Upgrade Plant Applications Universal Client

Upgrade the Plant Applications Universal Client (Non-Docker Installer only)

Before You Begin

  • Ensure that you complete the following procedure specific to the Plant Applications Message Bridge:
    1. Uninstall the earlier version of the Plant Applications Message Bridge.

      The Proficy Server Message Bridge service is disabled.

    2. Delete the directory - C:\Program Files (x86)\Proficy\Proficy Server\RabbitMQMessageBridgeService.
    3. Restart your computer.
    4. Install the version of the Plant Applications Message Bridge included in the Plant Applications installer.
    5. Restart the Proficy Server Manager service.

      The Proficy Server Message Bridge service is automatically restarted.

  • Ensure that you create a backup copy of the text file that includes the user-specific settings. The file is created in the directory <tomcat_home>/Apache Software Foundation/Tomcat 9.0/users/<user>, where:
    • <tomcat_home> is the directory where you installed Apache Tomcat. For example, C:/Program Files.
    • <user> is the name of a logged-in user.
    After you upgrade, you can copy-paste the file to the same location to replicate the user-specific settings. For more information, refer to the Plant Applications Universal Client Help.

About This Task

You can upgrade any earlier service pack (SP) version of Plant Applications Universal Client 7.0 to 8.0.
Note: The Plant Applications 8.0 installer is the base installer for all upgrade requirements.


  1. Run the installfrontend.exe file as an Administrator.
    The installation menu appears, displaying the Install Proficy Plant Applications 8.0 screen.
    Tip: You can hover over each task that appears in the installation menu to refer to the tooltip associated with that task.
  2. Select Plant Applications Universal Client.
    The installer gathers the current configuration and determines the required configurations that need to be updated.

    Then the upgrade wizard appears, displaying the Welcome to Plant Applications Universal Client screen.

  3. In the Welcome to Plant Applications Universal Client screen, select Next.
    If any of the required software is missing, the Prerequisites screen appears. In the Prerequisites screen, select Next to view all installed prerequisites and install any missing prerequisites.

    If all the required software is installed, then the Read and accept the license agreement to continue screen appears.

  4. Read the license agreement, select Accept, and then select Next to continue the upgrade.
    Note: If you already have a Tomcat instance running, a message stating that the Tomcat instance has been found appears in the Tomcat Installation screen informing you to select the existing Tomcat instance.

    Select OK. You can now select an appropriate Tomcat instance from the drop-down and then select Next.

    Depending on the contents to be upgraded, the upgrade process might take some time. A message appears in the wizard, indicating whether the upgrade was successful or not.

  5. Optional: Select View Logs to see the upgrade details.
  6. In the Upgrade Successful screen, select Exit to close the upgrade wizard.


Plant Applications Universal Client has been upgraded to the latest version.

What To Do Next

Import the Historian UAA Certificate

If you have installed custom applications in the previous version of Plant Applications, you must import the Historian UAA certificate.


  1. In the Plant Applications Universal Client, in the application navigation menu, select Custom Applications.
  2. Access the settings, and then open developer tools.
  3. Select Security, and then select View Certificate.
    The details of the certificate appear.
  4. Select Issuer, and then select Copy to File.
    The Export Certificate window appears.
  5. Select Next.
  6. Select Base-64 encoded X.509 (.CER), and then select Next.
  7. Select Browse, and assign a certificate name.
  8. Select Finish.
    The certificate has been exported.
  9. Double-click the certificate, and then select Install.
  10. Select Local Machine, and then select place all certificates in following store.
  11. Select Browse, and then select Trusted Root Certification Authorities.
  12. Select Finish.
    The certificate has been imported.

Configure ThingWorx UAA Authenticator

This topic describes how to configure ThingWorx UAA authenticator to use Operations Hub UAA Authenticator to access custom applications that you have created in a previous version of Plant Applications.

Before You Begin

Ensure that:
  • Operations Hub UAA is installed. For instructions, refer to the Operations Hub UAA installation guide that is available in the Operations Hub UAA installation package.
  • ThingWorx Application Assembler 7.1.2 is deployed in Apache Tomcat.
  • ThingWorx Composer is accessible via the following URL: https://<host name>:<Tomcat redirect port number>/Thingworx/Composer/index.html


  1. Log in to ThinWorx Composer.
  2. In the Security section, select Authenticators.
  3. Select UAA Authenticator .
  4. Select Configuration.
  5. Scroll down the page to access the UAA Authenticator Configuration section.
  6. Provide the following values.
    SingleSignOnURLEnter the Operations Hub UAA URL.
    UAAClientIdEnter a value in the following format: <host name>_mes_process, where <host name> is the host name of the machine on which Plant Applications Universal Client is installed, in lowercase.
    UAAClientSecretEnter plantappssecret.
    RedirectURLLeave as is. If, however, the URL contains the host name in uppercase, replace it with lowercase (for example, replace https://UCNODE:8444/Thingworx/Home?postAuth=true with https://ucnode:8444/Thingworx/Home?postAuth=true).
  7. Select Save.
  8. Access the home page of ThingWorx Composer.
  9. In the Modeling section, select Things.
  10. Select ConfigThing_PAAddOn.
  11. Select Properties > My Properties.
  12. In the row containing LogoutURL, select Set.
    The Set value of property: LogoutURL window appears.

  13. Replace the URL with the Operations Hub UAA URL, and then select Set.
    Replace https://WIN-GN37LO0G7C4:8443/uaa/logout.do?redirect=https://WIN-GN37LO0G7C4:8444/Thingworx with Updated URL => https://WIN-GN37LO0G7C4:8445/uaa/logout.do?redirect=https://WIN-GN37LO0G7C4:8444/Thingworx
  14. Select Save.
  15. Log out of ThingWorx Composer.
  16. Log in to ThingWorx Runtime by accessing Plant Applications Universal Client and selecting Custom Applications from the application navigation menu.
    ThingWorx redirects you to the Operations Hub UAA authentication page.
  17. Log in to Operations Hub UAA.
    You can now access the custom applications that you have created in a previous version of Plant Applications.
    Note: Sometimes, a blank page appears after you login to Operations Hub UAA. To fix this issue, you must add the Operations Hub UAA certificate to the the JRE keystore or Apache Tomcat by performing the following steps:
    1. Access the home page of Apache Tomcat that you use for Plant Applications Universal Client.
    2. Select Manager App.
    3. Log in with the Apache Tomcat administrative user credentials.

      Tomcat Web Applications Manager appears.

    4. Scroll to the end of the page to find out the JVM version number.
    5. Access the JRE version folder that Apache Tomcat uses.
    6. Open Command Prompt as an administrator, and change the directory to the <JRE version>\lib\security folder.
    7. Run the following command to import the certificate: keytool -keystore cacerts -import -noprompt -alias <alias name> -file "<UAA certificate file path>", where <alias name> is a name that you want to provide for the certificate, and <UAA certificate path> is the path of the Operations Hub UAA certificate.

      You are be prompted to enter the keystore password.

    8. Enter changeit.

      The certificate is added to the JRE keystore of Apache Tomcat.

    9. Close the instance of ThingWorx, and open it again.