Deploy Maximo Adapters for the First Time
The following are the steps that you must complete to deploy and configure this module for the first time. These instructions assume that you have completed the steps for deploying the basic Predix Essentials system architecture.
Before You Begin
About This Task
These tasks may be completed by multiple people in your organization. We recommend, however, that the tasks be completed in the order in which they are listed.
Configure the Maximo Context File
Maximo Context File Parameters
The following table contains a list of parameters that you can configure in the Maximo context file.
Parameters | Description | Default or Recommended Value |
Interface Mode Selection | ||
MAXIMO_CLOUD_ENABLED | Determines if the Adapter will be used in a cloud environment. |
You must enter one of the following values:
LOAD_MERIDIUM_APM | Determines if data will be loaded into the Meridium database. |
You must enter one of the following values:
LOAD_DIGITAL_APM | Determines if data will be loaded into the Predix database. |
You must enter one of the following values:
CMMS_ID | The CMMS ID is used as the identifier for your Maximo system. For example, if your System ID is D03 and your Client ID is 001, then your CMMS ID would be DO3-001. |
This value is required. Enter a unique value. |
SOURCE_SYSTEM_TYPE | Identifies the type of system connecting with Predix Essentials. |
This value is required. You must enter the value MAXIMO. |
Parameters | Description | Default or Recommended Value |
Intermediate Repository (IR) Connection | ||
IR_HOST | The IP address of the IR. | This value is unique for each user. |
IR_PORT | The port number of the IR. | The default value is 5432. |
The database in which the IR data is stored. | This value is unique for each user. |
IR_SCHEMA | The schema associated with the IR. | The default value is Public. |
IR_USER_ID | The IR user name. | This value is unique for each user. |
IR_PASSWORD | The IR system password. | This value is unique for each user. |
IR_TALEND_OUTPUT | The shared folder to which the Maximo Adapter will write files. | This value is unique for each user. |
Parameters | Description | Default or Recommended Value |
APM Connect Connection | ||
CUSTOMER_NAME | The coded customer name. | Enter your unique value, which was provided during installation. |
Parameters | Description | Default or Recommended Value |
APM Connection Note: The APM Connection Parameters are not required for a cloud deployment. | ||
APM_API_APP_SERVER | The name of the Predix Essentials server. | This value is unique for each user. |
APM_API_USE_SSL | Specifies whether the Predix Essentials API application uses SSL. | The valid values are:
The default value is false. |
APM_APP_SERVER | The name of the Predix Essentials server. | This value is unique for each user. |
APM_DATASOURCE | The name of the Predix Essentials data source to which the data will be exported. | This value is unique for each user. |
APM_USERID | Your Predix Essentials user ID. | This value is unique for each user. |
APM_PASSWORD | Your Predix Essentials password. | This value is unique for each user. |
Parameters | Description | Default or Recommended Value |
Maximo Connection for Extraction Interfaces | ||
MAXIMO_USERID | The Maximo system user ID. | This value is unique for each user. |
MAXIMO_PASSWORD | The Maximo system password. | This value is unique for each user. |
LANGUAGE | The alphabetical code that represents the language used for values in the records that are transferred to Predix Essentials. | This value is unique for each user. |
MAXIMO_REST_URL | The REST URL for the Maximo Interface. This value is used if you want to use the REST web services to communicate with the Maximo system. |
You must enter a value in the following format: http://<maximohost>:<port>/maxrest/rest/os This value is not required if the value for the MAXIMO_WEBSERVICE parameter is false. Note: REST services are not fully supported in Maximo versions 7.1 and 7.5.
