utility to migrate the existing set of users from the current User Account Authentication (UAA) system, such as Historian UAA, Predix, or Operations Hub to the latest version of Operations Hub UAA. | US388099 |
Resolved Issues
Description | Tracking ID |
Previously, in user-defined properties, the number of return rows was not more than 32767. This issue has been resolved. | DE101489 |
Previously, writer service stopped sending data to OSI PI Historian. This issue has been resolved. | DE102798 |
Previously, WebServer parameters were not updated correctly in the domain. This issue has been resolved. | DE106722 |
Previously, calculated fields in Plant Applications Web Client were editable although the same variables in Plant Applications Administrator were disabled. This issue has been resolved. | DE111684 |
Previously, when you switched users in Web Client, a warning message appeared. This issue has been resolved. | DE116851 |
Previously, when you created a downtime unit view client display, and then opened a second client and added a comment to a closed downtime without saving, all the downtime columns were black-coloured. This happened when you switched back to the first client and closed the downtime. This issue has been resolved. | DE117719 |
Previously, you could not automatically log in to Plant Applications Report Server after upgrading to the latest version. This issue has been resolved. | DE118744 |
Previously, the Online_GE_Purge SQL job displayed an error message while running in the production environment. The database replication failed, which worked prior to upgrading to Plant Applications 7.0. This issue has been resolved. | DE118749 |
Previously, when updating variables, performance issue occurred due to spServer_DBMGUpdActivtiesForTest called from spServer_DBMgrUpdTest2. This issue has been resolved. | DE121285 |
Previously, the Downtime Edit page was not updated in real-time if a change was made to the downtime event. This issue has been resolved. | DE122120 |
Previously, Model 1055 did not trigger when a new PPS record was inserted from a result set, and when the end time of the PO was NULL. This issue has been resolved. | DE123596 |
Previously, the downtime display did not support MaxEdit. This issue has been resolved. | DE123599 |
Previously, deactivated, user-defined event variables created records in the test table. This issue has been resolved. | DE123652 |
Previously, the MessageBridge installer in Plant Applications SP5 SIM5 was set to the debug mode in the Proficy.PlantApps.MessageBridge.Service.exe.config file. This issue has been resolved. | DE124661 |
Previously, downtime and display downtime changes that occurred on one client were not reflected on another client. This issue has been resolved. | DE124663 |
Previously, the Writer service connection was sometimes lost. This issue has been resolved. | DE124983 |
Previously, when you changed the language from English to Chinese, Web Client appeared in a combination of languages. This issue has been resolved. | DE126031 |
Previously, different values are displayed in the autolog and the calc grid for the variable due to region settings issue. This issue has been resolved. | DE129745 |
Previously, when you double-clicked a child event, an error occurred for the waste display. This issue has been resolved | DE130254 |
Previously, the .NET SDK variable subscription was slow. This issue has been resolved. | DE57417 |
Previously, a calculation trigged by a variable did not update the value after the time change (Fall). This issue has been resolved. | DE57912 |
Previously, RabbitMQ did not start. This issue has been resolved. | DE89506 |
Previously, the Large Icons setting in Site Parameters did not work. This issue has been resolved. | DE92761 |
Previously, there were performance issues with Plant Applications. This issue has been resolved. To facilitate this fix, additional Java options have been added. | DE139883 |
Previously, Apache Kafka port connectivity failed due to an error in the file (located in the C:\Kafka\Config folder). This led to an installation failure. This issue has been resolved. Now, the file has been modified to use the setting advertised.listeners= PLAINTEXT:/HOSTNAME>:9095 . | DE139884 |
Previously, in Plant Applications Administrator, by default, the value for Downtime display options for the CopyPaste Type property was Copy Reason only . This issue has been resolved. Now, the default value for the property is set to Copy Fault & Reason both . | DE139885 |
Previously, even if the System Complete field was set to True, after upgrading to Plant Applications 8.1, the value was converted to None. This issue has been resolved. Now, the value is converted to System Complete Ignore Mandatory. | DE139887 |
Previously, the Change Data Capture (CDC) service log file grew continuously in size, and consumed the installation drive space on installation. This issue has been resolved. | DE139888 |
Previously, the Kafka service log file grew continuously in size, and consumed the installation drive space on installation. This issue has been resolved. | DE140376 |
Previously, the Message Bridge service log file grew continuously in size when it could not connect to Kafka. This issue has been resolved. | DE139914 |
Previously, in the Docker-based setup of Plant Applications Web Client, the process analyzer service name appeared twice in the URL. This issue has been resolved. | DE139915 |
Previously, when adding a production based waste event in the Waste application, the EVENT drop-down was fetching only 20 records from the database. This issue has been resolved. | DE139186 |
Previously, in the Acitvies application of Web Client, when you select Perform and then select Back without entering any data, the Status displays 100%. This is due to an issue with user-defined event displays and variables with custom data types. This issue has been resolved. | DE122122 |
Previously, in the docker installation, there was an issue when updating the self-signed certificate with user's (self or signed) certificate. This issue has been resolved. | DE141028 |
Previously, the installation could not continue if you have ansible version greater than 2.9.10. This issue has been resolved by limiting ansible version to 2.9.10. Now, if you have ansible version greater than 2.9.10, the installer unistalls the current version, installs ansible 2.9.10, and then continues the installation. | DE141079 |