OEE Parameters Calculation for Time-Based Units

The time-based approach to the OEE calculation measures the performance and quality losses in terms of loss of production time or downtimes that are attributed to the performance and quality, respectively.

The OEE parameters Availability, Performance, and Quality for the time-based units are calculated based on the formula described in the following table.
OEE ParameterCalculation Formula
AvailabilityAvailability = Net availability run time/Planned production time

Where, Net availability run time = Planned production time - Availability downtime

PerformancePerformance = Net performance run time/Net production time
  • Net production time = Planned production time - Availability downtime
  • Net performance run time = Net production time - Performance downtime
QualityQuality = Net quality run time/Net production time
  • Net production time = Planned production time - Availability downtime - Performance downtime
  • Net quality run time = Net production time - Quality downtime

Time-Based OEE Parameters Calculation

In this example, the value for the production time and downtime for each OEE parameter is as shown in the following table.
Planned production time60 minutes
Availability downtime10 minutes
Performance downtime10 minutes
Quality downtime10 minutes
The following table provides the value of each OEE parameter calculated based on the formula described in the earlier section.
OEE parameterParameter valueFormula usedExplanation
Availability50/60 = 0.8333Availability = Net availability run time/Planned production time.Planned production time = 60 minutes

Availability downtime = 10 minutes

Net availability run time = 60 - 10 = 50 minutes

Performance40/50 = 0.8Performance = Net performance run time/Net production timePlanned production time = 60 minutes

Availability downtime = 10 minutes

Performance downtime = 10 minutes

Net performance run time = 50 - 10 = 40 minutes

Net production time = 60 - 10 = 50

Quality30/40 = 0.75Quality = Net quality run time/Net production timePlanned production time = 60 minutes

Availability downtime = 10 minutes

Performance downtime = 10 minutes

Quality downtime = 10 minutes

Net quality run time = 50 - 10 = 40 minutes

Net production time = 60 - 10 - 10 = 40 minutes