Custom B2MML Material Master Import Document (MMID)

Instead of a JSON format, you can send an MMID in one of the following XML formats:
  • Standard B2MML
  • Custom B2MML

When you use a custom B2MML, you must first provide an XSL file that contains the mapping information. This topic provides custom B2MML samples of an MMID for each schema version. Refer to XSL File to Map a Material for a sample XSL file to map the B2MML samples. If, however, you want to use a standard B2MML format for the MMID, refer to Standard B2MML Material Master Import Document (MMID).

Note: When an XML file is processed, some of the special characters are omitted. To prevent this issue, use the escape strings as specified in the following table.
Special Character Escape String
& &
< &lt;
> &gt;

Custom B2MML MMID Schema Version 2

Using schema version 2, you can import materials for serialized as well as non-serialized products.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
		<Description>Description Sun Aug 09 21:00:53 IST 2020</Description>
						<ValueString>Test Line1</ValueString>
	<Description>Product Information Description</Description>
	<ID>Product Information ID</ID>
		<EquipmentID>Equipement ID</EquipmentID>

Custom B2MML MMID Schema Version 1

Using schema version 1, you can import materials for serialized products.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
		<Description>Description Sun Aug 09 21:00:53 IST 2020</Description>
						<ValueString>Test Line1</ValueString>
	<Description>Product Information Description</Description>
	<ID>Product Information ID</ID>
		<EquipmentID>Equipement ID</EquipmentID>