Cases Configuration

About Case Configuration

On the Tenant Preferences page, the Case Configuration tab allows you to configure various properties for a case.

Using the Case Configuration tab, you can configure various properties for the category, urgency, closure code, and status for a case.

The following table provides the list of default values available for various properties in the Case Configuration tab.
Section NameDescription


Lists the available categories for a case. The following values appear by default:

  • Combustion
  • Equipment
  • Instrumentation
  • Mechanical
  • Operational
  • Performance
  • Process
  • Vibration

You can add new values or perform other actions as described in the subsequent sections.

This section will always contain one category.

Closure Code

Lists the types of closure codes for a case. The following values appear by default:

  • None
  • Forced Outage
  • No Action
  • Operational Change
  • Scheduled Maintenance
  • Sensor Repair
  • Unplanned Maintenance

You can add new values or perform other actions as described in the subsequent sections.


Lists the types of status for a case. The following values appear by default:

  • Closed
  • Awaiting
  • Open

You can add new values or perform other actions as described in the subsequent sections.

You cannot deprecate the values Open and Closed.


Lists the available urgencies for a case. The following values appear by default:

  • EHS
  • Emergency
  • High
  • Low
  • Next Opportunity
  • Next Planned

You can add new values or perform other actions as described in the subsequent sections.

This section will always contain one urgency.

Configure a Property for a Case

On the Tenant Preferences page, you can configure the property for a category, urgency, closure code, and status for a case.

Before You Begin

You must be logged in to Predix Essentials as a tenant administrator to access the Tenant Preferences page.

About This Task

This procedure describes the steps required to configure a category in the Category section. You can also use this procedure to configure urgencies, closure codes, and status.


  1. In the left pane, select Tenant Preferences.
  2. On the Tenant Preferences page, select the Case Configuration tab.
    The Case Configuration page appears, displaying the Category, Urgency, Closure Code, and Status sections.
  3. In the Category section, select the Edit icon().
    The button appears.
  4. Select , and then enter the name for the new category.
    The Save button is enabled.
  5. Select Save.
    The new category is added in the Category section.


The list of configured categories will also appear in the case details section of the Cases and Case Templates page.

What To Do Next

In the Category and Urgency sections, when you modify a property, you will need to refresh your cache to view the updated list of categories or urgencies.

Change the Sequence of Properties for a Case

On the Tenant Preferences page, you can change the order of input values that appear in the Category, Urgency, Closure Code, and Status sections for a case.

Before You Begin

You must be logged in to Predix Essentials as a tenant administrator to access the Tenant Preferences page.

About This Task

This procedure describes how to change the order of input values in the Category section. You can also use this procedure to change the sequence of urgencies, closure codes, and status.


  1. In the left pane, select Tenant Preferences.
    The Tenant Preferences page appears.
  2. On the Tenant Preferences page, select the Cases Configuration tab.
    The Case Configuration page appears, displaying the Category, Urgency, Closure Code, and Status sections.
  3. In the Category section, select the Edit icon ().
    The Move icon ()appears for each listed category.
  4. Select and hold the Move icon, and then drag the category to a new location in the list of categories.
    The Save button is enabled.
  5. Select Save.
    The sequence of categories is changed.
    Note: In the Category and Urgency sections, when you change the order of input values, you will need to refresh your cache to view the updated list of categories or urgencies.


The revised list of configured categories will also appear in the case details section of the Cases and Case Templates page.

Deprecate a Property for a Case

You can deprecate a property that appears in the Category, Urgency, Closure Code, and Status sections for a case.

Before You Begin

You must be logged in to Predix Essentials as a tenant administrator to access Tenant Preferences.

About This Task

This procedure describes how to deprecate a category for a case. You can use this procedure to deprecate urgencies, closure codes, and status as well.


  1. In the left pane, select Tenant Preferences.
    The Tenant Preferences page appears.
  2. On the Tenant Preferences page, select the Case Configuration tab.
    The Case Configuration page appears, displaying the Category, Urgency, Closure Code, and Status sections.
  3. In the Category section, select the Edit icon ().
  4. Pause on or hover over the category that you want to deprecate.
    The Delete icon () appears.
  5. Select Delete.
  6. The Deprecate window appears.
  7. Select Confirm.
    The Save button is enabled.
  8. Select Save.
    The selected category is deprecated and is unavailable in the Category section. You can select the Edit icon (), and then select the Undo Deprecation icon ( ) to add the deprecated category back to the list of available categories.
    Note: In the Categoryand Urgency sections, when you deprecate a property, you will need to refresh your cache to view the updated list of categories or urgencies.


The revised list of configured categories will also appear in the case details section of the Cases and Case Templates page.