
Add a User Group

User groups enable you to assign shared permissions to many users at once.

Before You Begin

  • You must be logged in with administrator privileges.
  • You must have added assets and defined permission sets.


  1. In the module navigation menu, select Administration > User Groups.
  2. Select Add New Group.
  3. Enter a name and description for the group.
  4. Add assets to the group.
  5. In the Add Group Members section, select the check box next to each user that you want to add to the user group.
  6. Select Save.


Users added to the group have access to associated assets and features as defined for the group.

Add a User to a Group

You can add a user to a user group in two locations.

Before You Begin

  • You must be logged in with administrator privileges.
  • You must have added at least one user and at least one group.


  • To add a user to a group in the Edit User page:
    1. In the module navigation menu, select Administration > Users.
    2. Select the row containing the user that you want to add to a group.
      Tip: To freeze a column so that it remains visible when you scroll horizontally, or to hide a column, hover over the name of the column you want to freeze or hide, select , and then select your desired action.

      The Edit User page appears.

    3. In the Groups section, select Assign Group.

      The Add <user> to group window appears.

    4. Select the check box next to each group to which you want to add the user, and then select Assign.

      The user is added to the selected groups.

  • To add a user to a group in the Edit <group> page:
    1. In the module navigation menu, select Administration > User Groups.
    2. Select the row containing the group to which you want to add a user.
      Tip: To freeze a column so that it remains visible when you scroll horizontally, or to hide a column, hover over the name of the column you want to freeze or hide, select , and then select your desired action.

      The Edit <group> page appears.

    3. In the Group Members section, select Add Member.

      The Add <user> to a group window appears.

    4. Select the check box next to each user that you want to add to the group, and then select Add.

      Selected users are added to the group.

Remove a User from a Group

You can remove a user from a user group in two locations.

Before You Begin

  • You must be logged in with administrator privileges.
  • You must have added at least one user and at least one group.


  • To remove a user from a group in the Edit User page:
    1. In the module navigation menu, select Administration > Users.
    2. Select the row containing the user that you want to remove from a group.
      Tip: To freeze a column so that it remains visible when you scroll horizontally, or to hide a column, hover over the name of the column you want to freeze or hide, select , and then select your desired action.

      The Edit User page appears.

    3. In the Groups section, in the row containing the group from which you want to remove the user, select , and then select Remove user from group.

      The Remove User From Group window appears.

    4. Select Confirm.

      The user is removed from the group.

  • To remove a user from a group in the Edit <group> page:
    1. In the module navigation menu, select Administration > User Groups.
    2. Select the row containing the group from which you want to remove a user.
      Tip: To freeze a column so that it remains visible when you scroll horizontally, or to hide a column, hover over the name of the column you want to freeze or hide, select , and then select your desired action.

      The Edit <group> page appears.

    3. In the Group Members section, in the row containing the user you want to remove from the group, select , and then select Remove user from group.

      The Remove User From Group window appears.

    4. Select Confirm.

      The user is removed from the group.

Add Assets to Groups

Before You Begin

  • You must be logged in with administrator privileges.
  • You must have added at least one user group.

About This Task

To quickly assign a group of users access to the same set of assets, you can add assets to a user group and then add users to that user group. You can also assign user groups to any level in the context browser. For example, assigning an Enterprise gives the group access to all levels (sites, segments, and assets) within that Enterprise.


  1. In the module navigation menu, select Administration > User Groups.
  2. Select the row containing the group to which you want to add assets.
    Tip: To freeze a column so that it remains visible when you scroll horizontally, or to hide a column, hover over the name of the column you want to freeze or hide, select , and then select your desired action.
    The Edit <group> page appears.
  3. Select Assign Permission Set.
    The Assign Permission Set and Asset to <group> window appears.
  4. Select Select an asset.
    The Select Context window appears.
  5. In the Select Context window, in the pane containing assets, in the row containing the asset that you want to select, select , and then select one of the following:
    Select allSelects the asset and the hierarchy of assets below it.
    Select all childrenSelects only the hierarchy of assets below the asset.
    Tip: Select this option when you want to assign permissions to most but not all assets in a hierarchy. You can then remove undesired assets individually.
    Note: Assigning permissions to an asset also assigns permissions to the hierarchy of assets below it.
  6. In the Select Context window, select Select.
    The selected assets are associated with the group.
  7. In the Assign Permission Set and Asset to <group> window, select the permission set that you want to associate with the asset being assigned to the group.
    1. Optional: Select Create New Permission Set to access the Add New Permission Set page, in which you can create a new permission set to then select in the Assign Permission Set and Asset to <group> window.
    Tip: Hover over the Features column to view a full list of permissions included in the permission set.
  8. Select Assign.
    The selected assets with the selected permissions set are assigned to the group.


The user group has access to the associated assets and features as defined.

Remove an Asset from a Group

Before You Begin

  • You must be logged in with administrator privileges.
  • You must have added at least one user group and at least one asset to that group.


  1. In the module navigation menu, select Administration > User Groups.
  2. Select the row containing the group from which you want to remove an asset.
    Tip: To freeze a column so that it remains visible when you scroll horizontally, or to hide a column, hover over the name of the column you want to freeze or hide, select , and then select your desired action.
    The Edit <group> page appears.
  3. In the Permission Sets & Assets section, in the row containing the asset that you want to remove from the group, select , and then select Remove Assignment.
    The asset is no longer assigned to the group.