Family Field Descriptions

EAM System

EAM System records are used to store information about your systems to facilitate data extractions and loads.

When you transfer data from Predix Essentials to your EAM or service management system, the Predix Essentials system uses EAM System records to determine which EAM system to use.

In addition, EAM System records are used by the Equipment Adapter and the Functional Location Adapter.

This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the EAM System family. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.

This family is not enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be accessed by any user with the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.

FieldData TypeDescriptionBehavior and Usage
Create WO or SRCharacterA value that determines whether this MAXIMO system connection creates either Service Requests or Work Orders.

The default value is SR.

On the datasheet, select SR to create Service Requests or WO to create Work Orders on this connection.

This value is used in the Notification Management workflow where either a Maximo Service Request or Work Order is created from the Recommendation record.

Default EAM System?BooleanA value that indicates whether this system should be used by default when transferring data between your Predix Essentials system and your system.

On the datasheet, you can select the check box to identify this system as the Default EAM System.

The default EAM system is used when creating a notification from a General Recommendation when there is no technical object from which to obtain the EAM system for the creation of the notification.

Default Site IDCharacterThe site ID used when a MAXIMO system receives a notification record without a site ID specified.

Enter a unique value.

LanguageCharacterA code that indicates the language used for this connection.

Enter the appropriate language code used by the target system for this connection.

The default value is E.

Note: For SAP, the language code is part of the value of the Connection String field.
NameCharacterThe name of the system.You can enter any name, but we recommend that you enter a name in the format <SYSID>-<CLIENT>, where <SYSID> is the System ID of the system and <CLIENT> is the Client number. By doing so, the value in the Name field will match the value that will be populated automatically in the System ID field.
PasswordCharacterThe password to the system.The password that you enter will be encrypted and displayed as asterisks on the datasheet.
Service Request Family NameCharacterThe default MAXIMO Service Request Family Name used for this connection for Service Request records that do not specify a family name.

The default value is MISR.

Enter a unique value.

System IDCharacterThe ID of the system.This field is populated automatically after you test the connection to the system using the Test Connection link on the Associated Pages menu.

Specifically, the System ID field is populated automatically with the name of the system, using the format <SYSID>-<CLIENT>, where <SYSID> is the System ID of the system and <CLIENT> is the Client number.

System TypeCharacterEAM system type.Enter the value MAXIMO.
User IDCharacterThe User ID of a user that can log in to the system.None
Use RestBooleanSpecifies whether the system creates a service request or work order through a REST or SAP request.A SOAP request is used by default. Select this option to use a REST request.
Web Service URLCharacterThe URL of the MAXIMO Web Service.Enter a unique value.
Work Order FamilyCharacterThe default MAXIMO Work Order Family Name used for this connection for Work Order records that do not specify a family name.

The default value is MIWO.

Enter a unique value.