MAXIMO_WEBSERVICE_URL | The web service URL for the Maximo Interface. This value is used if you want to use the SOAP web services to communicate with the Maximo system. |
You must enter a value in the following format: http://<maximohost>:<port>/meaweb/services This value is not required if the value for the MAXIMO_WEBSERVICE parameter is true. |
MAXIMO_WEBSERVICE | Determines the type of web service to use. |
You must enter one of the following values:
MAXIMO_SYSTEM | The EAM System name defined in the EAM System record in Predix Essentials. | This value is unique for each user, and must match the value in the Name field in the EAM System family in Predix Essentials. |
MAXIMO_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT | The duration, measured in seconds, until which the Maximo Adapters will wait for the connection to be established with the Maximo system before timing out. | The recommended value is 30. |
MAXIMO_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT | The duration, measured in seconds, until which the Maximo Adapters will wait for the response from the Maximo system before timing out. | The recommended value is 60. |
MAXIMO_REST_ASSETNAME | This value is based on the Equipment object structure that you created in the Maximo system. | The default value fis MIASSET. |
MAXIMO_REST_FLOCNAME | This value is based on the Functional Location object structure that you created in the Maximo system. | The default value is MIOPERLOC. |
MAXIMO_REST_SRNAME | This value is based on the Service Request object structure that you created in the Maximo system. | The default value is MISR. |
MAXIMO_REST_WONAME | This value is based on the Work Order object structure that you created in the Maximo system. | The default value is MIWO. |
EXTRACT_NUM_PARALLEL_JOBS | Determines the maximum number of Maximo background jobs allowed during extraction. | The recommended value is 10. |
IR_LOAD_NUM_PARALLEL_JOBS | Determines the maximum number of Maximo background jobs allowed during loading. | The recommended value is 10. |
Parameters | Description | Default or Recommended Value |
Common Filter | ||
CHANGE_DATE_START | The data extracted is restricted to records changed on or after the date specified for this parameter. |
A value is optional for this parameter. You must enter a date in the following format: YYYYMMDD |
CHANGE_DATE_END | The data extracted is restricted to records changed on or before the date specified for this parameter. |
A value is optional for this parameter. You must enter a date in the following format: YYYYMMDD |
CHANGE_TIME_START | The data extracted is restricted to records changed on or after the time specified for this parameter. |
A value is optional for this parameter. You must enter time in the following format: HHMMSS |
CHANGE_TIME_END | The data extracted is restricted to records changed on or before the time specified for this parameter. |
A value is optional for this parameter. You must enter time in the following format: HHMMSS |
SITE_ID | The site ID as defined in Predix Essentials. |
A value is optional for this parameter. This value is unique for each user. |
Parameters | Description | Default or Recommended Value |
Functional Location Specific Filter | ||
LOCATION | A number that identifies the Functional Location whose data you want to extract. | A value is optional for this parameter. This value is unique for each user. |
LOCATION_TYPE | The ID of the Functional Location type whose data you want to extract. | A value is optional for this parameter. This value is unique for each user. |
LOCATION_STATUS | The status of the Functional Location whose data you want to extract. | A value is optional for this parameter. This value is unique for each user. |
Parameters | Description | Default or Recommended Value |
Equipment Specific Filter | ||
ASSETNUM | The asset numbers of the assets that you want to extract. | A value is optional for this parameter. This value is unique for each user. |
ASSET_TYPE | The ID of the Asset type that will limit the assets extracted. | A value is optional for this parameter. This value is unique for each user. |
ASSET_STATUS | The asset status that will limit the Functional Locations extracted. | A value is optional for this parameter. This value is unique for each user. |
Parameters | Description | Default or Recommended Value |
Work History Specific Filter | ||
EXTRACT_PARENT_WO_ONLY | Determines whether to extract only parent work orders. | You must enter one of the following values:
The default value is false. |
SERVICE_REQUEST_NO | The Service Request number that will limit the Service Requests extracted. | A value is optional for this parameter. This value is unique for each user. |
SERVICE_REQUEST_STATUS | The Service Request status that will limit the data extracted. | A value is optional for this parameter. This value is unique for each user. |
WORK_ORDER_NO | The Work Order number that will limit the Work Orders extracted. | A value is optional for this parameter. This value is unique for each user. |
WORK_ORDER_TYPE | The type of Work Order that will limit the Work Orders extracted. | A value is optional for this parameter. This value is unique for each user. |
WORK_ORDER_SYSTEM_STATUS | The Work Order system status that will limit the Work Orders extracted. | A value is optional for this parameter. This value is unique for each user. |
WORKORDER_OR_SERVICEREQUEST_FILTER | Determines if the Maximo Service Requests or Work Orders will be transferred to and from Predix Essentials. |
For Work Order and Service Request extraction jobs, a value is required for this parameter. You can enter one of the following values:
Note: If no value is entered for this parameter, both Service Requests and Work Orders will be extracted.
