Family Field Descriptions

Data Bundles Status Records

Data Bundles Status records store details about the imported data details for different modules. This topic provides a list and description of the fields that exist for the Data Bundles family. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. This list is not comprehensive.

FieldData TypeDescriptionBehavior and Usage
BUNDLE IDAlphanumericThe Job ID of the Integration Log Record.The Bundle ID is auto-generated with the Data Loader that was selected.
BUNDLE TYPECharacterThe type of the APM Connect Job related to the data record.This is auto-generated based on the type of the Data loader that was selected.
CREATED DATENumericThe date and time at which the Integration job was started.None
DESCRIPTIONCharacterThe text that was entered in the Job Description box by the user when importing the data job.None
EXPIRY DATENumericThe date and time at which the integration job will expire.None
FILE NAMECharacterThe name of the datasheet file that is uploaded.The name given for the file while uploading a data workbook.

This indicates the process that initiated the Data ingestion.

Following are the different Origin types you can select:
  • User
  • Automated Dataloader
  • EAM Integration
  • Simple Ingestion

Displays the data processing stage of the import job.

The three different Process activity stages are Prepare, Process, and Ingest.

Below are the sub stages for each stage:
  • Prepare – Registering, Collecting, Transforming, and Transmitting
  • Process – Normalizing, Compiling, and Slicing
  • Ingest – Ingesting, Synchronizing, and Notifying

Displays the status of the importing job.

You can select an import job to view a detailed status log. The appropriate indicators appear against each status based on the progress of the import:
  • Gray: In process
  • Red: Failure
  • Yellow: Completed with Rejects
  • Green: Completed
Note: The status log view contains the detailed information about the job such as Process Stage, Processed Records, System Errors, details of the System Errors, Rejected Rows, Event Timeline concerning the data load, and general information about the records that were loaded.

The name of the user who initiated the import job in the Predix Essentials.


Download Template Records

Download Template records store details about the template classification fields. This topic provides a list and description of the fields that exist for the download template classification. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. This list is not comprehensive.

FieldData TypeDescriptionBehavior and Usage
Construct HierarchyButton

You can select this option construct a hierarchy by creating a connection between the Enterprise/Site/Segment/Asset.

You can construct a hierarchy by creating a relationship between the Enterprise/Site/Segment/Asset by appropriate selections.

RelationshipsNumericThis indicates the number of relationships created.The value is auto-generated based on the selections.
SELECT ASSET CLASSIFICATIONAlphanumericThis field displays the list of classifications/type of the Assets. Select the required Asset classification from the drop-down list.You can select one or many Asset classifications/types from the drop-down list.
SELECT ENTERPRISE CLASSIFICATIONCharacterThis field displays the list of classifications of the Enterprise. Select the required Asset classification from the drop-down list.You can select one or many Enterprise classifications/types from the drop-down list.
SELECT SEGMENT CLASSIFICATIONCharacterThis field displays the list of classifications of the Segment. Select the required Asset classification from the drop-down list.You can select one or many Segment classifications/types from the drop-down list.
SELECT SITE CLASSIFICATIONNumericThis field displays the list of classifications of the Site. Select the required Asset classification from the drop-down list.You can select one or many Site classifications/types from the drop-down list.
Update/Add Asset onlyButton

You can select this option to update the existing template data by selecting the required the Asset type.