Parameters | Description | Default or Recommended Value |
Miscellaneous | ||
MANUAL_RUN | Determines how the date parameters will be treated. |
You must enter one of the following values:
REST_FILTER_LIMIT | A numeric value that indicates the number of records that are extracted in one load in the failure table. | The default value is 100. |
MAXIMO_RS_COUNT | Limits the amount of Maximo records extracted in one load. | The default value is 1,000. |
TARGET_CMMS_ID | Within a source system, this identifies a plant with unique culture settings. For example, if the default source system uses English with the identity of PLT-EN, but there is a plant attached to that source system that requires German, using the ID PLT-DE enables the successful transfer of data between Predix Essentials and the target plant. | None. |
Parameters | Description | Default or Recommended Value |
Maximo Notification Management Important: You must configure the Maximo parameters for the parameters that correspond to your version of Maximo. For example, if you are using Maximo 76, configure the parameters in the MAXIMO76 section. | ||
MAXIMO_USERID | The Maximo system user ID. | This value is unique for each user. |
MAXIMO_PASSWORD | The Maximo system password. | This value is unique for each user. |
LANGUAGE | The alphabetical code that represents the language used for values in the records that are transferred from Predix Essentials. | This value is unique for each user. |
MAXIMO_REST_URL | The REST URL for Maximo Interface. This value is used if you want to use the REST web services to communicate with the Maximo system. |
You must enter a value in the following format: http://<maximohost>:<port>/maxrest/rest/os This value is not required if the value for the MAXIMO_WEBSERVICE_URL parameter is false. Note: REST services are not fully supported in Maximo versions 7.1 and 7.5.
MAXIMO_WEBSERVICE_URL | The web service URL for Maximo Interface. This value is used if you want to use the SOAP web services to communicate with the Maximo system. |
You must enter a value in the following format: http://<maximohost>:<port>/meaweb/services This value is not required if the value for the MAXIMO_WEBSERVICE_URL parameter is true. |
MAXIMO_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT | The duration, measured in seconds, until which the Maximo Adapters will wait for the connection to be established with the Maximo system before timing out. | The recommended value is 30. |
MAXIMO_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT | The duration, measured in seconds, until which the Maximo Adapters will wait for the response from the Maximo system before timing out. | The recommended value is 60. |
MAXIMO_REST_SRNAME | This value is based on the Service Request object structure that you created in the Maximo system. | The default value is MISR. |
MAXIMO_REST_WONAME | This value is based on the Work Order object structure that you created in the Maximo system. | The default value is MIWO. |
MAXIMO_CREATE_WO_SR | Determines if the Maximo Adapter will transfer Maximo Work Orders or Service Requests. |
For Notification Management jobs, a value is required for this parameter. You can enter one of the following values:
MAXIMO_DEFAULT_SITE_ID | The site ID in the Maximo records. | This value is unique for each user. You can enter the value of the Site record that is linked to the EAM System records that you are loading to Maximo. |
Parameters | Description | Default or Recommended Value |
Queue Note: The Queue parameters apply only to a cloud deployment. | ||
QUEUE_HOST | The queue host name. | Enter your unique value, which was provided during installation. |
QUEUE_HOST_1 | The additional queue host name. | Enter your unique value, which was provided during installation. |
QUEUE_HOST_2 | The additional queue host name. | Enter your unique value, which was provided during installation. |
QUEUE_PORT | The queue port. | Enter your unique value, which was provided during installation. |
QUEUE_PORT_1 | The additional queue port. | Enter your unique value, which was provided during installation. |
QUEUE_PORT_2 | The additional queue port. | Enter your unique value, which was provided during installation. |
QUEUE_USER | The queue user name. | Enter your unique value, which was provided during installation. |
QUEUE_PASSWORD | The queue password. | Enter your unique value, which was provided during installation. |
CUSTOMER_NAME | The coded customer name. | Enter your unique value, which was provided during installation. |
Parameters | Description | Default or Recommended Value |
Email Notification Note: The Email Notification parameters apply only to a cloud deployment. | ||
EMAIL_TO | Email address(es) to which the email will be sent. | Enter your unique value. |
EMAIL_FROM | Email address from which the email will be sent. | Enter your unique value. |
REPORT_TARGET_DIR | Directory where the report file will be delivered. | Enter your unique value. |
FAILURE_DETAIL_REPORT_JRXML_FILE_PATH | Directory where the failure report file will be delivered. | Enter your unique value. |
LOAD_SUMMARY_REPORT_JRXML_FILE_PATH | Directory where the load complete report file will be delivered. | Enter your unique value. |
SMTP_HOST | Host for SMTP installation on the APM Connect server. | Enter your unique value. |
SMTP_PORT | Port for SMTP. | The default value is 25. |
Indicates whether the load complete report will be loaded with each extraction. |
You must enter one of the following values:
FAILURE_DETAIL_REPORT_ENABLED | Indicates whether the failure detail report will be sent when a record fails to load. |
You must enter one of the following values:
Parameters | Description | Default or Recommended Value |
SFTP Note: The SFTP parameters apply only to a cloud deployment. | ||
SFTP_HOST | The SFTP server host name. | Enter your unique value, which was provided during installation. |
SFTP_USERID | The SFTP server user name. | Enter your unique value, which was provided during installation. |
SFTP_PASSWORD | The SFTP server password. | Enter your unique value, which was provided during installation. |
SFTP_PORT | The SFTP server port. | Enter your unique value, which was provided during installation. |
SFTP_LANDING_DIR | Directory where the shared files are stored. | Enter your unique value, which was provided during installation. |
SFTP_STAGING_DIR | The temporary storage location for files that are waiting to be loaded. | Enter your unique value (for example, C:\APMConnect\Staging). |
USE_SSH_KEY | Determines if the SSH security configuration will be used by the adapters. |
You must enter one of the following values:
SSH_PRIVATE_KEY | Directory where the SSH key is stored. |
Enter your unique value. The SSH key must be generated by the user in the openSSH format. This key can be stored in any directory on the APM Connect server, but it is recommended to store it in the following folder: C:\APMConnect\Config |
About Site Reference Configuration via the autojoin_control Table
The Equipment, Functional Location, and Work History records that are imported to Predix Essentials are assigned to a Site based on a Site Reference. In the Maximo adapter, the Site Reference is configured using the autojoin_control table in the Intermediate Repository.
In the table, the value in the site_reference column in each row defines the Site that must be used while loading the data defined by the SQL statement specified in that row. To modify the value assigned as the Site in the imported records, you must modify the value in the site_reference column.
You can configure Site Reference in one of the following ways:
- Direct Site Reference:
- The Site Reference is configured with a specific site name (for example, Site 100).
- Indirect Site Reference:
- The Site Reference is configured to use the value in a specific Predix Essentials field to assign the Site in the imported records. The following fields can be used as Site References for records extracted from Maximo Systems:
By default, in the autojoin_control table, the site_reference column contains the following values:
- #MI_FNCLOCOO_SITE_C# for Functional Location records
- #MI_EQUIPOO_SITE_C# for Equipment records
These values indicate that the site assigned to the Functional Location and Equipment records is determined by the value in the SITEID field in the Maximo system.
Additionally, in the autojoin_control table, if the value in the site_reference column is null or blank in a row, the records will be assigned with a Site based on the value specified in the defaut_site_reference column. The default value in the default_site_reference column is *Global*, which assigns the Site Global to the imported records.
In the autojoin_control table, the value in the site_reference column for the rows that define relationships of the Work History with Functional Locations and Equipment, determines the Site assigned to the Work History records loaded by the Maximo adapters.
Import the Maximo Notification Management File
You must import and configure the Notification Management file so notifications are generated correctly.
Configure Context Parameters
Create the Intermediate Repository Database
This topic describes how to set up a repository in preparation to run your first job.
Before You Begin
- Before you can prepare and deploy the repository, you must import the CreateIntermediateRepository job.
- If you are using the Data Loaders and the EAM Adapters, you must deploy and run the CreateIntermediateRepository job for each set of adapters.
- For SAP adapters, you must first run the Static Data job.
- For multiple EAM systems, the context file parameter values for a specific type of system must be identical except for the value of CMMS_ID.
- For multiple EAM systems, the Intermediate Repository Connection parameters have the same values for all adapters connected to this Predix Essentials system.
If you are configuring multiple EAM systems, perform the remaining steps in this topic.
Configure Site Reference Values
This topic describes how to modify the autojoin_control table in the Intermediate Repository, to assign site references to records using values other than those in the default configuration.
About This Task
Steps: Configure the Site Reference Value to Use an Indirect Site Reference Value
Steps: Configure the Site Reference Value to Use a Direct Site Reference
Create Object Structures in Maximo
About This Task
To connect your Maximo system and your Predix Essentials system, you will need to create object structures in Maximo for the following:
- Asset
- Location
- Work Order
- Service Request
- Create Object Structure - Asset
- Create Object Structure - Location
- Create Object Structure - Work Order
- Create Object Structure - Service Request
Create Web Services in Maximo
About This Task
To complete the connection between your Maximo and your Predix Essentials System, you need to deploy each of the following web services in your Maximo system:
Configure the Default Password
If you have enabled web service authentication in your Maximo system, then you must configure a default user name and password in Maximo.
What To Do Next
After configuring the default user name and password, you can run the web service, and authentication will be accomplished through the default user and password.
Set System Properties Settings for Web Service Response
Create a Maximo EAM System Record
You must configure an EAM System record to establish a connection between any EAM system and Predix Essentials.
- An EAM system record is created for the EAM system that defines a connection with Predix Essentials. The ID for this EAM record should now be used in the Name field of a Site Reference record.
- Linking an EAM system to an EAM System record enables the APM Connect Adapters to create Notifications against that EAM System.
Upgrade Maximo to Maximo UDLP V2.7.0
The following tables outlines the steps that you must complete to upgrade this module to Maximo UDLP V2.7.0. These instructions assume that you have completed the steps for upgrading the basic Predix Essentials system architecture.
About This Task
These tasks may be completed by multiple people in your organization. We recommend, however, that the tasks be completed in the order in which they are listed.
The Equipment mappings for Maximo have changed. As of Maximo UDLP V2.2.0, the mappings changed to include the Maximo Asset number in the Predix Essentials Equipment ID and the Asset ID that is automatically defined by Maximo in the Equipment Technical Number. This is the reverse of the previous mapping.
To maintain your current mappings, you must update the autojoin_control table to reflect your specific mapping. Otherwise, to migrate to the new mapping, you must update the data in your database to conform with the new mappings.
- Upgrade from Maximo UDLP V2.2.0 through Maximo UDLP V2.6.0
- Complete the steps to deploy the Maximo adapters for the first time.
- Upgrade from any version EAM Max V1.0.0 through EAM MAX V2.0.0
- Complete the steps to deploy the Maximo adapters for the first time.